Chromolaena ivifolia (Linnaeus) King & Robinson (1970c: 202)

Christ, Anderson Luiz & Ritter, Mara Rejane, 2019, A taxonomic study of Praxelinae (Asteraceae-Eupatorieae) in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Phytotaxa 393 (2), pp. 141-197 : 166-170

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.393.2.5

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Chromolaena ivifolia (Linnaeus) King & Robinson (1970c: 202)


2.7. Chromolaena ivifolia (Linnaeus) King & Robinson (1970c: 202) View in CoL .

Eupatorium ivifolium Linnaeus (1759: 1205) View in CoL . Osmia ivifolia View in CoL (L.) Schultz-Bipontinus (1866: 252). Lectotype (designated by King & Robinson 1975: 924):— JAMAICA. s.l., s.d., P. Browne s.n. (LINN! [LINN978.28]).

= Eupatorium affine Hooker & Arnott (1836: 240) View in CoL . Eupatorium conyzoides var. affine (Hook. & Arn.) Baker (1876: 278) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Freire & Ariza Espinar 2014b: 334):— ARGENTINA View in CoL . Interior of Entre Rios, s.d. J. Tweedie s.n. (E! [E00249910], isolectotype K! [000486880]).

= Eupatorium concinnum Hooker & Arnott (1836: 239) View in CoL , non Candolle (1836: 156) (= Neocabreria concinna King & Robinson 1972: 152 View in CoL ). Type:— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul, s.d., J. Tweedie s.n. (holotype E! [E00249919]).

= Eupatorium obscurum Candolle (1836: 142) View in CoL . Osmia obscura (DC.) Schultz-Bipontinus (1866: 252) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. s.l., s.d., C. Gaudichaud s.n. (holotype P! [P02399637], isotype G-DC! [G00465921]).

= Ooclinium clavatum Bentham (1838: 108) View in CoL . Osmia gracilima Schultz-Bipontinus ex Baker (1876: 290) nom. nud. pro syn. Osmia stenophylla Schultz-Bipontinus ex Baker (1876: 290) View in CoL nom. nud. pro syn. Eupatorium ivifolium var. gracilimum Baker (1876: 290) . Type:— GUIANA. s.l., 1836, M.R. Schomburgk 165 (holotype K! [K000486812]).

= Eupatorium fasciculare Poeppig (1845: 54) View in CoL . Type:— PERU. Cessapi, 1829, E.F. Poeppig 1660 (holotype W, isotype F! [V0043793F]).

= Eupatorium ivifolium var. serratum Grisebach (1866: 146) View in CoL . Type:— CUBA View in CoL . s.l., 1860, C. Wright 2800 (holotype GOET, isotype K! [K000373092]).

= Eupatorium ivifolium var. extrorsum Baker (1876: 290) View in CoL . Eupatorium extrorsum Schultz-Bipontinus ex Baker (1876: 290) View in CoL nom. nud. pro syn. Types:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: Sorocaba, s.d., Riedel s.n. (syntype K! [K000486810]); Minas Gerais: Lagoa Santa, s.d., E. Warming 516 (syntype P! [P02399700]).

= Eupatorium ivifolium var. laxiflorum Baker (1876: 290) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Maranhão, 1837, Pohl 289 (holotype K! [K000486814]).

= Eupatorium ivifolium var. asperum Baker (1876: 291) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Goiás: Arraias, May 1840, Gardner 4207 (holotype K! [K000373091]).

= Eupatorium luquense Chodat (1901: 413) View in CoL . Chromolaena luquensis (Chodat) King & Robinson (1970c: 203) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Freire & Ariza Espinar 2014b: 334):— PARAGUAY. Sapucay, 1885, E. Hassler 1657 (G! [G00381968], isolectotypes K! [K000486804], P! [P00742480], NY! [NY169094]).

= Eupatorium ivifolium var. foliosum Chodat (1902: 307) View in CoL . Type:— PARAGUAY. Luque, March 1875, B. Balansa 939 (holotype G! [G00381851]).

