Pseudametrodaptes, Lakshmi, Triveni & Madhavi, Rokkam, 2008

Lakshmi, Triveni & Madhavi, Rokkam, 2008, Redescription of Huridostomum formionis Mamaev, 1970 (Digenea: Monorchiidae) from the black pomfret, Apolectus niger (Carangidae), from the coast of Visakhapatnam, Bay of Bengal with a discussion on related genera and the proposal of Pseudametrodaptes n. gen., Zootaxa 1734, pp. 59-64 : 61

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.181431


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scientific name


gen. nov.

Pseudametrodaptes View in CoL n. gen.

Type species: Pseudametrodaptes secundus ( Madhavi, 1977) n. comb. (Syn. Ametrodaptes secundus Madhavi, 1977 ).

Other species: Pseudametrodaptes bravoae (Ahmad, 1985) n. comb. (syn. Ametrodaptes bravoae Ahmad, 1985 ); Pseudametrodaptes caballeroi (Ahmad, 1985) n.comb. (syn. Ametrodaptes caballeroi Ahmad, 1985 ); Pseudametrodaptes fischthali ( Ahmad & Dhar, 1987) n.comb (syn. Ametrodaptes fischthali Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 ).

Diagnosis: Monorchiinae. Body elongate without eyespot pigment. Tegument spined. Oral sucker funnel-shaped with ring of enlarged spines, ventral sucker in anterior third of body. Prepharynx long, esophagus short, intestinal bifurcation immediately anterior to ventral sucker. Ceca long, end near posterior extremity of body. Testis single, elliptical, equatorial or postequatorial. Cirrus sac slender, extends well into hindbody, encloses bipartite or saccular seminal vesicle, well developed prostatic complex and spined cirrus. Genital atrium tubular, thin-walled, unarmed. Genital pore median, in forebody. Ovary spherical or indented, pretesticular. Uterus fills most of hindbody; eggs small, oval. Terminal organ unipartite, armed with triangular spines, metraterm joins its distal end. Vitelline follicles on lateral fields of ovario-testicular zone or extend little anteriorly. Excretory vesicle not observed. In marine teleosts.

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