Poeciloderrhis aureolatus, Silva & Lopes, 2018

Silva, Leonardo de Oliveira Cardoso da & Lopes, Sonia Maria, 2018, Six new species of Poeciloderrhis from Brazil (Blattaria: Blaberidae) with a new record and a new combination, Zoologia (e 12483) 35, pp. 1-10 : 2-3

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zoologia.35.e12483

publication LSID




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scientific name

Poeciloderrhis aureolatus

sp. nov.

Poeciloderrhis aureolatus sp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/ 6273B368-4985-4F4A-9CF5-8B3E74C3F150

Figs 4–19

Diagnosis. General coloration. Shiny yellowish-brown ( Fig. 4). Head with brown vertex ( Fig. 5), with four light brown circular spots; interocular space, interantennal and central portion of clypeus brown. Maxillary palps with brown apical segment, with golden cilia. Eyes black. Pronotum semi-transparent, with central brown mark extending from posterior end nearly to the anterior end ( Fig. 6). Tegmen semi-transparent, light brown, with brown spots. Legs brown with dark brown spines, arolia and claws. Abdomen light brown with dark brown punctuations.

Dimensions (mm). Holotype male. Total length: 42.8; total length of pronotum: 8.1; width of pronotum: 9.1; length of tegmen: 37.3; width of tegmen: 9.7. Paratype males. Total length: 41.6–45.7; total length of pronotum: 7.3–9.6; width of pronotum: 9.3–11.1; length of tegmen: 36.5–41.3; width of tegmen: 10.0–11.8. Paratype females. Total length: 45,4–45,7; total length of pronotum: 9.4–9.6; width of pronotum: 10.5–11.1; length of tegmen: 40.2–41.3; width of tegmen: 10.7–11.8.

Description of the holotype male. Head triangular with rounded borders, vertex barely visible in dorsal view; interocular space about 1.20 mm wide; antennae long, threadlike and tomentose, surpassing apex of cerci. Maxillary palps with first and second segments reduced, third segment 25% larger than fourth and 25% smaller than fifth segment, fifth segment slightly more swollen and densely tomentose.

Thorax. Pronotum ample, convex, with curved edges, base with small median projection. Legs with half of femur I with anteroventral surface bearing five robust spines followed by series of small spines up to apex, apex with two strong spines; posteroventral surface with three robust spines, one apical; femora II and III bearing few strong spines on ventral surface. Pulvilli on four tarsal segments, claws symmetrical, with two rows of small spines on ventral surface, similar to two spines on legs. Tegmen surpassing apex of abdomen. Marginal field elongated, slightly concave, scapular field elongated with oblique venules, discoidal field curved and convex apically, anal field convex and well defined.

Abdomen. Tergal modifications differentiated, with longitudinal humps on first segment; two lateral humps followed by two at middle of plate ( Fig. 7). Supranal plate with small median reentrance; cerci surpassing length of plate ( Fig. 8). Subgenital plate asymmetric ( Fig. 9) with two thread-like styles, one long and one short. Left phallomere sclerotized ( Fig. 10). Median sclerite spiniform apically, strongly sclerotized, with thin membranous structure subapically ( Figs 11 and 12). Right phallomere with small short apex, bearing small spines near apex, membrane of phallomere with nine spines ( Fig. 13).

Female larger than male ( Fig. 14); front light brown ( Fig. 15); pronotum brown with light brown lateral flaps ( Fig. 16); supranal plate with median reentrance between cerci ( Fig. 17); subgenital plate triangular ( Fig. 18); first pair the most developed, second smaller and tapered, third wider than second ( Fig. 19). Material examined. Holotype male, BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro State, Itatiaia   GoogleMaps , PNI, Setor Lago Azul   GoogleMaps , Rio Campo Belo   GoogleMaps , 22°26’49”S, 44°36’45”W, 854 m a.s.l., 03/VIII–1/IX/2015, Biota Faperj   GoogleMaps , coleta 02. Paratypes: 5 males and 1 female, same data as holotype; 9 males and 1 female, same data as holotype but Complexo do Maromba   GoogleMaps , Cachoeira Véu da Noiva   GoogleMaps , PNI – M2A, 22°25’36”S, 44°37’05”W, 1153 m a.s.l., 2/X–2/XI/2015, Biota / Faperj, coleta 04; 1 male, Parada da Ribeira   GoogleMaps , R. Mangi, 9-II to 2-X-1959, Coelho & Castro cols; 1 male, Grajaú, collected in a water tank, 27-XII-1952, Santos & Machado cols; 8 females, Cachoeiras de Macacu ( Rio São João ), 5-I-1981, Santos & Neto cols; 1 male, 2/X/1959; 1 male, Minas Gerais, Oiticica col. All in MNRJ.

Etymology. The species name aureolatus is derived from the yellowish-brown coloration of the specimens.

Remarks. Poeciloderrhis aureolatus sp. nov. is similar to Poeciloderrhis proxima (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1865) in coloration (both shiny brown). The new species might be distinguished from P. proxima by its tergal modification (the second abdominal segment bears two lateral humps followed by two at middle of plate in P. aureolatus sp. nov. while P. proxima have two lateral humps followed by two at middle of plate, being that second elevation of the middle of the plate ends in a hook-like structure) and shape of the genital parts (right phallomere with small short apex in P. aureolatus sp. nov., while P. proxima have right phallomere with rounded apex). Besides that, pre-apical region in P. aureolatus sp. nov. have an expansion, which is absent in P. proxima .


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro













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