Scutiphora pedicellata ( KIRBY 1826)

Gerry Cassis & Loren Vanags, 2006, Jewel Bugs of Australia (Insecta, Heteroptera, Scutelleridae), Denisia 19, pp. 275-398 : 379-380

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12996779


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scientific name

Scutiphora pedicellata ( KIRBY 1826)


Scutiphora pedicellata ( KIRBY 1826) ( Figs 1e View Fig , 21i View Fig , 28b View Fig , 42 View Fig , 43 View Fig , 44 View Fig ) Iridescent Jewel Bug

Scutellera pedicellata KIRBY 1826: 517 (n.sp.); ScutipHora rubromaculata GUÉRIN 1831 : pl. XI Fig. 7 View Fig (n.sp.); LAPORTE 1832: pl. 55 fig. 3 (habitus); GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE 1838: 165 (description); STÅL 1873: 10 (synonymy) PeltopHora cruenta BURMEISTER 1835: 393 (n.sp.); STÅL 1873: 10 (synonymy) PeltopHora rubromaculata : HERRICH-SCHAEFFER 1836: 100, pl. 10, fig. 326 (new combination); BURMEISTER 1835: 393 (list); GERMAR 1839: 110 (list) ScutipHora picta GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE 1838: 165 (n.sp.); CASSIS & GROSS 2002: 599 (catalogue) PeltopHora picta : AMYOT & SERVILLE 1843: 35 (new combination); DALLAS 1851: 19 (description) PeltopHora pedicellata : STÅL 1873: 13 (list); LETHIERRY & SEVERIN 1893: 21 (catalogue); FROGGATT 1897: 104 (description; biology); FROGGATT 1901: 1594 (description; cherry pest); VAN DUZEE 1905: 188 (list); FROGGATT 1907: 327 (description; cherry pest) ScutipHora pedicellata : SCHOUTEDEN 1904: 28 (new combination); KIRKALDY 1909: 291 (catalogue); TILLYARD 1926: 149 (diagnosis); MCKEOWN 1942: 86 (biology); MCDONALD 1961: 176-177, 185 figs 9-13 (male genitalia); MCDONALD 1963a: 30 (male genitalia); MCDONALD 1963b: 231-232, figs 6,7 (female genitalia); MCDONALD 1963c: 293, figs 11-16 (life cycle); KUMAR 1964: 60 (male genitalia); KUMAR 1965: 41 (male genitalia); HELY et al. 1982: 124, 145, 165 (biology; pest status); MCDONALD & CASSIS 1984: 522, figs 49,50 (description); CASSIS & GROSS 2002: 593 (catalogue)

Diagnosis: ScutipHora pedicellata is recognised by the following combination of characters: iridescent green with orange and fuscous markings ( Figs 1e View Fig , 28b View Fig ); AII(a) arcuate; AII(b) very short; labium reaching abdominal SIII; pronotum with deep transverse furrow ( Figs 1e View Fig , 28b View Fig ); scutellum with pair of submedial calli ( Figs 1e View Fig , 28b View Fig ); mesosternum striate; abdominal venter mostly orange, with SII/III fuscous, and SIV-SVII with sublateral iridescent green band of markings ( Fig. 21i View Fig ); and, male ( Figs 43 View Fig ad) and female genitalia as in generic diagnosis.

Description: Large species, males 13-15 mm, 12-15 mm.

Colouration. Dorsum iridescent green with orange and fuscous markings ( Figs 1e View Fig , 28b View Fig ). Head: mostly iridescent green, with anteclypeus and ocular regions fuscous; antennae mostly fuscous, AI sometimes with green iridescent tinge, AII(a) greatly elon-gate, AII(b) short. Pronotum: anterior and anterolateral margins orange, callosite region mostly fuscous, medially orange, disc uniformly iridescent green. Scutellum: iridescent green with four to six elliptical fuscous spots. Legs: coxae, trochanters and proximal 2/3 of femora orange, remainder of femora and tibiae iridescent green, tarsi fuscous. Pregenital Abdomen: venter mostly orange, with submarginal iridescent green markings ( Fig. 21i View Fig ). Terminalia: uniformly orange.

