Bumba cuiaba, Lucas & Passanha & Brescovit, 2020

Lucas, Sylvia M., Passanha, Victor & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2020, New combination and redescription of Bumba humile, description of four new species and new records from Brazil (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae), Zoologia (e 46744) 37, pp. 1-17 : 7-10

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zoologia.37.e46744

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scientific name

Bumba cuiaba

sp. nov.

Bumba cuiaba View in CoL sp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/ 03EE4D6F-B5F5-415F-8A85-B6EC130D62AE

Figs 29−35, 55

Type material. Holotype male from Jardim Santa Amália , Cuiabá (15°35’41”S; 56°05’48”W), Mato Grosso, Brazil, 11/ XI/2018, A.K. Feitosa leg. ( IBSP 221886 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Paratype female from Usina Hidrelétrica de Manso (14°52’16”S; 55°47’47.7”W), Rio Manso, Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2000, Equipe Resgate Fauna leg. ( IBSP 109108 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Bumba cuiaba sp. nov. could be distinguished from all other species by the black longitudinal band of abdomen in males and females ( Fig. 32). Males of Bumba cuiaba sp. nov. resemble B. rondonia sp. nov. and B. mineiros sp. nov. due to the curved embolus, but have shorter embolus and vestigial PS and PI ( Figs 30−32, 34). Therefore, it resembles B. horrida due to the presence of a subapical spine on the retrolateral branch of tibial apophysis ( Fig. 33), but can be distinguished by the slender embolus ( Fig. 34). Females could be distinguished from the other species by the spermathecae with seminal receptacles with very short necks and two trilobed lobes on apex ( Fig. 35).

Description.Male (IBSP 221886). Color in ethanol:carapace, labium, sternum and legs covered by golden setae. Maxillae and ventral face of coxae orange. Abdomen dorsal side with a black longitudinal band, lateral sides covered by golden setae. Total length 22.8. Carapace 11.6 long, 9.6 wide. Fovea little procurved. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior recurved. Eye sizes: AME 0.36,ALE 0.44, PME 0.24,PLE 0.40. Labium 1.3 long, 1.6 wide, with less the 20 cuspules. Maxillae with ca. 100 cuspules each. Sternum 4.9 long, 4.2 wide. Cheliceral furrow with 11 teeth. Palp, femur 6/ patella 3.3/ tibia 4.2/ cymbium 2.1/ total 15.6. Legs I: femur 10.3/ patella 5.6/ tibia 8.7/ metatarsus 7.5/ tarsus 4.5/ total 36.6; II: 9.4/ 4.6/ 7.1/ 6.6/ 4.3/ 32; III:8.3/ 4.1/ 5.8/ 8.6/ 4.4/ 31.2; IV: 10.4/5/ 8.2/ 11.8/ 5.4/ 40.8. Spines: palp, tibia v0-1-0, p1-2-00; patella p0-1-0. Leg I: femur d0-1-2ap, p0-1-1, patella p0-1-0, tibia v2-2-0, p0-1-1, r1-1-0; metatarsus v0-1-1, p0-1-0; II: femur d0-1-0, p0-1-1-1, patella p0-1-0, tibia v2-2-0, p0-1-1, r1-1-0, metatarsus v0-1-1, p0-1-0; III: femur p0-0-1, r0-1-1, patella p0-0-1, tibia v1r-1r-2ap, p0-1-0, r0-1-0, metatarsus v1-1-1-2ap, p1-1-1-1, r1-1-1; IV: femur d0-0-2ap, tibia v1-1-2ap, p1-2-1-2-1, r1-1-1, metatarsus v1-1-1-1-2, p2-2-1-1-2, r1- 1-1. Scopulae:tarsi I−III integrae, IV with longitudinal broad line of setae occupying almost the ventral side. Metatarsi I integrae, II–III until half, IV with only a small apical tuft. Palpal bulb with PI and PS vestigial ( Figs 29–32, 34), tibial apophysis with a subapical spine on retrolateral branch and on retrolateral side of the same one strong spine ( Fig. 33). Urticating setae of type III and IV present.

Female (IBSP 109108, paratype). Color in ethanol: cephalothorax orange, except chelicerae brown. Legs orange. Abdomen brown with pulmonary plate grayish, dark longitudinal band on dorsal side of abdomen like in males. Total length 24.9. Carapace 10.1 long, 8.6 wide. Fovea procurved. Eye tubercle 1 long, 1.7 wide. Eye sizes: AME 0.36, ALE 0.38, PME 0.32, PLE 0.24. Labium 1.2 long, 1.7 wide, with ca. 30 cuspules. Maxillae with ca. 100 cuspules each. Sternum 4.4 long, 4.1 wide. Cheliceral furrow with 12 teeth. Palp, femur 5.8/ patella 3.4/ tibia 3.6/ tarsus 3.3/ total 16.1. Legs I: femur 8/ patella 4.8/ tibia 5.3/ metatarsus 4.3/ tarsus 3.2/ total 25.6; II: 6.7/ 4.1/ 4.3/ 4.1/ 3.2/ 22.4; III: 5.6/ 3.2/ 4.1/ 5.6/ 2.7/ 21.2; IV: 7.2/ 4/ 6.1/ 7.8/ 3.2/ 28.3. Spines: palp, tibia d0-0-1, v1p-2-3ap. Leg I: femur d0-0-1, tibia v0-1-0, metatarsus v1p-1p-2ap; II: femur d0-0-1, tibia v1p-1p-3ap, metatarsus v1p-1p-3ap; III: femur d0-0-2, tibia v1r-2-3ap, p1-1-0, r1-1-0, metatarsus v2-2-3ap, p1-1-1-1, r0-1-1; IV: femur d0-0-1, tibia v1r-2-3ap, metatarsus v2- 2-1-3ap, p1-1-1, r1-1-1-1. Metatarsi I−II with full scopula, III apical half, IV only apical. Scopulae: all tarsi scopulated, II with a small longitudinal band of setae, IV with a large band. Spermathecae with seminal receptacles apart from the base ( Fig. 35).

Material examined. BRAZIL, Rondônia : Vilhena (12°44’26”S; 60°08’46”W), 2 males, VIII/1999, M.C. Carvalho leg., pitfall trap, cerrado area ( IBSP 112339 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso: Alta Floresta (9°52’32”S; 56°5’10”W), 8/VIII-17/IX/2012, J.S. Oliveira leg. ( IBSP 244174 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Sapezal (12°59’22”S; 58°45’52”W), 2 males, 2007, F.D. de Godoy leg. ( IBSP 113755 View Materials ; IBSP 220067 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Pontes e Lacerda / Vale de São Domingos , Rio Guaporé , UHE Guaporé (15°07”S; 58°58”W), 1 male, 1999, Equipe Resgate Fauna leg. ( IBSP 111418 View Materials ) .

Distribution. Brazil. States of Mato Grosso and Rondônia ( Fig. 55).

Etymology. Species epithet is a noun in apposition taken from the city of Cuiabá, from the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil.













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