Lampromicra STÅL 1873

Gerry Cassis & Loren Vanags, 2006, Jewel Bugs of Australia (Insecta, Heteroptera, Scutelleridae), Denisia 19, pp. 275-398 : 369-371

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12996779


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scientific name

Lampromicra STÅL 1873


Lampromicra STÅL 1873 ( Figs 1d View Fig , 21 View Fig fh, 28c-e, 39, 40, 41, Table 8 View Table 8 )

PHilia SCHIÖDTE 1842: 279 (gen. nov.) (junior homonym of PHilia MEIGEN 1800 [ Diptera ]); STÅL 1868: 9 (description); LETHIERRY & SEVERIN 1893: 22 (catalogue); SCHOUTEDEN 1904: 28 (description); PHilya STÅL 1865: 33 (incorrect subsequent spelling; key); STÅL 1866: 151 (incorrect subsequent spelling) Lampromicra STÅL 1873: 16 (gen. nov.); KIRKALDY 1909: 299 (synonymy); MCDONALD & CASSIS 1984: 555 (description); CASSIS & GROSS 2002: 595 (catalogue) ScHioedtia KIRKALDY 1905: 79 (nom. nov. for PHil-ia SCHIÖDTE 1842 )

Type species: Tetyra senator FABRICIUS 1803 , subsequent designation, SCHOUTEDEN 1904: 29

Diagnosis: Lampromicra is recognised by the following combination of characters: moderately sized-body; iridescent colouration Figs 1d View Fig , 28 View Fig c-e); dorsum and abdominal venter setose ( Figs 1d View Fig , 28 View Fig c-e); lateral margins of jugae weakly sinuate ( Fig. 39a View Fig ); antennae short; AII(a) a little shorter than AI; AI-AII(a&b) rounded; AIII-AIV flattened; AIV longest segment; scutellum with tumescent anterior callus, impunctate, rarely punctate; forewing extending beyond scutellum ( Figs 28 View Fig c-e); proepisternum weakly explanate ( Fig. 39c View Fig ); external efferent system with a large ostiole; broad, subreniform peritreme, without a medial, longitudinal groove ( Fig. 39d View Fig ); evaporative areas extending to mesepimeron ( Fig. 39d View Fig ); ventral bor-der of pygophore rounded ( Fig. 39e View Fig ) to emarginate; dorsal margin of male genital opening with setal patches ( Fig. 40a View Fig ); parameres with moderately sized hook-shaped apex ( Fig 40b View Fig ); phallotheca with pair of subdistal, thornlike processes ( Fig. 40c View Fig ); ductus seminis distalis S-shaped ( Figs 40c, d View Fig ); ventral conducting canals of ejaculatory apparatus, with ≤ 10 convolutions ( Figs 40c, d View Fig ); CAI absent; CAII bifurcate, CAII(M) basally membraneous, with hook-shaped lobal sclerite ( Fig. 40c View Fig ); CAII(L) membra-neous, with denticulate apex, perpendicular to hook-shaped ( Figs 40c, d View Fig ); vesica Sshaped ( Fig. 40c, d View Fig ); spermathecal fecunda-tion canal elongate; and, spermathecal reservoir broad, oval.

