Callitricola finlayae, Symonds & Cassis, 2018

Symonds, Celia L. & Cassis, Gerasimos, 2018, Systematics And Analysis Of The Radiation Of Orthotylini Plant Bugs Associated With Callitroid Conifers In Australia: Description Of Five New Genera And 32 New Species (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2018 (422), pp. 1-229 : 117-118

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090-422.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Callitricola finlayae

sp. nov.

Callitricola finlayae , new species

Figures 13 View FIG , 34 View FIG , 48 View FIG ; map 2

DIAGNOSIS: Defined by the following characters: moderately large size; forewing membrane veins yellow-orange; pygophore dorsal margin weakly concave with one tergal process, just left lateral of midline; left tergal process short with round spiniferous apex; left paramere apex truncate with strongly recurved, reduced hook; right paramere subtriangular in lateral view, apex weakly curved inward forming small ridge on inner ventral margin with minute. spinelike marginal serrations, subapical dorsal margin strongly expanded, bulbous, with strong, spinelike serrations; phallotheca with doubled subapical ventral tumescence, left dorsal margin with large broad lobe folding partially over dorsal opening; aedeagus with PES not wrapped sheathlike around and left ventral to secondary gonopore, bifurcate basally, branches unequal in length, shorter than DES1 and DES2; DES2 unbranched, with submedial smooth threadlike process; DES1 unbranched, with broad base, broad subrectangular and serrate apex; female laIRL apex slightly wider and curved inward, base spiniferous with one small spiniferous lobe; mIRL short, half length of LaIRL, subtriangular, margins and distal surface (sparsely) serrate.

DESCRIPTION: Male: Moderately large size, body length 3.85–4.14 mm, pronotal width 1.02–1.18 mm. COLORATION: Dorsum yellow-green, with patches of bright green pigmentation on lateral margins of hemelytra around cuneal fracture and spotted, bright green pigmentation across hemelytra; forewing membrane light brown with slightly darker patches laterally, vein yellow-orange, color confined to vein, major cell without color spot (fig. 13). VESTITURE: Dorsum with moderately dense distribution of medium-brown simple setae. STRUCTURE: Head: Eyes very large, bulbous, exerted strongly from outline of head; antennae with AI 1.5× vertex width, AII 1.3× pronotal width; labium medium length, extending to mesocoxae. Hemelytra: Cuneus short; major cell of membrane elongate, major membrane vein straight (fig. 13). GENITALIA: Pygophore: Dorsal margin of genital opening weakly concave, with one tergal process positioned just left lateral of midline; tergal process sclerotized, short, linear, apex round with minute spinelike serrations (fig. 34A); ventral margin slightly concave medially; phalloguide with small, round lobe ventrad to right paramere articulation; right margin of lobe with minute, spinelike serrations (fig. 34A). Left paramere: Apophysis subrectangular; apex truncate with strongly recurved hook (fig. 34B); hook weak, reduced (fig. 34C). Right paramere: Base short; subtriangular in lateral view; apex weakly curved inward, forming slightly pointed, sclerotized ridge with minute, spinelike serrations at tip, on inner ventral margin, extended as small flange; subapical dorsal margin enlarged, bulbous, sclerotized, surface covered with large spinelike serrations; mesiolateral surface weakly excavated (fig. 34D). Phallotheca: Dorsal opening large, distal to medial; slightly pointed at apex; doubled subapical ventral tumescence; large right lateral tumescence; basal lobe on right dorsal margin, broad, submedial; left dorsal margin with large, broad lobe folding partially over dorsal opening of phallotheca (not shown in illustration) (fig. 34E). Aedeagus: Spicule arrangement (fig. 34): PES left ventral to secondary gonopore, removed slightly from and not sheathing secondary gonopore (fig. 34F); DES2 dorsad to PES and left lateral to secondary gonopore, DES1 dorsad to DES2 and left dorsolateral to secondary gonopore; bases of spicules originating above (more distal to) base of secondary gonopore, all adjacent; bases of spicules flattened and broad, sheathlike; PES bifurcate basally, branches unequal in length and distally serrate, left branch broad and leaf shaped, weakly downturned, right branch narrow, tapering to apex, PES shorter than DES2 and DES1, which are subequal (fig. 34G); DES2 unbranched, with submedial smooth threadlike process, narrow medially between expanded base and apex, distally serrate, apex pointed at tip (fig. 34F, G); DES1 unbranched, base very broad, narrows medially, apex subrectangular with serrate margins (fig. 34F), basal keel short (DESk).