Texture. Iridescent green regions of body densely punctate; orange regions mostly impunctate ( Figs 1e View Fig , 28b View Fig ).

Vestiture. Body mostly glabrous ( Figs 1e View Fig , 28b View Fig ). Antennae: AI & AII(a) glabrous, AII(b)-AIV setose. Legs: ventral surface of femora weakly spinose; ventral surface of tibiae densely setose, with short thick setae.

Structure. Antennae: AII(a) arcuate, strongly in male; AII(b) longest segment; AII(b) very short; AIV little longer than AIII. Labium: reaching abdominal SIII. Pronotum: anterolateral margins very weakly excavate; post-callosite region with deep transverse furrow. Scutellum: with pronounced, submedial calli on anterior margin. Male ( Figs 43 View Fig a-d) and female genitalia as in generic description.

Measurements. MCDONALD & CASSIS 1984: Table 3 View Table 3 .

Material examined: New South Wales: 1♀, Deua River National Park, near Woolli Homestead , G Cassis, 9 October 1988 ( AM) ; 1♂, Collaroy, 28 December 1981, BJ Day ( AM) ; 1♀, Frenchs Forest, La Sorlie Road , December 1987, T Ralph ( AM) ; 1♀, Cowan Field Station , 25-v-1981, M McDonald ( AM) ; 2♀♀, Ingleburn, 8 September 1985, R Bejsak ( AM) ; 15♀♀, Avoca Beach, 15 November 1985, S Hunter & AL Johnson ( AM) ; 5♂♂, NSW: Pearl Beach, 1-i-1986, C Urquhart, ex ground ( AM) ; 2♂♂ 1♀, Woodford, Blue Mountains , 30 November 1985, M Dingley ( AM) ; 1♂ 5♀♀, Mt Kaputar, 6-xii-1979, DJ Scambler ( AM) ; 1♂ 2♀♀, Mt Kaputar, Bullawa Creek , 27 November 1984, G Hangay ( AM) ; 5♂♂ 28♀♀, Mt Kaputar, 1500 m, 29 November 1984, G Hangay ( AM) ; Whiskers, 7 km WNW Hoskinstown , 23.241S 149.23E, 18 February 1990, MS Upton, ex privet bush ( ANIC) ; MT Goonoo State Forest, southside, 9 November 1987, DK McAlpine & R de Keyzer ( AM) ; 1♀, Mann River, near Grafton , 30 December 1978, BJ Day ( AM) ; 1♀, Clarence, 21 January 1990, R de Keyzer & GA Clark, 21 January 1990, ex Lep-tospermum ; Australian Capital Territory: Canberra (Farrer), 35.22S 149.05E, DCF Rentz, 3-cii-1986 ( ANIC) ; Tasmania: Aspley Gorge , 23 February 1994, J & A Leask ( AM) .

Distribution: ScutipHora pedicellata is broadly distributed in New South Wales, extending as far north as southeast Queensland and as far south as Tasmania ( Fig. 44 View Fig ). This species was erroneously recorded from New Zealand ( CASSIS & GROSS 2002, also references therein).

Host plants and biology: ScutipHora pedi-cellata is known from five host plants ( Table 1 View Table 1 ). MCDONALD (1963c) described its biology and found it feeding primarily on Dodon-aea triquetra .

Remarks: This species is remarkably homogenous, with colour patterning and male genitalia exhibiting little intraspecific variation. It is easily distinguished by the iridescent green body with orange markings ( Figs 1e View Fig , 28b View Fig ) and the male genitalia.


Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Canberra City, CSIRO, Australian National Insect Collection














Scutiphora pedicellata ( KIRBY 1826)

Gerry Cassis & Loren Vanags 2006

ScutipHora picta GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE 1838: 165


PeltopHora cruenta

BURMEISTER 1835: 393

ScutipHora rubromaculata GUÉRIN 1831


Scutellera pedicellata

KIRBY 1826: 517
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