Epigodromia McLay, 1993

Prema, Mani & Cubelio, Sherine Sonia, 2024, A new species of sponge crab of the genus Epigodromia McLay 1993 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Dromiidae) from the southeastern Arabian Sea, with notes on the Zoogeography, Zootaxa 5496 (2), pp. 247-260 : 257-258

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5496.2.6

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scientific name

Epigodromia McLay, 1993


Key to the species of genus Epigodromia McLay, 1993 View in CoL (modified from McLay, 1993)

1. Carapace slightly longer than wide or almost as wide as long, supraorbital tooth absent.............................. 2

- Carapace distinctly wider than long, supraorbital tooth present................................................. 7

2. Rostral teeth rounded. Anterolateral margin of carapace without distinct teeth or lobes................................................................................................... Epigodromia globosa ( Lewinsohn, 1977) View in CoL

- Rostral teeth bluntly triangular or acute, anterolateral margin of carapace with distinct teeth or lobes or nodes............ 3

3. Median rostral tooth prominent, lateral teeth broadly triangular................... Epigodromia ebaliodes ( Alcock, 1900)

- Median rostral tooth short, lateral teeth elongated triangular.................................................... 4

4. Carapace with distinct areolae bearing dense granules, anterolateral margin with two distinct nodes............................................................................................. Epigodromia nodosa ( Sakai, 1936) View in CoL

- Carapace with indistinct areolae bearing well-spaced granules, anterolateral margin with two distinct teeth or lobes....... 5

5. Median and lateral rostral teeth prominent, posterolateral margin of carapace with indistinct lobe.......................................................................................... Epigodromia granulata (Kossman, 1878) View in CoL

- Median rostral tooth small, lateral teeth prominent, posterolateral margin of carapace with distinct tooth................ 6

6. Anterolateral margin with two teeth, suborbital tooth indistinct...................... Epigodromia gilesii ( Alcock, 1900) View in CoL

- Anterolateral margin with two lobes, suborbital tooth distinct, lobular................. Epigodromia rotunda McLay, 1993 View in CoL

7. Anterolateral margin with three or more teeth, posterolateral tooth present........................................ 8

- Anterolateral margin with two lobes or tubercles, posterolateral tooth absent...................................... 9

8. Carapace with distinct areolae bearing few well-spaced granules, anterolateral margin with three teeth........................................................................................... Epigodromia rugosa McLay, 1993 View in CoL

- Carapace with distinct areolae bearing dense granules and tooth on branchial margin, anterolateral margin with five-six teeth....................................................................... Epigodromia acutidens ( Sakai, 1983) View in CoL

9. Carapace with indistinct areolae, lateral rostral teeth directed forward, anterolateral margin with two tubercles.................................................................................. Epigodromia sculpta ( Haswell, 1882) View in CoL

- Carapace with distinct areolae, lateral rostral teeth curved outward, anterolateral margin with two lobes................ 10

10. Anterolateral lobes covered with pointed granules, inner margins of dactyli of first two pairs of legs armed with seven-eight small spines.............................................................. Epigodromia areolata ( Ihle, 1913) View in CoL

- Anterolateral lobes covered with rounded granules, inner margins of dactyli of first two pairs of legs armed with five-seven small spines.................................................................. Epigodromia mclayi sp. nov.











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