Female: Moderately large, subovate, body length 4.02–4.27 mm, pronotal width 1.09–1.18 mm. GENITALIA: Interramal lobes (fig. 48): mIRL and laIRL partially joined at base; laIRL apex slightly wider and curved inward, base spiniferous with one small spiniferous lobe; mIRL short, half length of LaIRL, subtriangular, margins and distal surface sparsely serrate.

ETYMOLOGY: This species is named in honor of Hannah Mathews (nee Finlay), in recognition of her magnificent taxonomic illustrations of Australian Miridae , including those in this paper.

HOST PLANT: Known from Callitris intratropica (table 2).

HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Queensland: Kennedy Hwy at Kay Rd , 10 km E of Mareeba, 16.98893 ° S 145.5084 ° E, 446 m, 18 Apr 2005, C. Symonds, Callitris intratropica , det. Field ID, 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005683 About AMNH ) ( QM). GoogleMaps

PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Queensland: 10 km E of Mareeba, jct of Kennedy Hwy & Kay Rd, 17.99041 ° S 145.5075 ° E, 450 m, 31 May 2006, Cassis, Barrow, Finlay , and Symonds , Callitris intratropica , det. Field ID, 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005700 About AMNH ), 5 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005704–00005708 About AMNH ) ( AM), 2♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005698 About AMNH , 00005699 About AMNH ), 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005701–00005703 About AMNH ) ( QM). Kennedy Hwy, 8 km E of Mareeba, 16.98458 ° S 145.4975 ° E, 454 m, 20 Apr 2005, C. Symonds, Callitris intratropica , det. Field ID, 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005695 About AMNH , 00005696 About AMNH ) ( AM), 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005697 About AMNH ) ( QM). Kennedy Hwy, approx. 9 km E of Mareeba, 16.98621 ° S 145.5031 ° E, 450 m, 20 Apr 2005, C. Symonds, Callitris intratropica , det. Field ID, 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005689 About AMNH ), 4♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005690–00005693 About AMNH ) ( AM), 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005694 About AMNH ) ( QM). Kennedy Hwy at Kay Rd, 10 km E of Mareeba, 16.98893 ° S 145.5084 ° E, 446 m, 18 Apr 2005, C. Symonds, Callitris intratropica , det. Field ID, 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005682 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005687 About AMNH , 00005688 About AMNH ) ( AM), 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005684–00005686 About AMNH ) ( QM). Surprise Creek , 1.5 km along track from Watkins Lookout, 16.84427 ° S 145.6384 ° E, 310 m, 19 Apr 2005, C. Symonds, Callitris intratropica , det. Field ID GoogleMaps ; morphologically distinct population, 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005711 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00005712 About AMNH , 00005713 About AMNH ) ( AM) .

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUSTRA- LIA: Queensland: Surprise Creek, 1.5 km along track from Watkins Lookout , 16.84427 ° S 145.6384 ° E, 310 m, 19 Apr 2005, C. Symonds, Callitris intratropica , det. Field ID GoogleMaps ; morphologically distinct population, 2 juv. ( AMNH _ PBI 00005709 About AMNH , 00005710 About AMNH ) ( AM) .

DISTRIBUTION: Known from two localities in close proximity in the savannah woodlands around Mareeba on the Atherton Tablelands, in northeastern Queensland (map 2). It cooccurs with E. mareeba at both localities (table 2).

REMARKS: Callitricola finlayae is similar to C. parawirra from the male genitalia, but can be differentiated as follows: the right paramere has small spinelike serrations on the mesiolateral surface (absent in C. parawirra ), a more curved apex, and a smaller flange on the inner ventral surface arising from the apex (rather than being large and arising subapically to medially as in C. parawirra ) (cf. figs. 34D and 37D); the phallotheca has a smaller lobe on the left dorsal margin, only partially covering the dorsal opening (which is more enlarged and fully covering the dorsal opening in C. parawirra ) (cf. figs. 34E and 37E); and PES is not wrapped sheathlike around the secondary gonopore and branches proximate to the base (rather than branching more distally in C. parawirra ) (cf. figs. 34G and 37G). See also remarks for C. parawirra .


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