Haminoea maray, Filho & Lima & Simone, 2024

Filho, Hilton de Castro Galvão, Lima, Patricia Oristanio Vaz de & Simone, Luiz Ricardo L., 2024, A new species of Haminoea in Brazilian coast (Cephalaspidea, Haminoeidae) as part of H. elegans group, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 64, pp. 1-15 : 2-12

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11606/1807-0205/2024.64.019

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Haminoea maray

sp. nov.

Haminoea maray new species

( Figs. 1-11 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 6 View Figure 7 View Figure 8 View Figure 9 View Figure 10 View Figure 11 ) https://zoobank.org/ 3392357B-6DE8-4382-95CA-7E79829BCE07

Bulla diaphana Gould,1852:222 (figs. 265a-d[not found]) (non Montagu, 1803, nec Aradas & Maggiore, 1840).

Haminoea elegans View in CoL : Marcus, Er., 1957: 395 (figs. 9-16); 1958: 35; Ev. Marcus & Er. Marcus, 1963: 6; 1967: 24,

fig. 13; Rios, 1994: 198, fig. 931; 2009: 403, fig. 1091; Goodheart et al., 2016: 17, fig. 9A (non Gray, 1825).

Types: holotype MZSP 166112 View Materials . Paratypes: BRAZIL. Ceará ; Caucáia, Estuarine area in Ceara river , 03°42′12″S, 38°37′02″W (H Galvão Fo. col., 12.xii.2009),CMPHRM3077, ~100 spm, MZSP 166110 View Materials , 17 View Materials spm, MZSP 166111 View Materials , 13 View Materials shells GoogleMaps . São Paulo; Ilhabela ( São Sebastião Island ), 23°49′S, 45°22′W, MZSP 75350 View Materials , 15 View Materials spm (voucher by Marcus, 1957, Marcus col., 10-20.iv.1954) GoogleMaps ; Guarujá, Praia do Góes , 23°59′52″S, 46°18′55″W, MZSP 104911 View Materials , 20 View Materials spm ( CM Cunha col., 07.ii.2012) GoogleMaps ; São Vicente, beach of Parque Bitaru, near Ponte Pênsil , 23°58′23.12″S, 46°23′29.12″W (Simone col.), MZSP 81748 View Materials , ~100 shells (05.i.1978), MZSP 35597 View Materials , ~100 spm (1985) GoogleMaps .

Type locality: BRAZIL. São Paulo ; São Vicente, beach of Parque Bitaru, near Ponte Pênsil, 23°58′23.12″S, 46°23′29.12″W [Simone col., 05.i.1978].

Etymology: the specific epithet is a Latinization of the native Guarani word marã′ỹ,meaning translucent,in respect to the Gould′s (1852) idea of naming the Rio de Janeiro population as diaphana , which has a similar meaning.

Diagnosis: Brazilian coast species with shell very globose, spirally microscuptured. Radular rachidian with superior projections medially positioned and evident, and central cusp narrow and short; marginal teeth broad; marginal teeth narrow and long. Gizzard plates with chevrons tightly positioned, with pits less developed.


External morphology: ( Figs. 1 View Figure 1 A-E, 2F-G, P, 3A, 4) Cephalic shield ( Figs. 3A View Figure 3 , 2P View Figure 2 , 4A View Figure 4 : cs) trapezoidal, developed posteriorly into one tapered cephalic lobe or propodium, reaching most anterior part of shell, separated from foot by horizontal furrow ( Figs. 3A View Figure 3 , 7G, P View Figure 7 ). Hancock′s organ ( Figs. 3 View Figure 3 A-B, 4A: ho, 7I) with multiple, relatively symmetric lamellae. Parapodial lobes ( Figs. 1 View Figure 1 A-B, 2F-G) extended from foot sole to anterior dorsal side of shell. Gill plicate ( Fig. 3A View Figure 3 , 6E View Figure 6 : gi), arched; multi-lobed, each lobe with several secondary, rather irregular filaments ( Fig. 2H View Figure 2 ), gradually larger towards anterior; located internal to mantle cavity ( Fig. 2P View Figure 2 ). Foot with posterior and anterior border rounded ( Figs. 1 View Figure 1 A-C, 7C-D, F-G, P).

