Janulus nebulosus, Simon, 1895

Rodrigues, Everton Nei Lopes, Rodrigues, Patrícia E. S., Brescovit, Antonio D. & Koh, Joseph K. H., 2022, An update on the phylogeny of Spintharinae with analysis based on morphological characters and taxonomy of Janula (Araneae, Theridiidae), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (3), pp. 749-787 : 774-780

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s13127-022-00547-x

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scientific name

Janulus nebulosus


Janulus nebulosus ; Mello-Leitão, 1943: 167 (examined, misidentification non P. nebulosa ( Simon, 1895) .

Type material Holotype ♂, paratype ♀, Parque Copesul de Proteção Ambiental (currently Estação Ambiental Braskem , 29° 56′ 34″ S, 51° 43′ 4″ W), Triunfo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 08.I.1997, M. A. L. Marques leg. ( MCN 28,178 ); paratypes: 5 ♂, 2 ♀, same data as holotype ( MCN 29,425 ); 3 ♂, 3 ♀, Usina Hidrelétrica de Canastra (29° 21′ 57″ S, 50° 48′ 57″ W), Canela, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 20.XI.1997, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 28,878 ). GoogleMaps

Etymology The specific epithet is a patronym in honor of Brazilian agronomist and environmentalist José Antônio Kroeff Lutzenberger, for his extraordinary effort to make humanity care about nature and by was a great defender of the natural environment in Brazil and worldwide, being an internationally known environmental activist.

Diagnosis Janula lutzenbergeri sp. nov. is similar to J. malachina ( Simon, 1895) by the presence of a single median pointed projection in the dorsum of the abdomen, but differs by having a subtriangular of the abdomen with straight lateral angles (Fig. 27), while the abdomen in J. malachina has rounded lateral angles (Fig. 32). The male palp of Janula lutzenbergeri sp. nov. (Figs. 24, 42, 43, 44) resembles those of J. malachina in the shape of conductor, but differs by the apical process of conductor with obtuse apex, while the apical process in J. malachina is bird head shape (Fig. 31). Females of Janula lutzenbergeri sp. nov. also resemble those of J. malachina (see Levi, 1964a, figs. 32, 33), but differ by the wide spermathecae base and distally tapered (Figs. 25, 26) and by the wide copulatory ducts that surround the spermathecae (Fig. 26).

Male (holotype). Carapace (Fig. 27) pale yellow, lateral grayish brown, and darkened margin. Clypeus grayish. Chelicerae, labium, and endites pale yellow. Legs pale yellow, femora and tibiae apex and base of metatarsi III and IV grayish. Abdomen subtriangular with dorsal median pointed projection (Fig. 27), posterior region projected. Dorsum light gray with longitudinal white dots band; posterior region, from the tubercle, with gray streaks. Lateral region of the abdomen grayish. Venter light gray. AME larger than the others and separated from each other by almost their diameter. PLE smaller than the other eyes.

Measures. Total length 1.90. Carapace: length 0.75, width 0.67. Leg formula 1423. Leg length I: femora 1.62; patellae + tibiae 1.77; metatarsi 1.72; tarsi 0.65; total 5.76. Patellae + tibiae: II 0.97; III 0.70; IV 1.33.

Female (paratype MCN 28,178). Color and shape of the abdomen, carapace, and legs as in the male. AME larger than other eyes and separated by little more than half their diameter. PLE smaller than the other eyes. PME distant from each other by an eye diameter.

Measures. Total length 2.05. Carapace: length 0.85, width 0.72. Leg formula 1423. Leg length I: femora 1.62; patellae + tibiae 1.67; metatarsi 1.75; tarsi 0.65; total 5.69. Patellae + tibiae: II 0.98; III 0.68; IV 1.22.

Variation Total length in males (n = 10) 1.62–2.00; carapace 0.65–0.77; femur I 1.32–1.75. Females (n = 10) total length 1.95–2.70; carapace 0.80–0.87; femur I 1.47–1.55. In some individuals, the abdomen with reduced white pigment, in others reddish-brown abdomen.

Note. Males and females were collected together in several locations in Brazil.

