Trismelasmos kangeana Yakovlev, 2023

Yakovlev, R. V., 2023, New species of Trismelasmos Schoorl, 1990 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae: Zeuzerinae) from Kangean Island (Indonesia), Russian Entomological Journal 32 (3), pp. 313-315 : 313-315

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.3.06


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scientific name

Trismelasmos kangeana Yakovlev


Trismelasmos kangeana Yakovlev , sp.n.

Figs 1−2 View Fig View Fig .

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype (male), Indonesia, Kanguan [Kangean] Isl. (N. Bali), 6.50°S, 115.15°E, 100 m, ix.2004, leg. Jakl ( MWM). GoogleMaps Paratype, 1 male, same locality and data ( MWM) GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. Male. Thorax and abdomen densely covered with light-brown scales. Tegulae and patagia light-brown. Antenna goblet-like, basal half bipectinate, setae long (2.5 – 3 times longer than antenna stem diameter), distal half with tiny prongs. Length of fore wing 24 mm. Wing pattern very poorly modified.Fore wing light-brown,with narrow dark-brown portion in basal third of costal margin and sputtering of dark-brown scales along two distal thirds of costal margin, cubital area (from root to postdiscal zone) with dark-brown strokes shaped as reticulated pattern, more expressed basally; wide dark-brown portion along dorsal margin; fringe unicolorous, brown. Hind wing light-brown with slight sputtering of grey scales, without pattern, fringe unicolorous brown.

Male genitalia. Uncus long, relatively narrow basally, slightly narrowing distally, apically rounded; gnathos arms long, thin, ribbon-like; gnathos absent; valve leaf-like, costal margin smooth, abdominal margin semicircular, notch of medium depth on border between basal and medium thirds; juxta robust, saddle-like, with pair of relatively short leaflike processes; saccus very robust, trapezoidal, phallus equal to valve in length, relatively thin, basally extended, apically narrowing; thin finger-like cornutus in vesica.

Female unknown.

DIAGNOSIS. The new species is distinguished from most species of the genus in the poorly modified pattern of the fore wing.A similar reduced pattern (namely, the absence of the costal spots on the fore wing) is observed in the following species – Trismelasmos vavilovi Yakovlev, 2022 (type locality: Indonesia, Lesser Sundas, Pantar Isl., Tanah Labang) — from which the new species differs in the reticulated pattern of the cubital area (from the root to postdiscal zone) on the fore wing, in the smoother abdominal margin of the valve and the longer uncus; – Trismelasmos draupadi Yakovlev, 2011 (type locality: [ Indonesia], Java or., Mt. Bahran) – from which the new species differs in the absence of the thin reticulated pattern throughout all the fore wing area, the smooth costal margin of the valve and the less thick phallus. FLIGHT PERIOD. September.















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