Calliphara regalis ( FABRICIUS 1775 )

Gerry Cassis & Loren Vanags, 2006, Jewel Bugs of Australia (Insecta, Heteroptera, Scutelleridae), Denisia 19, pp. 275-398 : 343-345

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12996779


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scientific name

Calliphara regalis ( FABRICIUS 1775 )


Calliphara regalis ( FABRICIUS 1775) ( Figs 1a View Fig , 19d View Fig , 20 View Fig , 22 View Fig , 23 View Fig )

Cimex regalis FABRICIUS 1775: 697 (n.sp.); FABRICIUS 1781: 339 (description); FABRICIUS 1794: 80 (description); DONOVAN 1805: pl. 3 fig. 3 (habitus) Tetyra regalis : FABRICIUS 1803: 28 (new combination); GERMAR 1839: 127 (description) CallipHara regalis : GERMAR 1839: 127 (new combination); STÅL 1866: 153 (description); LETHIERRY & SEVERIN 1893: 24 (catalogue); DISTANT 1899: 38 (list; synonymy); VAN DUZEE 1905: 189 (diagnosis); SCHOUTEDEN 1904: 32 (list); KIRKALDY 1909: 297 (catalogue); SCHOUTEDEN 1933: 46 (Indonesia); MCDONALD 1961: 182, figs 33-38 (male genitalia); MCDONALD 1963a: 30 (male genitalia); BLACK 1968: 573 (Melanesia); MCDONALD & CASSIS 1984: 563 (description); CASSIS & GROSS 2002: 589 (catalogue) CalipHara ( CHrysocoris) imperialis : STÅL 1873: 18 (subgeneric arrangement) Callidea eximia VOLLENHOVEN 1863: 20 (n.sp.); LETHIERRY & SEVERIN 1893: 24 (catalogue); DISTANT 1899: 38 (synonymy); KIRKALDY 1909: 298 (catalogue); LYAL 1979: 173 (synonymy) TetrartHria sobria WALKER 1867: 21 (n.sp.); LETHIERRY & SEVERIN 1893: 25 (catalogue); KIRKALDY 1909: 297 (synonym of CallipHara praslinia ); LYAL 1979: 173 (synonymy) Callidea erytHrospila WALKER 1867: 33 (n.sp.); LETHIERRY & SEVERIN 1893: 23 (as CallipHara billardierii ?ssp.); DISTANT 1899: 38 (synonymy); KIRKALDY 1909: 298 (catalogue; synonymy); SCHOUTEDEN 1904: 32 (synonymy) Callidea semirufa WALKER 1867: 34 (n.sp.); LETHIERRY & SEVERIN 1893: 23 (as CallipHara billardierii ?ssp.); DISTANT 1899: 38 (synonymy); KIRKALDY 1909: 297 (catalogue; synonymy); DISTANT 1899: 38 (synonymy); SCHOUTEDEN 1904: 32 (synonymy) Callidea biplaga WALKER 1867: 35 (n.sp.); LETHIERRY & SEVERIN 1893: 23 (as CallipHara billardierii ?ssp.); DISTANT 1899: 38 (synonymy); KIRKALDY 1909: 297 (catalogue; synonymy); SCHOUTEDEN 1904: 32 (synonymy)

Diagnosis: CallipHara regalis is recognised by the following characters: dorsum orange, with head and tip of scutellum iridescent dark-green ( Figs 1a View Fig , 19d View Fig ); base of femora orange, remainder orange-fuscous; pregenital abdominal venter mostly orange, sometimes with trichobothrial area dusty; abdominal SIV-VII minutely spinose; CAI(D) lobate ( Figs 22c, d View Fig ); CAI(V) elongate, outwardly arcuate ( Figs 22c, d View Fig ); CAII(M) with distal bifid lobal sclerite ( Figs 22c, d View Fig ); CAIII elongate, digitiform ( Figs 22c, d View Fig ); and, vesica short, with apical hood ( Figs 21c, d View Fig ).

Description: Body large, males 16-17 mm, females 17-19 mm.

Colouration. (Australian morph) Body bicoloured ( Figs 1a View Fig , 19d View Fig ); dorsum mostly golden-orange with head fuscous iridescent green and tip of scutellum with a round fuscous subdistal spot; antennae black; labium mostly orange-black, LIV fuscous. Legs: coxae, trochanters and proximal 4/5 of femora orange-red, apex of femora, tibiae and tarsi orange-fuscous. Thoracic pleura mostly golden-orange, with irregular fuscous markings. Pregenital Abdomen: venter mostly orange, with SII/III boundary and areas bounding trichobothria fuscous. Female Terminalia: with fuscous highlighting. Male Genitalia: pygophore fuscous-iridiscent green; with lateral margins orange; terminalia black with iridescent green hue.

Texture. Pronotum and scutellum with moderate distribution of fine punctures, less densely distributed on callosite region and anterior callus of scutellum; propleuron and metepimeron with sparse distribution of deep punctures; abdominal venter weakly rugulose, more rugopunctate laterally.

Vestiture. Dorsum glabrous; abdominal venter with sparse distribution of pale, semierect, pale setae.