Distribution Brazil (São Paulo to Rio Grande do Sul, Fig. 58 View Fig ).

Material examined. BRAZIL. São Paulo: Peruíbe ( Estação Ecológica da Juréia / Itatins , 24° 19′ 12″ S, 46° 59′ 52″ W), 2 ♀, 17–21.III.1997, A. D. Brescovit et al. leg. ( IBSP 9645 View Materials , 9797 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Cananéia ( Pariquera-Açu , 25° 00′ 54″ S, 47° 55′ 37″ W), 2 ♂, 2 ♀, VIII.2001, I. M. P. Rinaldi ( UBTU) GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂, ♀, 18.I.2000, G. Schott; ( UBTU) . Paraná: Foz do Iguaçu (Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, 25° 22′ 24″ S, 54° 02′ 33″ W), ♂, 7 ♀, 29–30.III.1993, A. B. Bonaldo leg. ( MCN 23,529, 23,338); ( Refúgio Biológico de Bela Vista , 25° 26′ 57″ S, 54° 33′ 18″ W), ♂, 09–11.XI.1991, A. B. Bonaldo leg. ( MCN 21,674 ) GoogleMaps ; São José dos Pinhais (25° 32′ 06″ S, 49° 12′ 21″ W), ♂, 15–20.IX.1995, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCTP 7646 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Morretes (25° 28′ 37″ S, 48° 50′ 02″ W), ♀, 28, 29.X.1995, A. B. Bonaldo leg. ( MCN 26,955 ); ( Serra da Graciosa , 25° 28′ S, 48° 51′ W) GoogleMaps , ♀, 09–20.I.1995, Equipe MCTP leg. ( MCTP 6937 View Materials ) . Santa Catarina: Porto Belo ( Bombas , 27° 09′ 28″ S, 48° 33′ 10″ W), ♂, 14.II.1990, A. D. Brescovit leg. ( MCN 19,482 ) GoogleMaps . Rio Grande do Sul: Tenente Portela (27° 22′ 15″ S, 53° 45′ 28″ W), ♂, 11.IX.1976, S. Scherer leg. ( MCN 4634 ) GoogleMaps ; Iraí (27° 11′ 38″ S, 53° 15′ 03″ W), ♂, ♀, 20,21. XI.1975, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 3061 , 3144 ) GoogleMaps ; Machadinho (27° 34′ 01″ S, 51° 40′ 04″ W), ♂, 08–14.II.1989, A. B. Bonaldo leg. ( MCN 18,171 ) GoogleMaps ; Bom Jesus ( Fazenda Santa Cruz , 28° 40′ 04″ S, 50° 25′ 01″ W), ♂, 28–31.III.1998, A. B. Bonaldo leg. ( MCN 29,313 ) GoogleMaps ; Estrela Velha (29° 10′ 37″ S, 53° 09′ 32″ W), 2 ♂, ♀, 06.V.1998, M. A. L. Marques leg. ( MCN 29,420 ); ( Barragem Itaúba , 29° 10′ 42″ S, 53° 09′ 38″ W) GoogleMaps , ♀, 27.X.1999, A. H. da Silva leg. ( MCN 31,641 ) ; Antonio Prado (28° 51′ 28″ S, 51° 16′ 58″ W), ♀, 23.IV.1995, R. L. V. de Oliveira leg. ( MCTP 6549 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Farroupilha (29° 13′ 30″ S, 51° 20′ 52″ W), 2 ♂, 29.IX.1978, H. Bischoff, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 8261 , 8326 ) GoogleMaps ; Passo Fundo (28° 15′ 46″ S, 52° 24′ 25″ W), ♂, 13.X.1985, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 14,284 ) GoogleMaps ; ♂, 01.VIII.1986, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 15,876 ) GoogleMaps ; Caxias do Sul ( Vila Oliva , 29° 10′ 03″ S, 51° 10′ 42″ W), ♀, 06.IV.1975, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 2707 ) GoogleMaps ; Sobradinho (29° 25′ 15″ S, 53° 01′ 44″ W), 2 ♀, 10.I.1985, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 12,948 ) GoogleMaps ; Canela (29° 21′ 57″ S, 50° 48′ 57″ W), ♀, 11.V.1974, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 2138 ) GoogleMaps ; ♀, 02.XII.1973, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 2218 ); (Barragem dos Bugres, 29° 21′ 59″ S, 50° 48′ 62″ W), ♀, 14.XII.1999, A. B. Bonaldo leg. ( MCN 31,884 ); Três Coroas (29° 30′ 55″ S, 50° 46′ 46″ W), 4 ♂, 2 ♀, 15.XII.1976, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 4912 ); ♀, 15.XII.1976, H. Bischoff leg. ( MCN 4919 ); São Francisco de Paula (29° 26′ 52″ S, 50° 35′ 02″ W), ♀, 23.I.1981, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 9500 ); ♂, 05.I.1985, A. A. Lise ( MCN 12,733 ); ♀, 19–22.III.1998, L. A. Moura leg. ( MCN 29,185 ); ( Barragem Passo do Inferno , 