Dichagyris taftana safavida, Varga, Zoltán, Ronkay, Gábor & Ronkay, László, 2021

Varga, Zoltán, Ronkay, Gábor & Ronkay, László, 2021, Contributions To The Taxonomy And Biogeography Of The Genus Dichagyris (Subg. Dichagyris) Lederer, 1867 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 67 (4), pp. 313-340 : 326

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.67.4.313.2021

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Dichagyris taftana safavida

subsp. nov.

Dichagyris taftana safavida ssp. n.

( Figs 21–24, 46)

Holotype. Male, Iran, Prov. Yazd, Mt. Qohrud, Ali Abad , 2000–2500 m, 27.V.1999, leg. T. Hácz & G. Kőszegi; slide No. GYP 1399m (coll. P. Gyulai, later to be deposited in the HNHM).

Paratypes. Iran. Prov. Yazd . 2 males, 1 female, with same data as holotype (colls P. Gyulai, G. Ronkay, Z. Varga) ; 9 males, 1 female, Shīr Kūh Mts , 6 km NW of Taft-Aliabad, 2650 m, 10–11. VI.2005, leg. P. Gyulai & A. Garai ; 12 males, Kuhhá-ye-Qohrud, Mt Shīr Kūh, Sānij , 2650 m, N31°34,370’, E54°01,091’, 14. VI.2007, leg. T. Hácz ; 5 males, Qohrud Mts, Shīr Kūh , 2700 m, 14–15. VI.2007, leg. T. Hácz (coll. P. Gyulai). Prov. Esfahan . 2 males, Kuh-e-Karkas , 1700 m, 3 km SE of Natanz, 11–12. VI.2005, leg. P. Gyulai & A. Garai (coll. P. Gyulai) ; 2 males, 1 female, N of Tarq, Kuh-e-Karkas, 2600 m, N33°24’, E51°48’, 7.VII.2003, G. Ebert & R. Trusch leg. (coll. SMNK). South Iran . 2 males, 3 females, 100 km S of Abadeh, N of Didegan , 2000 m, 9. VI.1969, leg. Vartian (colls NHMW, Z. Varga) .

Slide Nos: GYP 5304m, VZ 9317m, VZ 10135m, VZ 10185m.

Diagnosis. The populations occurring in the Iranian Provinces Yazd and Esfahan are on average slightly smaller (wingspan 36–38 mm) and generally darker in colouration than those of the typical subspecies from Iranian Baluchistan (Mts Koh-i-Taftan). Head, collar, tegulae and forewings ochreous-brown, forewing with dense dark chocolate-brown irroration and fine reddish-brown tint; noctuid maculation faint; crosslines blurred; cilia brownish-ochreous with thin light ochreous basal line. Abdomen light greyishochreous. Hindwing whitish with blurred light brownish-grey marginal area. Sexes similar; females slightly darker, mostly at forewing submarginal field and more greyish hindwings.

The male genitalia of ssp. safavida ( Fig. 46) can be distinguished from those of the other subspecies of D. taftana by the medially wider valvae, thick- er and obliquely obtuse claspers, and by the more ample subbasal diverticulum with slightly longer, acute cornutus.

Bionomics and distribution. The range of the new subspecies is restricted to the Zaghros mountain system in Yazd and Esfahan provinces of Iran. It seems to have a rather local occurrence but with a relatively wide altitudinal distribution.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Karlsruhe (State Museum of Natural History)


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien













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