Description: Body elongate-ovoid, strongly tapered caudally ( Figs 28 View Fig c-e); mod-erately-sized body, males 9-12 mm, females 8.8-13 mm; iridescent colouration, most of-ten dark blue or green ( Figs 1d View Fig , 28 View Fig c-e), sometimes orange, often with contrasting markings on pronotum and scutellum, ei-ther black, orange, bronze or green; body strongly setose ( Figs 1d View Fig , 28 View Fig c-e); dorsum with dense distribution of shallow to moderately deep punctures ( Figs 28 View Fig c-e), sometimes more scattered on pronotum; ventral surface of body and appendages densely setate, less so on thoracic pleura. Head: subtriangular ( Fig. 39a View Fig ), transverse, weakly declivent; lat-eral margins of jugae weakly excavate ( Fig. 39a View Fig ), subcarinate in profile ( Fig. 39b View Fig ). An-tennae: AII(a) a little shorter than AI; AIAI(a&b) rounded; AIIII-AIV flattened; AIV longest segment. Labium: reaching be-tween the apices of the metacoxae to the mid-point of abdominal sternite IV; LII longest segment; LIII and LIV roughly sube-qual in length. Pronotum: moderately con-vex; anterior margin weakly excavate; an-terolateral margins rectilinear, strongly di-vergent, carinate in profile ( Fig. 39b View Fig ); cal-losite region demarcated posteriorly by transverse trough-like depression, some-times punctate; posterolateral margins weakly convex; posterior margin rectilinear to weakly convex ( Figs 28 View Fig c-e). Scutellum: V-shaped, strongly tapered posteriorly, strongly declivent beyond connexiva V, posterior margin subtruncate ( Figs 28 View Fig c-e). Thoracic pleura: anterior margin of proepisternum weakly explanate ( Fig. 39c View Fig ); mesepimeron with evaporative areas ( Fig. 39d View Fig ); external efferent system of metathoracic glands well-developed ( Fig. 39d View Fig ); ostiole large, hooded; peritreme raised, broadly subreniform ( Fig. 39d View Fig ); evaporative areas of metepisternum extending little beyond peritreme ( Fig. 39d View Fig ). Pregenital Abdomen: posterolateral angles without tubercles ( Figs 21 View Fig f-h). Male Genitalia: pygophore with ventral surface concave, ventral margin rounded ( Figs 39e, f View Fig , 40a View Fig ) to excavate; genital opening with dorsal setal patches ( Fig. 40a View Fig ); parameres with columnar base, and relatively short, hook-shaped apex ( Fig. 40b View Fig ); phallotheca box-like, with pair of small, subdistal, thorn-like processes ( Fig. 40c View Fig ); ejaculatory apparatus with elongate ventral conducting canals, ≤ 10 convolutions ( Fig. 40c, d View Fig ); ejaculatory chamber elongate ( Fig. 40c View Fig ); dorsal conducting canal broad; ductus seminis and vesica distalis Sshaped ( Fig. 40c View Fig ); CAII bifurcate, CAII(M) basally membraneous, with hook-shaped lobal sclerite ( Fig. 40c View Fig ); CAII(L) membraneous, with denticulate apex, perpendicular to hook-shaped ( Figs 40c, d View Fig ). Female Terminalia: paratergites VIII moderately-sized, subtriangular; paratergites IX moderately-sized, subelliptoid; gonocoxae I large, subtriangular, outer surface concave. Spermatheca: fecundation canal elongate; spermathecal reservoir broad, oval; pump well-developed, with proximal and distal flanges.

Diversity and distribution: Lampromicra comprises 17 species, three of which occur in Australia (aerea, regia and senator ). It also occurs in Indonesia (6 species), New Guinea (7), Philippines (2), New Caledonia (4), and the Solomon Islands (2), with a number of these species occurs in at least two of these countries. Two of the Australian species have restricted distributions, whereas L. senator is in tropical north Australia, extending on the eastern coast as far south as the Northern Rivers of New South Wales ( Fig. 41 View Fig ).

Included species: L. aerea ( DISTANT 1892) Australia L. balteata ( WALKER 1867) New Guinea L. cuprina ( STÅL 1873) New Guinea L. caledonica (DISTANT) New Caledonia L. distinguenda ( WALKER 1868) Indonesia L. ditissima ( VOLLENHOVEN 1863) Indonesia, New Guinea L. elegans ( MONTROUZIER 1861) New Caledonia L. fastuosa ( VOLLENHOVEN 1863) Indonesia, New Guinea L. festiva ( GERMAR 1839) Philippines L. geminata (DISTANT) New Caledonia L. geniculata ( STÅL 1871) Philippines L. jactator (STÅL 1854) Indonesia, New Guinea L. leucocyanea ( MONTROUZIER 1855) New Caledonia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands L. regia ( BERGROTH 1895) Australia L. senator ( FABRICIUS 1803) Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia L. vulcanica (LE GUILLOU 1841) Indonesia L. woodfordi ( DISTANT 1899) Solomon Islands

Remarks: There has been no modern comprehensive systematic treatment of Lampromicra . MCDONALD & CASSIS (1984) redescribed the genus on the basis of the Australia species, highlighting the importance of the male genitalia. LYAL (1979) mentioned the diagnostic proximity of Lam-promicra with CallipHara and CHrysopHara . Lampromicra differs from CallipHara in having a strongly setose dorsum ( Fig. 1d View Fig ), trough-like posterior margin of the callosite region of the pronotum ( Figs 28 View Fig c-e), round-ed connexival angles ( Figs 21 View Fig f-h), the CAI absent ( Figs 40a, d View Fig ), CAII(L) perpendicular to hook-shaped with denticulations ( Figs 40a, d View Fig ), and the vesica is S-shaped ( Figs 40a, d View Fig ). The setose dorsum is not useful for generic boundaries, as it occurs in other scutellerine taxa, such as species of BracHaulax, Procilia , Scutellera and TetratHaria, as well as the Australian species, Cantao parentum .

The species taxonomy of Lampromicra is exceedingly complex, with high intra-population variation in body colour and shape of the male conjunctival appendages. The lobal sclerite of CAII(L) exhibits continuous variation; particularly in the ubiquitous species, L. senator .












Lampromicra STÅL 1873

Gerry Cassis & Loren Vanags 2006


KIRKALDY 1905: 79

Lampromicra STÅL 1873: 16

STAL 1873: 16

PHilya STÅL 1865: 33

STAL 1865: 33

PHilia SCHIÖDTE 1842: 279

Schiodte 1842: 279

PHil-ia SCHIÖDTE 1842



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