Nogueirapis Moure, 1953

Nogueira, David Silva, Ribeiro, Cristiano Feitosa & Oliveira, Marcio Luiz De, 2020, Redescription of Nogueirapis Moure, 1953 with two new species from the Amazon forest (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini), Zootaxa 4859 (1), pp. 138-150 : 139-140

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4859.1.6

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scientific name

Nogueirapis Moure, 1953


Nogueirapis Moure, 1953 View in CoL

Partamona (Nogueirapis) Moure, 1953: 247–249 [original description, diagnosis, key]. Type species: Trigona butteli Friese, 1900 View in CoL . Moure, 1961: 183, 184 [classification]; Moure & Camargo, 1982: 1–6, 8 [figures 1–4, geographic range];

Trigona (Nogueirapis) : Wille, 1959: 849-852 [plate 119, figures 1–4, taxonomy]; Wille, 1962: 218–234 [taxonomic revision, classification, figures]; Wille: 1979: 250, 261, 262, 269, 275 [taxonomy, phylogeny].

Plebeia (Nogueirapis) : Michener, 1990 [key, taxonomy, geographic range];

Nogueirapis: Camargo & Pedro, 1992: 513 View in CoL , 515 [classification, taxonomy]; Michener, 2000: 70, 784, 786, 789, 790, 795, 804 [phylogeny, generic status, taxonomic notes, key, diagnosis, geographic range]; Silveira et al. 2002: 86, 96 [figure 8.41, key, species list]; Camargo & Pedro, 2013 [catalog].

Diagnosis. The characters mentioned here, which are invariable among the species, are not repeated in the descriptions:

a) Workers with body length ranging from 3 to 5 mm: wing, including the tegula, approximately 5 mm.

b) Predominant coloration yellow-reddish to black with yellow spots on head and mesosoma, being wider on the paraocular area, than on the lateral sides of the mesoscutum and scutellum.

c) Antennal socket below the middle of the face and immediately above the apex of the clypeus.

d) Subantennal sutures absent.

e) Antennal scape not reaching middle ocellus.

f) Malar space narrower than the diameter of the flagellum (2/4 to 3/4 of diameter) (= diameter of the flagellum in Partamona ).

g) Gena rounded, without preoccipital rim, narrowed up and down, the central region is less than the width of the compound eye in lateral view.

h) Mandible with inner third of apical border with two small teeth.

i) Smoky wings.

j) Marginal cell slightly enlarged at the base, with its apex closed, 3.5 to 4x longer than wide.

k) Submarginal angle (between Rs and Rs + M) slightly more than 90°.

l) lst middle cell and 2 nd cubital cell well delimited.

m) five hamuli per wing.

n) Ventral surface of metatibia with short and uniform pilosity, with glabrous posterior margin, narrow and not depressed.

o) Propodeum with a smooth, shiny (micro-reticulate in Parapartamona ) and glabrous basal area (with sparse pilosity in Partamona ), longer than the scutellum.

p) Metatibia more than 2x its width (2x its width in Partamona ) with simple marginal setae, and with two or three long single hairs on the posterior half of the corbicula (absent in Plebeia ); corbicula relatively large, occupying the distal 2/3 of the tibia; posterior apical angle from rounded to slightly greater than 90°.

q) Metabasitarsus almost twice as long as wide, with the maximum width about half the width of the metatibia; ventral surface with uniform setae.

r) Metasoma subtriangular, with dorsal surface slightly convex; almost as wide as the mesonotum.














Nogueirapis Moure, 1953

Nogueira, David Silva, Ribeiro, Cristiano Feitosa & Oliveira, Marcio Luiz De 2020

Nogueirapis: Camargo & Pedro, 1992: 513

Silveira, F. A. & Melo, G. A. R. & Almeida, E. A. B. 2002: 86
Michener, C. D. 2000: 70
Camargo, J. M. F. & Pedro, S. R. M. 1992: 513

Partamona (Nogueirapis)

Moure, J. S. & Camargo, J. M. F. 1982: 1
Moure, J. S. 1961: 183
Moure, J. S. 1953: 249
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