= Eupatorium ivifolium var. hirsutum Hassler (1916: 280) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Freire & Ariza Espinar 2014b: 334):— PARAGUAY. Santa Elisa, March 1903, E. Hassler & T. Rojas 2788 (G! [G00381965[, isolectotypes K! [K000486811], BM]

= Eupatorium ivifolium var. pilcomayense Hassler (1916: 280) View in CoL . Type:— PARAGUAY. Gran Chaco: Pilcomayo river, June 1906, T. Rojas 236 (holotype G, isotype BM! [BM000096343]).

= Eupatorium ivifolium var. perturbinatum Robinson (1928: 23) View in CoL . Type:— ARGENTINA View in CoL . Formosa: Guayalec, September 1909, P. Jörgensen 3351 (holotype GH! [GH00007734], isotype SI). ( Fig. 14A–E View FIGURE 14 , 15A–B View FIGURE 15 ).

Subshrubs, up to 1.5 m tall, erect, xylopodium absent, branched from base or only in capitulescence; stems puberulous to hirsute, eglandular or rarely glandular, leafy until capitulescence. Leaves 1.7–8.9 × 0.4–4.4 cm, opposite, sessile to petiolate, 3-veined, leaf blade lanceolate to linear, papyraceous to chartaceous, apex acute to obtuse, base acute to cuneate, rarely rounded, margins entire to serrate in apical half, entire in basal half, adaxial surface glabrous to strigose, eglandular, abaxial surface strigose to rarely hirsute on veins, glandular, margins ciliate; petioles up to 1.4 cm long, hirsute, eglandular. Primary capitulescences corymbose. Secondary capitulescences corymbose to paniculate, axis puberulous to hirsute, glandular or eglandular, bracteate, bracts 0.9–8.5 × 0.2–2 cm, petioles up to 1.5 cm long, hirsute, eglandular. Capitula subsessile to pedunculate, peduncles 0.4–1.6 cm long, puberulous, glandular or eglandular, involucres cylindrical to campanulate, 5.5–7.8 × 2.7–4 mm, involucral bracts 22–40, 6–7-seriate, outer ovate to oblong, 1.4–2.9 × 1–1.6 mm, apex rounded to truncate, vinaceous, ciliate or eciliate, glabrous to puberulous, glandular or rarely eglandular, recurved to slightly recurved, abaxial surface stramineous to citrine, 3–5-veined, glabrous, inner spatulate to linear, 5–7.5 × 0.7–1.1 mm, apex rounded, pink, non-petaloid, eciliate, glabrous, eglandular, slightly recurved to erect, abaxial surface stramineous to citrine, 3–4-veined, glabrous, receptacles epaleate or rarely paleate, paleae 0–2, linear, 3.2–7 × 0.2–0.7 mm, 1–3-veined, apex stramineous to pink, abaxial surface stramineous, eciliate, eglandular. Florets 18–27, corollas 3.3–4.8 × 0.4–0.9, lilac, lobes glabrous, glandular. Cypselas obconical, 2–3.4 × 0.4–0.8 mm, 5–7-ribbed, ribs and sinuses glabrous to setuliferous, eglandular, pappus setae ca. 25–40, white to stramineous, 3.8–4.9 mm long.

Distribution: —Tropical America, from southern United States to northern Argentina ( Esteves 2001) . In Brazil, it occurs in Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, São Paulo, Tocantins and all states of the Midwestern and Southern regions. In Rio Grande do Sul, it occurs in all physiographic regions with the exception of Missões ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 , triangles).

Habitat: —Grasslands or forest edges in both Atlantic Forest and Pampa biomes, without any clear environmental preferences. It is also a common species in anthropogenic sites.

Phenology: —Flowers during summer and autumn, with a flowering peak in March and April.

Etymology: —The specific epithet is a reference to the leaves of genus Iva L. ( Asteraceae ), to which the leaves of this species bear some similarity.

Comments: — Chromolaena ivifiolia is one of the three species with the greatest geographical range of the genus, along C. laevigata and C. odorata . It is one of the most common species found in Rio Grande do Sul, particularly in anthropogenic sites such as roadsides, where it tends to form dense populations.

We agree with the observations of Matzenbacher (1979) and Esteves (2001), who noted that C. ivifolia is subject to a significant variation in some of its morphological characters, particularly the indumentum of stems and leaves, the shape and size of leaves, and the indumentum, shape and curvature of the apices of the outer involucral bracts. However, the characters of the inner involucral bracts, mainly the shape of the apex and the pink coloration are constant among the specimens analyzed, suggesting it to be a strong morphological feature to recognize this species.

