Criosarasinella Thieuloy, 1977

Vašíček, Zdeněk, Błażejowski, Błażej, Gaździcki, Andrzej, Król, Maria, Lefeld, Jerzy, Skupien, Petr & Wierzbowski, Andrzej, 2020, Early Cretaceous ammonites and dinoflagellates from the Western Tatra Mountains, Poland, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65 (4), pp. 799-810 : 803

publication ID 10.4202/app.00754.2020

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scientific name

Criosarasinella Thieuloy, 1977


Genus Criosarasinella Thieuloy, 1977 View in CoL

Type species: Criosarasinella furcillata Thieuloy, 1977 ; La Charce, France, uppermost Valanginian, by original designation .

Remarks.— Vašíček (2005) according to the style of ribbing and tendency towards a criocone coiling suggested that Criosarasinella could be reclassified to the family Ancyloceratidae .

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