Structure. Head: eyes large, greater than 1/3 length of Head. Antennae: AII(a) short, little more than 1/2 of AI; Labium: reaching posterior margin of metacoxae to abdominal sterna II. Pregenital Abdomen: posterior angles of SIV-VII minutely spinose. Male Genitalia: ventral margin of male pygophore rounded, genital opening of pygophore with dorsal and ventral patches of setae ( Figs 20f View Fig , 22a View Fig ); parameres with small medial tumescence, setose ( Fig. 22b View Fig ); ejaculatory apparatus small, ventral conducting canal short, with two pairs of convolutions ( Figs 22c, d View Fig ); ejaculatory reservoir short, heavily sclerotized ( Figs 22c, d View Fig ); CAI(D) lobate, weakly sclerotized medially, CAI(V) elongate, outwardly arcuate, heavily sclerotized ( Figs 22c, d View Fig ); CAII(L) with large, membraneous lobe; CAII(M) with distal bifid lobal sclerite ( Figs 22c, d View Fig ); CAIII greatly elongate, digitiform lobal sclerite ( Figs 22c, d View Fig ); vesica short, secondary gonopore positioned just post-thecal margin, with a greatly enlarged, hooded apical process ( Fig. 22d View Fig ). Female Terminalia: paratergites VIII large, subtriangular, medially separated; paratergites IX smaller, subelliptoid; gonocoxae I large, subtriangular, flap-like. Spermatheca: reservoir elliptoid.

Measurements. MCDONALD & CASSIS 1984: Table 6 View Table 6 .

Type material examined: Callidea biplaga WALKER : Holotype, ♂, ‘ Aru Isl. ’, 58-48’, ’42 Callidea biplagia ’ ‘ B.M. Hem. Type No. 471’ ( BMNH ; dermestid damage; without lectotype label); Callidea semirufa WALKER : Holotype, ♀, ‘ Waigou’, ‘Saunders 65-13’, ‘ Callidea semirufa WALK. (type) ’, ‘B.M. Hem. Type No. 472’ ( BMNH ; dermestid damage; without lectotype label); Callidea erytHrospila WALKER: Lectotype, ♂, ‘Cer.’, ‘Saunders 65-13’, ‘ Callidea erytHrospila ’, ‘B.M. Hem. Type No. 473’ ( BMNH ; damaged; without lectotype label); TetrartHria sobria WALKER : Holotype, ♀, ‘ New Heb’ , ‘66-12’, ‘ TetrartHria sobria WALK’, ‘B.M. Hem. Type No. 468’ ( BMNH ; damaged; without lectotype label).

Other material examined: Queensland: 1♂, Cairns , July 1954, A Homes ( AM) ; 1♀, Etty Bay, 8 km SE Innisfail, 13-viii-1983, NW Rodd ( AM) ; 1♂, Clump Point, 6 March 1964, IFB Common & MS Upton ( ANIC) ; 1♀, Lloyd Bay, 3 miles N Claudie River, 14-i-1972, DK McAlpine & GA Holloway ( AM) ; 1♂, Palm Island ( AMNH) ; 2♂♂ 1♀, ‘318’ ( AMNH) .

Distribution: CallipHara regalis is widespread outside Australia from Indonesia (as far west as Sumatra) to New Caledonia and Vanuatu in the east. In Australia, it is known from the Torres Strait Islands to the wet tropics of Queensland ( Fig. 23 View Fig ).

Host plant and biology: No host plant has been recorded for this species. This species has been found in aggregations on leaves ( Fig. 1a View Fig ).

Remarks: LYAL (1979) designated all of the Walker types of the junior synonyms as lectotypes. The lectotype designations were unnecessary as the original descriptions refer to a single specimen, and only a single specimen of each available name was found in the BMNH. In addition, we found that he did not add lectotype labels to the specimens. We formally reject these lectotype designations and regard them as holotypes.

LYAL (1979) placed C. regalis in the CallipHara excellens species-group on the basis of the male pygophoral and aedeagal characters. MCDONALD (1961) described its male genitalia in detail, showing the elongate, digitiform CAI(V) and CAIII. Our dissections from across the range of this species confirm McDonald’s observations. It exhibits remarkable colour variation; in Australia, all the specimens we observed have the dorsum mostly orange, with the head iridescent green and the subapex of the scutellum with a subdistal iridescent fuscousgreen; sometimes the pronotum is darker. In Melanesia, this species is extremely variable, but rarely as in the Australian colour morph, and can be mostly iridescent blue or green, or copper-green, with up to eight black spots on the scutellum. The male aedeagi of all the colour morphs are identical, and the colour variation is extreme if not continuous.


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]


Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Canberra City, CSIRO, Australian National Insect Collection


USA, New York, New York, American Museum of Natural History














Calliphara regalis ( FABRICIUS 1775 )

Gerry Cassis & Loren Vanags 2006

TetrartHria sobria

WALKER 1867: 21

Callidea semirufa

WALKER 1867: 34

Callidea biplaga

WALKER 1867: 35

Callidea eximia


Cimex regalis

FABRICIUS 1775: 697
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