Dissomphalus martae Brito & Azevedo, 2024

De Brito, Chirlei D. & Azevedo, Celso O., 2024, Revision of the punctatus species-group of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), Zootaxa 5536 (3), pp. 389-431 : 420-421

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5536.3.2

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scientific name

Dissomphalus martae Brito & Azevedo

sp. nov.

Dissomphalus martae Brito & Azevedo , sp. nov.

( Figs 1C View FIGURE 1 , 5H View FIGURE 5 )

Diagnosis. This species is easily recognized by having the apex of harpe short, the basivolsella without protuberance, the aedeagal dorsal valve narrow with lobes very long and expanded dorsally and basal cover plate in V-shaped.

Description. Head. Mandible with two distal teeth. Median clypeal lobe trapezoidal, with one rounded tooth; median clypeal carina low in profile, incomplete apically. Frons coriaceous, punctures small and sparse. Vertex crest weakly incurved. Dorsal pronotal area with anterior margin ecarinate. Tergal process submedian, consisting of tuft with few setae, without depression. Posterior hypopygeal margin weakly outcurved. Genitalia. Harpe slightly wide basally, apical margin truncate, abaxial margin not projected; gonostipes shorter than harpe, ventral margin not excavated until outer margin of basivolsella; digitus short, basidorsal corner poorly projected; basivolsella without protuberance, without spines; aedeagal ventral valve with apex aligned with apex of dorsal one, evenly narrow; inner margin straight; outer margin sinuous, parallel; aedeagal dorsal valve narrow, with pair of apical lobe; aedeagal dorsal valve narrow, with two pairs of apical lobe; outer lobe very long, narrow, apical margin rounded and posterad; apex of inner median filament anterior to apex of lobe, directed posterad; basal cover plate entirely narrow, posterior margin broadly rounded; apodeme extending beyond genital ring.

Material examined. Holotype, 1♂: BRAZIL, Pará, Juruti, Mineração Alcoa, Capiranga 25–29.V.2008, arm. Malaise, J.N. Santos & L.A. Quaresma ( MPEG) . Paratypes: BRAZIL, Acre, 1♂, Pq. Nac. Serra do Divisor, Norte — 3, 12–13.XI.1996 arm. Malaise, E.F. Morato col. ( UFES) ; Amazonas , 1♂, Estirão do Equador, R. Javari, AM , BRAZIL, IX.1979, Alvarenga ( MZSP) ; Manaus , 1♂, VI–1972, F.M. Oliveira ( PMAE) ; Manaus, Res. Ducke , 1♂, 14.VII.1990, mata, Malaise, Vidal e Rocha col. ( INPA) , 1♂, 15.IV.1992, adesiva, Vidal e Vidal col. ( INPA) ; 1♂, Rod AM 010 Km 26, mata, IX.2001, arm. Malaise, J.F. Vidal col. ( INPA) ; 1♂, 2°57'S 59°55'W, L7–2500, Malaise, Ponto 2, Período 72h, X.2014, S.S. Azevedo col. ( INPA) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Reserva 1210, 3.II.1986, Malaise, B. Klein col. ( INPA) ; 1♂, Reserva 1401, Gavião , 17–31.I.1996, arm. Malaise ( INPA) ; 1♂, Base de Instrução –2, mata, 3–12.III.1998, arm. Malaise ( INPA) ; Mato Grosso, 3♂, Sinop , 12°31'S 55°37'W, 350m, X.1974, M.Alvarenga ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Sinop , II–1976, O. Roppa ( PMAE) ; Minas Gerais {= Mato Grosso}, 1♂, Sinop , XI.1975, M.Alvarenga ( PMAE) ; Pará, Altamira, Rio Xingu , Ilha Grande, arm. Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col., 2♂, 6–10.XI.2007, 2♂, Itapuama , 26–30.I.2008 ( MPEG) ; Canaã dos Carajas, cianeto arm. Malaise , R.M. Valente & E.M. Santos col., 1♂, 6,4°85'87''S 49,8°96'21''W, 24.VII.2004, 1♂, 6,4°68'93''S 49,8°80'27''W, 28.XI.2005, 1♂, 6,4°75'43''S 49,8°74'20''W, 29.XI.2005 ( MPEG) ; Juruti, arm. Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col., 1♂, Estrada Mutum , 7.XII.2008, 1♂, Mauari , 1.XII.2008 ( MPEG) ; Juriti, Propriedade Barroso, arm. Malaise , O.T. Silveira & equipe col., 1♂, 28.X.2007, 1♂, 15.VI.2009 ( MPEG) ; Melgaço, Floresta Nacional Caxiuanã, Trilha Est. Cie. Ferreira Pena , arm. Malaise 2, A.P. Aguiar & J.D. Dias , 1♂, 14–19.XI.2003, Ponto P05058, 1♂, 19–25.XI.2003, Ponto P 05141 ( MPEG) ; Trilha Igarapé, Ararua , 1♂, 15–18.XI.2003, arm. Möricke, Ponto P 05029, 1♂, 18–21.XI.2003, arm. Möricke, Ponto P 05076 ; 1♂, 24– 26.XI.2003, arm. Malaise; 1♂, Puraquequara, 19–26.XI.2003, arm. Malaise 14, Tijucaquara , 1♂, 18–24.XI.2003, arm. Malaise 10, P05117, 3♂, 24–26.XI.2003, arm. Malaise 11, P05189 ( MPEG) ; Oriximiná, Porto de Trombetas, 01°27'S 56°30'W, arm. Malaise, J. Cardoso & G. Costa col., 1♂, 15–25.XII.2006, 1♂, 18–28.XII.2006, 1♂, 24.XII.2006 – 3.I.2007 ( UFES) GoogleMaps ; Vitória do Xingu, Rio Xingu, Igarapé Di Maria , arm. Malaise , O.T. Silveira & equipe col., 2♂, 13–17.XI.2007, 3♂, 7–11.II.2008 ( MPEG) .

Distribution. BRAZIL (Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará).

Etymology. This species is named after the biologist Marta Vannucci, the first woman in the Brazilian Academy of Science.

Remarks. It is similar to D. carmenae sp. nov. by having the aedeagal dorsal valve narrow, the aedeagal dorsal lobes wide, the basal cover plate narrow, and the basivolsella without protuberance. However, D. martae sp. nov. has the aedeagal dorsal lobes expanded dorsally, the apex of the harpe slender, and posterior margin of the basal cover plate broadly incurved, whereas D. carmenae sp. nov. has the aedeagal dorsal lobes not expanded dorsally, the apex of the harpe truncate, and the basal cover plate V-shaped.


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Canadian National Collection Insects













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