Morphologically, the closest species to C. ivifolia found in Rio Grande do Sul is C. callilepis . The differences between these species were pointed under the description of the latter.

The great variation of most of its morphological characters makes its identification sometimes complex, resulting in many misidentifications with similar species. Chromolaena ivifolia is often mistaken for C. verbenacea : both species share many similar characters, mostly in the vegetative organs. Chromolaena ivifolia differs from C. verbenacea by the smaller leaves, with never attenuate base and always with abaxial surface densely glandular; the greater number of florets; the smaller capitula; and the outer involucral bracts never glabrous, always glandular and with apex slightly recurved to recurved. Chromolaena ivifolia is also sometimes mistaken for C. hirsuta and C. pedunculosa . It differs from the latter mostly due to the smaller capitula and the outer involucral bracts with more or less recurved apices, never glabrous and always glandular (vs. involucral bracts with always appressed apices, always glabrous and never glandular) and from the former by the greater number of florets, general shape of the leaves, absence of glandular hairs in the cypselas and by the inner involucral bracts with pink, rounded apices.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL: Rio Grande do Sul: Alegrete: BR 290 , Km 468, 03 April 1977, Porto, M. L., Irgang, B. et. al. 2420 ( ICN). Arroio dos Ratos: Granja Faxinal, 20 April 1979, Hagelund, K. 12778 ( ICN). Bom Jesus: s.l. [28°44’S, 50°26’W], 25 March 2017, Christ, A. L. 404 ( ICN). Caçapava do Sul: s.l., 11 April 2008, Schneider, A. A. 1596b ( ICN). Cachoeira do Sul: Mina Iruí, April 1985, Sobral, M. 3831 ( ICN). Canoas: s.l., February 1944, Augusto, I. s.n. ( ICN18052 View Materials ). Carazinho: s.l., February 1944, Augusto, I. s.n. ( ICN18032 View Materials ). Caxias do Sul: Ana Rech, Faxinal, 17 March 1989, Brinker, J. et al. s.n. ( HUCS05512 ) GoogleMaps ; RS-122, 15 April 2012, Wasum, R. 4984 ( HUCS, MBM) ; Criúva, Cânion dos Palanquinhos, 04 February 2017, Gonzatti, F. 3337 ( HUCS). Giruá : Granja Sodal, March 1964, Hagelund, K. 1931, 2185, 2186, 2202, 2243 ( ICN) ; entre Giruá e Santa Rosa , 03 April 1979, Hagelund, K. 12736 ( ICN). Guaíba : BR 116 , Km 32, 18 March 1975, Matzenbacher, N. I. 163 ( ICN) ; Fazenda São Maximiano, BR 116 , Km 308, 28 March 2009, Matzenbacher, N. I. s.n. ( ICN153063 View Materials ). Ijuí: Rua Dr. Pestana, 19 February 1952, Pivetta, J. 355 ( PACA). Mariana Pimentel: Colônia do Podocarpus, 14 May 1978, Matzenbacher, N. I. s.n. ( ICN170494 View Materials ). Nonoai: Rio Uruguai , March 1945, Rambo, B. s.n. ( PACA28179 About PACA ). Osório: s.l., 27 March 1950, Rambo, B. s.n. ( ICN16304 View Materials ). Pelotas: s.l., 11 March 1957, Sacco, J. C. 611 ( PACA) ; s.l., 14 February 1967, Cardoso, E. 16 ( HBEI). Porto Alegre: Faculdade de Agronomia, 10 March 1975, Arzivenco , L. s.n. ( ICN67777 View Materials ). Rosário do Sul: s.l. [30°15’S, 54°32’], 28 November 2016, Christ, A. L. 313 ( ICN). Santa Cruz do Sul: Trombudo, 01 March 1976, Waechter, J. L. 227 ( ICN). Santana do Livramento : Cerro do Armour , 26 March 1976, Irgang, B. s.n. ( ICN32370 View Materials ). Santa Maria: Estação Experimental da Silvicultura , 10 April 1956, Camargo, O. R. 500 ( PACA) ; s.l., May 1985, Sobral, M. 3883 ( ICN) ; Campus da UFSM, atrás do CEFD, 14 January 1994, Ethur , L. s.n. ( SMDB5072 About SMDB ) ; Campus da UFSM, 08 June 1994, Ethur, L. s.n. ( SMDB5440 About SMDB ) ; Pains, antiga fazenda de Valter Moreira, 20 March 2015, Christ, A. L. 64 ( SMDB) ; CISM, proximidades da antiga fazenda Sarandi, 17 April 2015, Christ, A. L. 114 ( SMDB). São Francisco de Paula : RS-235, 25 March 2001, Wasum, R. 1027 ( HUCS) ; 24 March 2002, Wasum, R. 1437 ( HUCS) ; entre São Francisco e Jaquirana, 18 March 2017, Christ, A. L. 376 ( ICN). São Gabriel: Fazenda Santa Cecília , January 1944, Rambo, B. s.n. ( PACA25771 About PACA ) ; BR 290 , próximo ao Km 302, 27 March 1985, Bueno, O. et. al. 4248 ( MBM) ; s.l., 11 April 2008, Schneider, A. A. 1595 ( ICN) ; FEPAGRO, 02 April 2014, Barão, C. F. 36 ( HBEI) ; s.l., 17 June 2014, Barão, C. F. 46 ( HBEI). São Jerônimo: BR 290 , Km 58, 1979, Hagelund, K. 12725 ( ICN). São João do Polêsine: Vale Vêneto , 09 April 1956, Sehnem, A. 1333 ( PACA). São Leopoldo: Sapucaia, 22 April 1937, Dutra , J. s.n. ( ICN15638 View Materials ) ; s.l., 16 April 1946, Henz, E. s.n. ( PACA33525 About PACA ). Três de Maio: BR 462 , Km 134, 13 April 2017, Christ, A. L. 436 ( ICN). Tupanciretã: s.l., 29 January 1942, Rambo, B. s.n. ( PACA9820 About PACA ). Vacaria: Hidráulica de Vacaria , 28 February 1976, Arzivenco, L. s.n. ( ICN42116 View Materials ) ; Parque das Cachoeiras, Refugiados, 26 March 2017, Gonzatti, F. 3466 ( HUCS) .


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Royal Botanic Gardens


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


University of the Witwatersrand


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Nanjing University


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University of Copenhagen


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


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NifTAL Rhizobium Collection (Asia Center)














Chromolaena ivifolia (Linnaeus) King & Robinson (1970c: 202)

Christ, Anderson Luiz & Ritter, Mara Rejane 2019

Eupatorium ivifolium var. perturbinatum

Robinson, B. L. 1928: )

Eupatorium ivifolium var. hirsutum

Freire, S. E. & Ariza Espinar, L. 2014: 334
Hassler, E. 1916: )

Eupatorium ivifolium var. pilcomayense

Hassler, E. 1916: )

Eupatorium ivifolium var. foliosum

Chodat, R. H. 1902: )

Eupatorium luquense

Freire, S. E. & Ariza Espinar, L. 2014: 334
King, R. M. & Robinson, H. 1970: )
Chodat, R. H. 1901: )

Ooclinium clavatum

Baker, J. G. 1876: )
Baker, J. G. 1876: )
Baker, J. G. 1876: )

Eupatorium ivifolium var. extrorsum

Baker, J. G. 1876: )
Baker, J. G. 1876: )

Eupatorium ivifolium var. laxiflorum

Baker, J. G. 1876: )

Eupatorium ivifolium var. asperum

Baker, J. G. 1876: )

Eupatorium ivifolium var. serratum

Grisebach, A. H. R. 1866: )

Eupatorium fasciculare

Poeppig, E. 1845: )

Eupatorium affine

Freire, S. E. & Ariza Espinar, L. 2014: 334
Baker, J. G. 1876: )
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1836: )

Eupatorium concinnum

King, R. M. & Robinson, H. 1972: 152
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1836: )
Candolle, A. P. de 1836: 156

Eupatorium obscurum

Schultz-Bipontinus, C. H. 1866: )
Candolle, A. P. de 1836: )

Eupatorium ivifolium

King, R. M. & Robinson, H. 1975: 924
Schultz-Bipontinus, C. H. 1866: 252
Linnaeus, C. 1759: )
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