Magnolia quetzal Va

Morales-Molina, Sobeida, Vega-Rodri ́ Guez, Hermes, Shalisko, Viacheslav, Alemán-Avilez, Maryury & Vázquez-García, J. Antonio, 2024, A new species, Magnolia corquinensis, and a new record of Magnolia quetzal (Magnoliaceae) for Honduras, Phytotaxa 642 (2), pp. 191-200 : 198

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Magnolia quetzal Va


Magnolia quetzal Va View in CoL ́zquez, Véliz & Tribouillier (2013: 2). ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 )

Type:— GUATEMALA. Quiché: Chajul municipality, 1585 m, 7 Oct 2012, Tribouillier & Pedro 664 (holotype: BIGU; isotype IBUG).

Specimen examined:— HONDURAS. Department of Copán: Corquín Municipality , National Park Montaña de Celaque , Aldea Quebrada

Honda, 14°34’49.17”N, 88°46’35.86”O, 1235 m, 5 Oct 2022 (fl.), Morales & Pérez 002 ( TEFH).

Magnolia quetzal with circumcissile dehiscence and stipular scar along the length of the petiole belongs to Magnolia sect. Talauma Baillon (1866: 66) , and it is only known from Quiché, Guatemala, and now Copán, Honduras. It grows in moist forests, locally isolated in the two disjunct areas. It should be looked for in the intermediate areas of equivalent climate.


Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala


Universidad de Guadalajara


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

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