27° 57′ 48″ S, 48° 41′ 20″ W), ♀, l 9.XI.1997, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 28,860 ); 5 ♀, 19.XI.1997, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 28,874 ); ♂, 26.IX.2000, M. A. L. Marques leg. ( MCN 33,284 ); ♀, 06.XI.1998, L. A. Moura leg. ( MCN 30,051 ); (Fazenda Três Cachoeiras, 29° 26′ 62″ S, 50° 35′ 11″ W) GoogleMaps , ♀, 03.II.1999, A. B. Bonaldo leg. ( MCN 30,931 ) ; Torres (29° 20′ 06″ S, 49° 43′ 37″ W), ♀, 16.V.1975, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 2760 ) GoogleMaps ; Novo Hamburgo (29° 40′ 40″ S, 51° 07′ 51″ W), 2 ♂, 2 ♀, 27.XI.1980, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 9412 ) GoogleMaps ; General Câmara (29° 54′ 18″ S, 51° 45′ 36″ W), 2 ♀, 16.IX.1982, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 10,722 ) GoogleMaps ; Montenegro (29° 41′ 20″ S, 51° 27′ 39″ W), ♀, 12.V.1977, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 5524 ) GoogleMaps ; 2 ♀, 11.VIII.1977, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 6259 ) GoogleMaps ; ♂, 2 ♀, 06.X.1977, H. Bischoff leg. ( MCN 6815 ) ; ♂, 2 ♀, 03.XI.1977, H. Bischoff leg. ( MCN 7156 ) ; 2 ♀, 15.XII.1977, H. Bischoff leg. ( MCN 7564 ) ; Triunfo (29° 56′ 34″ S, 51° 43′ 04″ W), 2 ♀, 28.XI.1977, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 7347 ) GoogleMaps ; ♀, 12.V.1981, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 9673 ); (Parque Copesul de Proteção Ambiental, currently Estação Ambiental Braskem , 29° 56′ 34″ S, 51° 43′ 04″ W) GoogleMaps , ♂, 12.I.1989, M. A. L. Marques leg. ( MCN 18,047 ) ; ♀, 24.X.1989, M. A L. Marques leg. ( MCN 18,850 ) ; ♀, 25.XI.1994, L. A. Moura leg. ( MCN 26,107 ) ; ♀, 15.I.1997, L. A. Moura leg. ( MCN 28,288 ) ; 9 ♂, 3 ♀, 24.XI.1999, M. A. L. Marques leg. ( MCN 31,619 ) ; ♂, ♀, 21.III.2000, M. A. L. Marques leg. ( MCN 32,180 ) ; ♂, 05.VII.2000, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 32,507 ) ; Barra do Ouro (29° 40′ 30″ S, 50° 12′ 25″ W), 4 ♀, 05.I.1985, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 12,757 ) GoogleMaps ; Porto Alegre (Ponta Grossa, 30° 01′ 58″ S, 51° 13′ 48″ W), ♀, 07.V.1976, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 4302 ); ( Morro Santana , 30° 04′ 32″ S, 51° 01′ 18″ W) GoogleMaps , 2 ♀, 17.V.1980, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 9072 , 9073 ) ; Viamão (30° 04′ 51″ S, 51° 01′ 22″ W), ♂, 08.X.1997, M. A. L. Marques leg. ( MCN 28,565 ) GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂, ♀, 08.XII.1992, L. F. Schmidt leg. ( MCTP 2800 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 6 ♂, 8 ♀, VIII, X, XII.1994, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCTP 5201 View Materials , 8198 View Materials , 7894 View Materials ) ; ♂, 3 ♀, III, V, VI.1995, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCTP 8427 View Materials , 6737 View Materials , 6779 View Materials , 9118 View Materials ) ; 2 ♂, ♀, 23.I.1996, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCTP 9268 View Materials , 9269 View Materials ); ( Parque Municipal Saint’Hilaire , 30° 01′ 58″ S, 51° 13′ 48″ W) GoogleMaps , ♀, 07.V.1976, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 4273 ) ; ♂, 3 ♀, 30.IV.1976, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 4175 , 4191 ); ( Águas Belas , 30° 04′ 51″ S, 51° 01′ 22″ W) GoogleMaps , ♂, 06.I.1977, A. A. Lise leg. ( MCN 5916 ) ; ♀, 30.XI.1984, E. H. Buckup leg. ( MCN 12,584 ) ; Barra do Ribeiro (30° 17′ 27″ S, 51° 18′ 03″ W), ♀, 12.XI.1976, H. Bischoff leg. ( MCN 4773 ) GoogleMaps ; Pelotas (31° 46′ 19″ S, 52° 20′ 34″ W), 2 ♂, 01–03.V.1997, L. A. Moura leg. ( MCN 28,435 ) GoogleMaps .

