Australoneis J.M.Guerrero & Riaux-Gobin, 2021

Guerrero, José M., Riaux-Gobin, Catherine, Debandi, Juan I., Zacher, Katharina, Quartino, Maria Liliana & Campana, Gabriela L., 2021, Morphology of Australoneis gen. nov. and A. frenguelliae comb. nov. (Achnanthales, Bacillariophyta) from the Antarctic Peninsula, Phytotaxa 513 (2), pp. 81-98 : 93-95

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.513.2.1

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scientific name

Australoneis J.M.Guerrero & Riaux-Gobin

gen. nov.

Australoneis J.M.Guerrero & Riaux-Gobin gen. nov.

Description:—Frustules with up to five open, ligulate copulae. Valves elliptic to oblong-elliptic with round to cuneate apices. SV: Slightly concave valve face split in two zones by a zigzagged crista marginalis, transapically prolonged in raised marginal virgae. Marginal zone with triseriate to multiseriate striae. Mid-valve zone with bi- to triseriate striae and ornamented with a reticulate, embossed structure. Areolae round to reniform, occluded by hymenes with radial slits and mostly supported by one peg. Multiple pores at the end of each marginal stria, external openings rimmed and internally occluded by a domed hymen, on a shallow chamber-like depression. SVVC thick with short, pegged fimbriae. RV: Concave, with axial hyaline structures, internally raised, splitting the valve face in two zones. Marginal zone with multiseriate striae composed of irregularly arranged areolae. Mid-valve zone with multiseriate striae composed of bigger areolae, arranged in a quincunx pattern. Areolae round, occluded by hymenes with radial slits. Raphe straight, filiform, with distal simple endings, round and near the apices; proximal endings close and dropshaped, internally bent to opposite directions. Conspicuous helictoglossae. Axial area narrow; central area roundish and prominent. RVVC narrow and hollow, with undulated fimbria-like extensions. A second copula thick with no fimbriae.

Etymology:—The name refers to the austral (= southern) hemisphere, where the new genus is up to now restricted.

Generitype:— Australoneis frenguelliae (Riaux-Gobin & J.M.Guerrero) J.M.Guerrero & Riaux-Gobin comb. nov.

Australoneis frenguelliae (Riaux-Gobin & J.M.Guerrero) J.M.Guerrero & Riaux-Gobin comb. nov. LM Figs 1–35 View FIGURES 1–29 View FIGURES 30–35 ; SEM Figs 36–75 View FIGURES 36–44 View FIGURES 45–54 View FIGURES 55–63 View FIGURES 64–71 View FIGURES 72–75 .

Basionym:— Campyloneis frenguelliae Riaux-Gobin & J.M.Guerrero in Riaux-Gobin et al. (2019a, p. 161–162, figs 54–59).

Epitype:— population from Potter Cove ( Western Antarctic Peninsula ), sample “Col 04, 14b” ( LPC 15910!). Herbarium of División Ficología “ Dr. Sebastián A. Guarrera ”, Museo de La Plata, Argentina .

Synonyms:— Cocconeis orbicularis Frenguelli & H.A.Orlando , nom. inval.

Cocconeis reticulata var. deceptionis Frenguelli & H.A.Orlando , nom. inval.

Habitat:—Marine, benthic.

Distribution:—Currently, A. frenguelliae is found in Antarctic marine environments and the South Pacific Ocean ( Chile).

TABLE 1. Main morphological features distinguishing the new genus Australoneis from the closely allied genera Cocconeis ,

Campyloneis , Xenococconeis and Amphicocconeis .

Remarks:—In view of the lack of raw type material available for SEM studies, we designate here the population from Potter Cove, sample “Col 04, 14b” (LPC 15910), as epitype of Australoneis frenguelliae .

Observed with LM, the combination of SV with a zigzagged structure splitting the valve face in a marginal sector with multiseriate striae and a mid-valve sector with a reticulate pattern and variably developed striae, and a RV with thick axial and transapical structures delimiting multiseriate marginal and mid-valve striae, easily permit the distinction of A. frenguelliae from other species of Cocconeidacean genera. The taxon illustrated in SEM (external SV view) by Majewska et al. (2014, fig. 2b) as Cocconeis sp. 1 , also from South Shetland Islands, with an indented crista marginalis splitting the valve face in two sectors, embossed transapical structures, 4–5 multiseriate striae in 10 µm and 35 × 23 µm in size (measured on the figure), most probably belongs to A. frenguelliae .

The distinctive morphological features of the new genus and those of the closely related Campyloneis , Cocconeis , Xenococconeis and Amphicocconeis are summarized in Table 1. Further studies combining morphological and molecular data could help to shed light on the taxonomic relationships between Australoneis and the other genera of Cocconeidaceae and thus clarify its phylogenetic position within the lineage of the Achnanthales .


Museo de La Plata












Australoneis J.M.Guerrero & Riaux-Gobin

Guerrero, José M., Riaux-Gobin, Catherine, Debandi, Juan I., Zacher, Katharina, Quartino, Maria Liliana & Campana, Gabriela L. 2021

Cocconeis reticulata var. deceptionis Frenguelli & H.A.Orlando

Frenguelli & H. A. Orlando 1958
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