Shell: shape bulloid,globose,involute (mainly formed by body whorl);1.3 ( Fig.1D View Figure 1 ) to 1.4 ( Figs.2A,C,L View Figure 2 ) times longer than wide. Outer surface with growth lines conspicuous forming grid pattern; spiral striae well-developed, thin, uniform, all-over surface ( Figs. 1D View Figure 1 , 2B, E, M View Figure 2 ). Periostracum thin, color orange-brown. Aperture ~50% of frontal view; narrow superior, expanding slightly superior to spire (~ ⅙ of length), wide interior (~40% of length); both superior and inferior regions rounded; spire concentrated in superior half. Outer lip with cutting edge. Inner lip amply convex in superior ⅔, slightly concave in inferior third ( Figs. 1D View Figure 1 , 2A, L View Figure 2 ). Callus weak, slightly more developed in inferior region. Anterior view with ample opened spiral aspect ( Fig. 2N View Figure 2 ). Apical view not umbilicate ( Figs. 1E View Figure 1 , 2O View Figure 2 ). Umbilicus absent.

Circulatory and excretory systems: ( Figs. 2P View Figure 2 , 3A View Figure 3 , 6E View Figure 6 ) Pericardial cavity dorsally positioned over anterior region of digestive gland, exposed in pallial cavity. Auricle (au) elongated thin-walled tissue anterior to gill and lateral to ventricle (vt), with two main connections. Kidney (ki) glandular-shaped positioned between gill and heart.

Digestive system: ( Figs. 5-7 View Figure 5 View Figure 6 View Figure 7 ) mouth in middle region of anterior furrow ( Figs. 4A, B, D View Figure 4 : mo). Buccal mass

( Figs. 5A View Figure 5 , 6B, C View Figure 6 : bm) elongated, 3× longer than wide; no dorsal septate muscles. Oral sphincter bit elongated ( Fig. 4B View Figure 4 : ot). Odontophore muscles ( Figs. 8 View Figure 8 A-D): mj, jaw and peribuccal muscles, originated from anterior edges of cartilages, directed towards anterior and dorsal, surrounding oral cavity; mja, unpaired string transverse muscle connecting both lateral sides of oral tube, passing through middle region of odontophore, transpassing, inclusive, both odontophore cartilages ( Figs. 8C, D View Figure 8 ); m2, buccal retractors absent; m4, pair of main dorsal tensor muscles strong and broad, occupying ~ ⅖ of odontophore volume, twice as long as wide, covering ⅓ of cartilages, inserted on ventral portion of subradular membrane; m5, pair of dorsal auxiliary tensor muscles, occupying ~ ⅖ of odontophore volume, twice as long as wide, originating on most anterior region of odontophore cartilages,passing dorsally to m4, inserting on ventral side of subradular membrane, around radular sac; m6, unpaired horizontal muscle,with transverse fibers connecting median edge of both odontophore cartilages and anterior portion of m4, about same length and half as wide as m4, triangle-shaped ( Figs. 8B, D View Figure 8 ); m7, unpaired muscle, originating on posterior region of m6 ( Figs. 8B, D View Figure 8 ). Pair of odontophore cartilages (oc) elliptic, located more posteriorly, with ~half of odontophore length; m9, transverse muscle connecting both postero-ventral sides of both m4 ( Figs. 8B, D View Figure 8 ). Radula formula 28 × 22.1.22 ( Figs. 7 View Figure 7 A-B); rachidian tooth curved, with three cusps,smooth cutting edge; lateral teeth elongated, curved towards medially. Jaws ( Figs. 4 View Figure 4 C-D, 5E, 6A, D: jw, 7K) shape rhomboidal, surface irregular; positioned on posterior portion of buccal mass. Anterior esophagus (es) thin and elongated, length bit longer than buccal mass length; inner surface with one pair of tiny folds. Salivary glands ( Fig. 5E View Figure 5 : sg) thin, elongated, aperture in latero-posterior region of oral cavity. Gizzard bulged, possessing three gizzard plates in anterior half ( Figs. 2J View Figure 2 , 5A, G View Figure 5 , 6 View Figure 6 A-C: gz, 7E), posterior part very muscular and thick ( Fig. 5A View Figure 5 : cr). Gizzard plates ( Figs. 7 View Figure 7 E-F, 4J) composed of many V-shaped crests, with micro-irregular surface. Stomach thin walled, locat- ed inside digestive gland ( Figs. 5A, D View Figure 5 : st). Digestive gland ( Figs. 4 View Figure 4 B-C, 5B: dg) dark beige, homogeneous, mixed with gonad, occupying most part of posterior region of visceral mass. Intestine narrow, walls thick, surrounding digestive gland ( Figs. 4 View Figure 4 B-C, 5B: in); anus ( Figs. 4C View Figure 4 , 5A View Figure 5 : an) postero-dorsal.

