Plagiochilaceae, Muller, 1956

Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders & Konrat, Matt Von, 2015, Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 69. Circumscription of Plagiochilaceae (Marchantiophyta) with a preliminary infrageneric subdivision of Plagiochila, Phytotaxa 208 (1), pp. 75-91 : 75-76

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.208.1.8

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scientific name



Circumscription of Plagiochilaceae View in CoL

The family Plagiochilaceae Müller (1956: 877) was originally circumscribed to include the genera Mylia Gray (1821: 693) , Pedinophyllum ( Lindberg 1874: 366) Lindberg (1875: 504) and Plagiochila ( Dumortier 1831: 42) Dumortier (1835: 14) . Mylia was transferred to Jungermanniaceae by Grolle (1962) forming a new subfamily, subfam. Mylioideae Grolle (1962: 15) , which was later elevated to its own family, Myliaceae Schliakov (1975: 308) . Later, several genera, mostly segregates from Plagiochila were established and referred to the family. Crandall-Stotler et al. (2009) included Acrochila Schuster (1963: 285) , Chiastocaulon Carl (1931a: 58) , Dinckleria Trevisan (1877: 421) , Pedinophyllopsis R.M.Schust. et Inoue in Schuster & Engel (1981: 311), Pedinophyllum , Plagiochila , Plagiochilidium Herzog (1931: 186) , Plagiochilion Hattori (1947: 7) and Xenochila Schuster (1959a: 15) . Söderström et al. (2013) moved the genus Pseudolophocolea R.M.Schust. et Inoue in Schuster & Engel (1982: 71) from Lophocoleaceae Vanden Berghen (1956: 208) to Plagiochilaceae . Plagiochilaceae is related to Lophocoleaceae and several genera have shifted positions between the families. Other genera that have been included in Plagiochilaceae in various publications are either synonyms with any of the mentioned genera, or now included in other families. In addition to Plagiochila , the following genera are now recognized within the family.

Acrochila was established to accommodate Acrochila simpsonii (W.Martin & E.A.Hodgs. in Martin 1950: 497) Schuster (1963: 285) [= Acrochila biserialis (Lehm. et Lindenb. in Lindenberg 1843: 126) Grolle (1964a: 236)] and Acrochila etesseana ( Stephani 1908: 152) Schuster (1963: 285) [= Acrochila caledonica ( Stephani 1908: 32) Inoue 1967: 182 ], two segregates from Plagiochila View in CoL . The genus was included in the molecular study of Groth (2005) with conflicting results. One marker placed it in Plagiochilaceae View in CoL and another marker as a sister to Adelanthus Mitten (1864: 243) View in CoL . However, we here retain it in Plagiochilaceae View in CoL until further studied.

Chiastocaulon View in CoL was established to accommodate Chiastocaulon dendroides ( Nees 1830: 77) Carl (1931a: 59) View in CoL , Chiastocaulon flagelliferum Stephani (1918: 155) Carl (1931a: 60) and Chiastocaulon minutifolium Stephani (1921: 185) Carl (1931a: 60) . All three species were united to one species by Dugas (1929) who considered it a Plagiochila species. This view was followed by most authors until Groth & Heinrichs (2003) in a molecular study showed it to be distinct from Plagiochila View in CoL .

Dinckleria View in CoL was established to include only one species, Dinckleria pleurata ( Hooker & Taylor 1844a: 372) Trevisan (1877: 421) View in CoL . This name had generally been synonymized with Plagiochila View in CoL until the new genus Proskauera Heinrichs et J.J.Engel in Heinrichs et al. (2006: 235) was described with two species, Proskauera pleurata (Hook. f. et Taylor) Heinrichs et J.J.Engel in Heinrichs et al. (2006: 235) and Proskauera fruticella ( Hooker & Taylor 1844c: 565) Heinrichs et J.J.Engel (2006: 237) overlooking the older name Dinckleria View in CoL . This was corrected in Engel & Heinrichs (2008). The close relationship to Plagiochila View in CoL and inclusion in Plagiochilaceae View in CoL has never been challenged.

Pedinophyllopsis View in CoL was established to accommodate Pedinophyllopsis abdita ( Sullivant 1850: 317) R.M.Schust. et Inoue View in CoL in Schuster & Engel (1981: 311). It was originally placed in Geocalycaceae View in CoL , but it was noted to be a very isolated in the family and He-Nygrén & Piippo (2003) showed that it is better placed in Plagiochilaceae View in CoL .

Pedinophyllum View in CoL was established to accommodate Pedinophyllum pyrenaicum ( Spruce 1847: no. 9) Lindberg (1875: 504) [= Pedinophyllum interruptum ( Nees 1833: 165) Kaalaas (1893: 190) View in CoL ] and now includes four species (although some not universally recognized). Although recognized as close to Plagiochila View in CoL its position within Plagiochilaceae View in CoL has sometimes been questioned, but Feldberg et al. (2010 b) showed it belongs there.

Plagiochilidium View in CoL was described with one species, Plagiochilidium borneensis Herzog (1931: 186) [= Plagiochilidium bidentulum ( Stephani 1905e: 1134) Grolle (1988: 408) View in CoL ]. It was described as closely related to Jamesoniella ( Spruce 1876: 230) Carrington (1881: 25) View in CoL and originally placed in Lophoziaceae Cavers (1910: 293) View in CoL together with Plagiochila View in CoL . Buch et al. (1937) then transferred it to Plagiochilaceae View in CoL .

Plagiochilion View in CoL was originally established to include two species, Plagiochilion oppositum ( Reinwardt et al. 1824: 226) Hattori (1947: 7) and Plagiochilion braunianum ( Nees 1830: 80) Hattori (1947: 7) in the Plagiochilaceae View in CoL . Later, several other species have been referred to the genus. Fourteen species are recognized at present.

Pseudolophocolea View in CoL was established to accommodate Pseudolophocolea denticulata Schuster & Engel (1982: 73) View in CoL . It was originally described as being closely related to Pedinophyllopsis View in CoL . The authors even speculated that the two genera might be regarded as subgenera of a single genus. Although both genera were placed in Geocalycaceae View in CoL subfam. Leptoscyphoideae Schuster (1980: 267), an affinity with the plagiochiloid Pedinophyllum View in CoL was also noted. He-Nygrén & Piippo (2003) showed that Pedinophyllopsis View in CoL is best placed in Plagiochilaceae View in CoL , a hypothesis further supported by the molecular studies of Groth (2005). Based on the morphological similarities of Pseudolophocolea View in CoL with Pedinophyllopsis View in CoL and Pedinophyllum View in CoL detailed in Schuster & Engel (1982), Pseudolophocolea View in CoL was placed in Plagiochilaceae View in CoL by Söderström et al. (2013).

Xenochila View in CoL was established to accommodate Xenochila paradoxa ( Stephani 1921: 197) Schuster (1959a: 15) [= Xenochila integrifolia ( Mitten 1861: 96) Inoue (1963: 373) View in CoL ]. It was assumed to be related to Plagiochilidium View in CoL by Inoue (1963).













Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders & Konrat, Matt Von 2015


Schuster, R. M. & Engel, J. J. 1982: )
Schuster, R. M. 1980: 267


Schuster, R. M. 1959: 197
Mitten, W. 1861: 96


Grolle, R. 1964: 236
Schuster, R. M. 1963: 285
Martin, W. 1950: 497
Schuster, R. M. 1908: 152
Inoue, H. 1908: 32
Mitten, W. 1864: )
Lindenberg, J. B. W. 1843: 126


Nees, C. G. 1931: 77
Carl, H. 1931: )
Carl, H. 1918: )


Herzog, T. 1931: )
Cavers, F. 1910: )
Grolle, R. 1905: 1134
Carrington, B. 1881: 230


Nees, C. G. 1947: 80
Reinwardt, C. G. C. & Blume, C. L. & Nees von Esenbeck, C. G. 1824: 226
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