Eupogonius obrienorum, Galileo, Maria Helena M. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2017

Galileo, Maria Helena M. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2017, New genus and two new species of American Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), Zootaxa 4244 (1), pp. 145-150 : 149-150

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4244.1.9

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scientific name

Eupogonius obrienorum

sp. nov.

Eupogonius obrienorum View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figs. 5–8 View FIGURES 1 – 8. 1 – 4 )

Description. Male. Integument dark brown; mouthparts reddish-brown; femora reddish-brown except dark brown distal region.

Head. Frons moderately finely, abundantly punctate; with pale golden pubescence partially obscuring integument, mainly toward antennal tubercles, interspersed with long, erect, moderately abundant yellowish setae; close to lower eye lobes with very long, erect, brownish setae. Vertex with punctures as on frons, but slightly denser; with pale golden pubescence almost obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, moderately abundant pale golden setae. Area behind eyes with sculpture as on frons, but somewhat confluent; with pale golden pubescence obscuring integument close to eyes, slightly obscuring toward prothoracic margin; with long, erect, moderately abundant yellowish setae near eyes. Gena finely, abundantly punctate; with pale golden pubescence partially obscuring integument, mainly toward ventral side, interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae, mainly near eye. Postclypeus finely, moderately abundantly punctate, smooth laterally on apex; with pale golden pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae. Labrum convex on basal 2/3, inclined on distal third; with long, erect, sparse yellowish setae throughout, and fringe of yellow setae at apex. Submentum with sparse yellowish pubescence interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.45 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in frontal view 0.90 times length of scape. Antennae 1.9 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at distal quarter of antennomere VII; scape, pedicel and antennomeres III–VIII with long, erect, moderately abundant brownish setae ventrally (nearly all longer than 3 times diameter of antennal segment); remaining surface of scape, pedicel and antennomeres III–VIII with long, erect brownish setae, slightly longer than diameter of antennal segment; antennomeres IX–XI with long, erect, sparse setae throughout (about as long as antennal segment); antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.74; pedicel = 0.17; IV = 1.11; V = 0.60; VI = 0.50; VII = 0.45; VIII = 0.41; IX = 0.37; X = 0.32; XI = 0.38.

Thorax. Prothorax slightly wider than long, sides widened centrally. Pronotum moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate; with pale golden pubescence (more rosaceous depending on angle of light) obscuring integument except on subelliptical area on each side of basal half with pubescence distinctly exposing integument; with long, erect, moderately abundant yellowish setae throughout. Sides of prothorax with sculpture as on pronotum; with pale golden pubescence almost obscuring integument (less dense than on pronotum), interspersed with long, erect, moderately abundant yellowish setae. Prosternum coarsely, deeply, moderately abundantly punctate; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, yellowishwhite setae. Prosternal process moderately finely, abundantly punctate; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument (denser than on remaining prosternal area), interspersed with long, erect, yellowish-white setae. Metepisternum with pale golden pubescence almost obscuring integument. Metasternum coarsely, abundantly punctate laterally; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae. Scutellum with pale golden pubescence obscuring integument. Elytra. Coarsely, abundantly punctate (punctures slightly finer, sparser toward apex); with yellowish pubescence partially obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, abundant yellowish setae throughout; apex individually rounded. Legs. Femora with yellowish pubescence exposing integument, interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae. Tibiae with yellowish pubescence partially obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, abundant yellowish setae.

Abdomen. Ventrites finely punctate laterally (mainly on ventrite I), smooth on remaining surface; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae (more abundant on distal half of V); ventrite V slightly convex, with apex truncate (slightly, widely emarginate).

Female. Pubescence on frons almost absent toward clypeus, but long and erect setae present throughout; antennae 1.65 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at base of antennomere IX; ventrite V convex, with apex truncate.

Dimensions (mm), holotype male/ paratype female. Total length, 5.15/4.70; prothoracic length, 1.05/0.95; basal prothoracic width, 1.00/0.95; distal prothoracic width, 0.95/0.90; largest prothoracic width, 1.10/1.05; humeral width, 1.45/1.35; elytral length, 3.55/3.35.

Type material. Holotype male ( FSCA) and paratype female ( ACMT) from MEXICO, Veracruz: Los Tuxtlas Biological Station ( UNAM), 17-22.V.1983, C.W. & L. O’Brien col.

Etymology. The new species is named for Charles W. & Lois O’Brien who collected the type specimens.

Remarks. Eupogonius obrienorum sp. nov. is similar to E. flavovittatus Breuning, 1942 , but differs as follows: humeri not yellowish; area of pronotum exposing integument restricted to basal half; sides of prothorax without distinct tubercle. In E. flavovittatus the humeri is yellowish, the area of the pronotum exposing integument distinctly surpasses mid-length, and the sides of prothorax have tubercle.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico













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