Genital system: ( Figs. 9 View Figure 9 , 8E View Figure 8 , 10 View Figure 10 ) Gonad mixed with digestive gland ( Figs. 4B, C View Figure 4 , 5G View Figure 5 : go). Hermaphrodite duct running anteriorly from central part of gonad up to right side of body; expanding anteriorly forming tubular ampulla ( Fig. 9A View Figure 9 : am). Ampulla length more than half of hermaphrodite duct. Seminal receptacle (sr) small, balloon-like, duct narrow, inserted laterally at end of hermaphrodite duct. Mucus gland (mg) and albumen gland (ag) located side by side, both connected to single duct shortly inserted in hermaphrodite duct slightly anteriorly to seminal receptacle′s insertion. Mucus gland (mg) not fused with oviduct. Genital receptacle (or bursa copulatrix) (gr, Fig. 10C View Figure 10 : bc) as larger genital structure, ~4× mucus gland′s size, connected to oviduct in anterior position near to female opening (fp). Oviduct not glandular, elongated, anteriorly curved, opening on female bulb on right side of body. Male organs positioned right-anterior side of head-foot, inside right portion of cephalic shield and near to buccal mass. Prostate gland ( Figs. 8E View Figure 8 , 9C View Figure 9 : pr) rounded, bilobed. Vas deferens narrow, penetrating through penis muscle ( Fig. 8E View Figure 8 : vd). Seminal groove running from male aperture to female bulb along right side of body. Penis (pe) curved, elongated, ~3-times longer than wide, elliptical, size bit smaller than prostate gland, with terminal slightly curved stylet.Vas deferens running along prostate up to tip of papilla ( Figs. 10 View Figure 10 A-B).

Nervous system: ( Fig. 11 View Figure 11 ) Cerebral ganglia (ce) connected by short simple commissure, each ganglion with more than 10 innervations, with larger one directly branching and connecting to Hancock′s organ. Optic nerve ~4× longer than cerebral length. Pleural ganglia (pl) partially fused with cerebral ganglia and not innervated. Pedal ganglia (pd) highly innervated and connected to each other by one single and short pedal commissure. Buccal ganglia ( Fig. 11E View Figure 11 ) small, connected to cerebral ganglia through elongated connective, united with single short buccal commissure. Visceral loop very elongated ( Fig. 11A View Figure 11 ). Subintestinal and visceral ganglia slightly fused, size large as half of cerebral ganglion size. Supraintestinal ganglia size as larger as abdominal ganglia, connected to abdominal ganglia by elongated connective.

Distribution: Ceará to São Paulo.

Habitat: Estuarine species, with regions or relative low salinity; muddy bottoms, intertidal.

Measurements (L,W in mm): holotype: 12.3 by 8.6; paratypes: MZSP 81748 ( Figs. 2 View Figure 2 A-B): 12.2 by 8.6; MZSP 75350 ( Figs. 2 View Figure 2 C-E): 16.8 by 10.8; MZSP 35597#1 ( Figs. 2 View Figure 2 L-O), 12.3 by 8.6.

Material examined: types.


Chongqing Museum














Haminoea maray

Filho, Hilton de Castro Galvão, Lima, Patricia Oristanio Vaz de & Simone, Luiz Ricardo L. 2024

Haminoea elegans

Marcus, Ev. B. R. & Marcus, Er. 1967: 24
Marcus, Ev. B. R. & Marcus, Er. 1963: 6

Bulla diaphana

Gould, A. A. 1852: 222
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF