Dilatitibialis lillian Canepari and Gordon, 2013

Canepari, Claudio, Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A., 2013, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XV: systematic revision of Dilatitibialis Duverger (Coccidulinae; Hyperaspidini), Insecta Mundi 2013 (312), pp. 1-91 : 27-28

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5176513

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scientific name

Dilatitibialis lillian Canepari and Gordon


17. Dilatitibialis lillian Canepari and Gordon , new species

Description. Male holotype. Length 2.6 mm, width 2.0 mm; body rounded, slightly elongate, convex. Dorsal surface shiny, lacking alutaceous sculpture. Color dark brown except pronotum with large, yellow anterolateral angle, apex with median 1/4 yellow with small, yellow emargination of median dark area; elytron with 5 yellow spots arranged in rows of 2, plus an apical spot, mediolateral spot strongly projected inward with tendency to fuse with posterior discal spot, apical spot narrowly transverse, anterior border nearly straight ( Fig. 92 View Figures 86-101. 86-91 ); ventral surface with head, prosternum, meso- and metaventrites dark brown, remainder of surface yellow; abdomen yellowish brown except lateral 1/4 and apical 1/4 of ventrites 4-5, ventrite 6 yellow. Head punctures small, separated by a diameter or less, each puncture as large as 2 eye facets; pronotal punctures slightly larger than head punctures, separated by a diameter or less; elytral punctures as large as on pronotum, separated by 1-2 times a diameter; metaventral punctures fine, sparse medially, separated by less than a diameter toward lateral margin. Clypeus truncate apically, lateral angle rounded, surface with sparse, long pubescence. Eye canthus about 5 eye facets long, angled forward, apically rounded, yellow. Pronotum narrowed from base to apex, basal and anterior angles abrupt, lateral margin slightly rounded, basal margin without trace of bordering line. Epipleuron narrow, grooved, weakly descending externally, deeply emarginate for reception of femoral apices. Protibia widely flanged, flange wider than remainder of protibia, outer margin curved, smooth, sponda slightly extended beyond protibial flange. Carinae on prosternal process widely separated at apex, convergent toward base, joined at basal 1/5 with single carina extended to basal margin of prosternum. Metaventrite without setal tuft. Basal abdominal ventrite without setal tuft. Abdomen with primary pores laterally between ventrites 4-5 large, extended under apical 1/3 of 4th ventrite; postcoxal line on basal abdominal ventrite rounded, slightly flattened along posterior ventrite margin, extended forward, ventrite with sparse, long pubescence and large, dense punctures medially; ventrites 2-4 pubescent throughout, punctures large medially, small, dense, becoming denser toward lateral margin; 5th ventrite coarsely, densely punctured in basal 1/3, apical 2/3 depressed, densely, finely punctured, depressed by primary pore laterally, without tubercle on each side of middle, apical margin broadly, weakly emarginate; 6th ventrite short, narrow, depressed medially, apical margin broadly emarginate, sparsely pubescent on each side of median depression, lateral angle abruptly rounded, surface feebly punctured. Apical tergite finely, densely punctured, pubescent, apex truncate. Genitalia with basal lobe 4/5 length of paramere, asymmetrical, sides nearly parallel, narrowed in apical 1/5, apex weakly rounded; paramere slender, Psc, apex with small, ventral projection, dorsal margin broadly rounded ( Fig. 93, 94 View Figures 86-101. 86-91 ); sipho robust, strongly curved in basal 1/2, basal capsule large, inner arm slender, sides weakly narrowed, apex obliquely truncate, outer arm wider and longer than inner arm, with accessory piece, basal border broadly, deeply emarginate ( Fig. 95, 96 View Figures 86-101. 86-91 ).

Female. Unknown.

Variation. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype male; Paraguay, Sa. Trinidad, IX.1913. ( USNM).

Remarks. This species is most similar to D. gravabilis in external appearance, but has only 5 spots on each elytron. Male genitalia are also similar, although those of D. lillian have a shorter basal lobe not narrowed from base to apex, wider than basal lobe of D. gravabilis , not sinuate in lateral view; and inner arm of basal lobe obliquely truncate. It is possible that D. lillian is synonymous with D. gravabilis , but is considered a valid species based on dorsal color and genital differences.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

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