Dutrapona zahniseri, Gonçalves & Takiya, 2024

Gonçalves, Clayton Corrêa & Takiya, Daniela Maeda, 2024, Dutrapona, a new genus and three new species of Gyponini (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from Central and South America, Zootaxa 5497 (1), pp. 100-110 : 108

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5497.1.5

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scientific name

Dutrapona zahniseri

sp. nov.

Dutrapona zahniseri sp. nov.

(Figs 5–6, 33–45)

Diagnosis. Forewing (Fig. 36) with non-reticulated venation. Male pygofer (Fig. 39) without hair-like setae; caudoventral margin truncate; pair of caudoventral processes (Fig. 40) lobed. Subgenital plate (Figs 39, 41) ligulate; ventral surface with short setae on apical half. Style (Fig. 43) with blade strongly expanded ventrally at median third as a conspicuous acute projection. Aedeagus (Figs 44, 45) with basilateral processes not extending to shaft apex, straight and directed dorsally; shaft robust, directed dorsally, apex expanded and forming two apical lobes.

Total length. 11 mm (n= 1 male).

Coloration. Yellow (Figs 5–6). Head ( Figs 33 View FIGURES 33 –35) with anterior margin black.

Description. Head, in ventral view (Fig. 34), with clypeus lateral margins divergent apically. Forewing (Fig. 36) with non-reticulated venation. Other characteristics as in generic description.

Male terminalia. Sternite VIII, in ventral view (Fig. 37), approximately 1.3 times longer than wide; posterior margin rounded. Valve, in ventral view (Fig. 38), approximately 1.6 times wider than long; posterior margin with a minute median lobe. Pygofer, in lateral view (Fig. 39), subrectangular; without hair-like setae; caudoventral margin truncate; apex rounded; in posterior view (Fig. 40), caudovental processes lobed. Subgenital plate (Figs 39, 41) ligulate, broad medially; approximately 2.6 times longer than maximum width; lateral margins rounded; ventral surface with short setae on apical half; apex rounded. Connective (Fig. 42) with anterior margin almost straight; stem as long as arm length. Style (Fig. 42), approximately one-third the length of the connective; in lateral view (Fig. 43), blade slender at basal third, strongly expanded at median third and narrowing at apical third; ventral margin with conspicuous acute projection at middle third.Aedeagus (Figs 44, 45) with basilateral slender processes, arising from base of shaft, slightly shorter than shaft, straight and directed dorsally, apex acute; shaft robust, directed dorsally, apical portion expanded into two apical lobes.

Female. Unknown.

Etymology. The species epithet is a tribute to Dr. James Zahniser (USDA), for his contribution to Cicadellidae systematics and for having collected the holotype of this species.

Material examined. Holotype: 1 ♂, “ PANAMA, Coclé Prov., N. of El \ Copé ; 08.66819°N \ 80.592668° W; 790 m \ 17.viii.2005; mercury vapor\ light; J.N. Zahniser; PAN 05” ( NMHN). GoogleMaps

Notes. Dutrapona zahniseri sp. nov. has the most dissimilar male genitalia among the species of the genus. Dutrapona zahniseri sp. nov. differs from other species by the absence of hair-like setae on the male pygofer and subgenital plates (Figs 39, 41), the subgenital plate ligulate (Fig. 41), the style with a ventral process projection (Fig. 43), and the aedeagus with basilateral processes not extending to shaft apex (Fig. 44). To compare with the genitalia of other species, see notes on Dutrapona tenuis sp. nov.

The right forewing has a supernumerary crossvein at inner anteapical cell (Figs 5, 36). However, as only one specimen was analyzed, we cannot confirm whether it is a characteristic of the species or simply an anomaly.













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