Bumba humile ( Vellard, 1924 ) Lucas & Passanha & Brescovit, 2020

Lucas, Sylvia M., Passanha, Victor & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2020, New combination and redescription of Bumba humile, description of four new species and new records from Brazil (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae), Zoologia (e 46744) 37, pp. 1-17 : 2-5

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https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zoologia.37.e46744

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scientific name

Bumba humile ( Vellard, 1924 )

comb. nov.

Bumba humile ( Vellard, 1924) View in CoL , comb. nov.

Figs 1–2, 8−14, 55, 56−61

Homoeomma humile Vellard, 1924: 150 View in CoL , pl. 10, fig. 37a–d (Holotype male from Catalão (18°9’57”S; 47°56’47”W), Goiás, Brazil. M.F. Borges leg, deposited in Instituto Vital Brazil, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, lost).

Diagnosis. Males of Bumba humile can be distinguished from the other species by the very high number of labial cuspules, over 200 ( Fig. 1). Bumba humile resembles B. tapajos due to the presence of teeth (DR) on PI ( Fig. 10) but the same are less evident, the embolus tapers towards the apex ( Fig. 10) and retrolateral branch of tibial apophysis without apical spine ( Fig. 9). Bumba humile females can be distinguished from the others by strongly inclined necks and reniform distal lobes ( Figs 13−14).

Description. Male (IBSP 12335). Color in vivo: cephalothorax deep brown recovered by dense setae mainly on the margin of same; sternum, coxae, labium and legs with long setae like the carapace; patella and tibia with two dorsal longitudinal lines without setae, abdomen with long reddish setae like the same which covered the legs ( Figs 58−59, adult male) and juveniles blackish ( Figs 56−57). Total length (not including chelicerae and spinnerets) 30.40.Carapace 15.50 long, 13.20 wide. Fovea deep procurve and small. Eye tubercle: 1.76 long, 2.04 wide. Anterior row of eyes procurve, posterior recurve. Eye size: AME 0.56, ALE 0.65, PME 0.43, PLE 0.44. Labium: 1.68 long, 2.56 wide with more than 200 cuspules. Sternum: 7.68 long, 6.24 wide. Cheliceral furrow with12 teeth on the prolateral margin. Maxillae with more than 200 cuspules on each side. Palp: femur 9.50/ patella 4.63/ tibia 6.00/ cymbium 2.25/ total 22.38. Leg I: femur 13.75/ patella 7.75/ tibia 10.25, metatarsus 10.38/ tarsus 5.50/ total 47.63; II: 12.88/ 7.00/ 9.25/ 9.88/ 5.63/ 44.63; III: 11.00/5.75/ 7.63/ 11.00/ 5.38/ 40.75; IV: 14.00/ 6.13/ 10.50/ 15.63/ 6.38/ 52.63. Spination: all tarsi without spines. Palp: femur d1-1-0, patella p0-1-0, tibia v2-0-4, p0-1-1; Leg I: femur p0-1-1, patella p0-1-0, r2-2-20, tibia v2-2-2-1ap, p0-1-0, r0-1-0, metatarsus v2-2-2-2, p1-1-0; II: femur d2-2-1, patella p0-1-0, r1-1- 0, tibia v2-2-2-1ap, p0-1-0, metatarsus v2-2-2-3, p1-1-1; III: femur d2-2-0, patella p1-1-1, tibia v2-2-2-2, p2-2-0, r1-1-0, metatarsus v2-2-2-3, p2-2-2, r2-2-1; IV: femur d2-1p-0, patella p1-1-0, tibia 1p-2-2-2-3, p1-1-0, r1-1-1, metatarsus v2-2-2-1p, p1-1-1, r2-2-1. Scopulae: metatarsus I−II scopulate on more than distal half, III on distal third and IV only apical, distal fourth. Tarsi I - IV densely scopulate, III with some little spines on longitudinal division, IV with a larger division. Two tibial apophysis originating from a common base, the retrolateral branch granulated on apex, one spine laterally ( Fig. 9). Palpal bulb with PS and PI keels, DR with 4-7 teeth on PI and enlarged tip of embolus ( Figs 8, 10−12). Urticating setae III and IV present.

Female (IBSP 163660). Color as in male. Total length 40.4. Carapace 21.7 long, 19.3 wide. Fovea straight. Eye tubercle 1.9 long, 2.9 wide. Eye sizes: AME 0.36, ALE 0.64, PME 0.56, PLE 0.6. Labium 3.2 long, 3.4 wide, with ca. 250 cuspules. Maxillae with ca. 280 cuspules each. Sternum 9.2 long, 8.7 wide. Cheliceral furrow with 10 teeth. Palp, femur 11.3/ patella 7.2/ tibia 7.8/ tarsus 6.3/ total 32.6. Legs I: femur 15.6/ patella 9.8/ tibia 10.4/ metatarsus 8.5/ tarsus 4.1/ total 48.4; II: 14.5/ 9.2/ 8.8/ 8.9/ 5.1/ 46.5; III: 12.6/ 7.6/ 7.2/ 12.1/ 4.7/ 44.2; IV: 15.7/ 8.3/ 9.8/ 15.1/ 6.3/ 55.2. Spines: palp, femur d0-0-1p, tibia v0-1r-2, p0-1-1. Leg I: femur d0-0-1p, tibia v1r-1r-3ap, p1-1-0; metatarsus v1r-1-3ap; II: femur d0-1-1p, tibia v1r-1r-3ap, p1-1-0, metatarsus v1p-1- 3ap; III: femur d0-0-2, tibia v1-1-2, p1-1-0, r1-1-0, metatarsus v2-1p-1p-2, p1-1-0, r1-1-0; IV: femur d0-0-1r, tibia v1-1-2, p0- 1-0, r0-1-0, metatarsus v1-p-2-2-2-1ap, p1-1-1, r1-1-1. Scopulae on metatarsi I–II 2/3 apical, III and IV only a small apical tuft, all tarsal scopulae integrae, but the IV with only some setae, in longitudinal line. Spermathecae with separate necks ( Figs 13−14).

Material examined. BRAZIL, Goiás: 1 male ( IBSP 111800 View Materials ) ; Alto Paraíso (14°07’57”S 47°30’36”W), 08/VIII/1997, C. Nogueira leg., 1 male ( IBSP 12334 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Catalão, Santo Antonio do Rio Verde (18°9’57”S; 47°56’47”W), 17/III/1997, J.B. Alves leg., 1 male ( IBSP 12335 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Ipameri (17°43’19”S; 48°09’35”W), V /1983, J. Ponezolla Junior leg., 1 male ( IBSP 104780 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Minas Gerais: Januária, Parque Nacional das Cavernas do Peruaçu (15°10’0”S; 44°22’0”W), 10–31/VII/2008, M. Teixeira Jr. & R. Recoder leg., 1 male ( IBSP 119897 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, same data ( IBSP 119888 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Chapada Gaúcha, Parque Nacional Grande Sertão Veredas (15°18’21”S; 45°37’06”W), 11/VII/2011, J.P.P.P. Barbosa leg., 1 male ( IBSP 209037 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Bahia: Casa Nova (09°09’43”S; 40°58’15”W), 12/ II/2010, A. C. Guimarães leg., 1 female ( IBSP 133660 View Materials ) GoogleMaps , São Desidério (12°21’8”S; 44°59’3”W), VII/2019. V. Ghirotto leg, 1 male ( IBSP 2424979 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo: Morro Agudo (20°43’53”S; 48°03’28”W), 10/ V /1998, G. Palhares leg., 1 male ( IBSP 112330 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Brazil: states of Goiás, Minas Gerais, Bahia and São Paulo ( Fig. 55).

Remarks. The presence of a retrolateral process on male palpal tibia, palpal bulb embolus with PS and PI keels ( Figs 8, 10−12), two tibial apophysis ( Fig. 9), metatarsus I bent between the two, urticating setae of type III and IV on abdomen, presence of spiniform setae on palp and coxae I–IV, justify the transference of Homoemma humile to Bumba . The female has the same coloration of males and the occurrence of males of the species in São Desidério and Casa Nova, Bahia led us to associate males and females in this work.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Bumba humile ( Vellard, 1924 )

Lucas, Sylvia M., Passanha, Victor & Brescovit, Antonio D. 2020

Homoeomma humile

Vellard J 1924: 150
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