Janula mamiraua E. N. L. Rodrigues sp. nov (Figs. 28, 29, 30, 56).

Type material Holotype ♀, Estação Ecológica Estadual de Mamirauá (02° 15′ 36″ S, 65° 40′ 48″ W), Tefé , Amazonas , Brazil, 09–13.X.1992, S. H. Borges leg. ( MCN 22,863 ); paratypes: ♀, same data as holotype ( MCN 29,324 ) and ♀, Igarapé da Tartaruga , Porto Urucu, Urucu river (04° 5′ 6″ S, 63° 8′ 27″ W), Coari, Amazonas, Brazil, 23.VII.2003, D. D. Guimarães leg. ( MPEG 1532 View Materials ). GoogleMaps

Etymology The specific name is a noun in apposition, taken from the type locality.

Diagnosis Females of Janula mamiraua sp. nov. resemble those of J. bicruciata ( Simon, 1895) (see Levi, 1964a, figs. 69–71) by the presence of a depression in the epigynal plate and by the spermathecae elongated and loops of copulatory ducts encircling spermathecae (Fig. 29), but differ by the depression wider than long and situated posteriorly (Fig. 28), while the depression in J. bicruciata is median and longer than wide.

Female (holotype). Carapace oval, yellow orange, except central area light yellow, with darkened margin. Conical tubercles behind the anterior median eyes developed. Chelicerae, labium, and endites yellow. Legs yellow, I–III grayish on the sides; leg IV darkened, except metatarsi and tarsi. Abdomen (Fig. 30) trapezoidal, yellow orange anteriorly darkened, and with a median-posteriorly transversal dark brown band. Medially with two muscle impressions, orange. Venter yellow orange with two bands, one white and one dark, on each side of the spinnerets. PLE smaller than the other eyes. AME larger than other eyes and separated their diameter. PME distant from each other by an eye diameter.

Measures. Total length 1.87. Carapace: length 0.72, width 0.65. Leg formula 1423. Leg length I: femora 1.45; patellae + tibiae 1.52; metatarsi 1.42; tarsi 0.52; total 4.91. Patellae + tibiae: II 0.82; III 0.54; IV 1.25.

Male Unknown.














Janulus nebulosus

Rodrigues, Everton Nei Lopes, Rodrigues, Patrícia E. S., Brescovit, Antonio D. & Koh, Joseph K. H. 2022

Janulus nebulosus

de Mello-Leitao, C. F. 1943: 167
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