Melaloncha atribiseta, Gonzalez, Lisa & Brown, Brian V., 2004

Gonzalez, Lisa & Brown, Brian V., 2004, New species and records of Melaloncha (Udamochiras) bee­killing flies (Diptera: Phoridae), Zootaxa 730, pp. 1-14 : 9

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.158463


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scientific name

Melaloncha atribiseta

sp. nov.

Melaloncha atribiseta View in CoL new species

Figs. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 9 , 12 View FIGURES 10 – 16

Recognition. The pair of conspicuous, ventrally curved setae at the apex of the ovipositor is similar to those of M. biseta Brown , but the ovipositor of M. atribiseta is more sharply curved in lateral view and the frons is black. This species keys to couplet 13 in Brown’s (2004a) key, but matches neither choice, as its ovipositor is not laterally flattened like that of M. nigricorpus Borgmeier and is not narrowed at the apex like that of M. anaticula Brown.

Description. Female (male unknown). Body length 2.1–2.4 mm. Mean frontal width 0.35 head width; range 0.34–0.35. Frons entirely black except in some specimens (including holotype) ventrally apex and area surrounding ventral interfrontal setae, which are both orange; setal bases black, including setal bases of ventral interfrontal setae in those with orange color; with fine reticulate sculpturing and punctate with small black setulae; median furrow faint but present. Dorsal interfrontal setae present, located slightly ventral to ventral ocellus. Palpus unmodified. Ocular and genal setae yellow, flattened. Foreleg, including foretarsomeres, uniformly brownish yellow. Combined length of foretarsomeres approximately 0.9 tibial length. Tarsal claws on all legs finely bifurcate (bifurcation extremely small on some specimens). Mid­ and hind leg brownish yellow; hind femur with dark brown macula at apex. Mean costal length 0.53 wing length; range 0.48–0.57. Wing vein R2+3 absent. Abdominal tergites black with anterior band of silver pollinosity. Venter of abdomen gray; venter of segment with few fine setae. Ovipositor relatively long, tubular and evenly curved. Short, fine ventral setae and sparse, fine dorsal setae present, mainly at apex of ovipositor. In dorsal view, ovipositor parallel­sided, but with pre­apical and basal broadening. Two large, ventrally curved setae present at apex of ovipositor.

Host. Flies were attracted to a mixed aggregation of A. mellifera , Partamona epiphytophila and Plebeia sp.

Distribution. Bolivia.

Derivation of specific epithet. Based on Latin ater for black, and biseta , the name of a similar species from which M. atribiseta differs by the black frons.

Holotype. Ψ, BOLIVIA: La Paz: 40 km N Caranavi, Cumbre Alto Beni, 15.83°S, 67.56°W, 19.iv.2003, Brown, Marcotte, Zumbado, honey­spray, 1600 m [LACM ENT 181197] (CBFC).

Paratypes. BOLIVIA: La Paz: 40 km N Caranavi, Cumbre Alto Beni, 15.83°S, 67.56°W, 1Ψ, 12.iv.2003, 1Ψ, 18.iv.2003, 2Ψ, 19.iv.2003 Brown, Marcotte, Zumbado, honey­spray, 1600 m (CBFC, LACM), 3Ψ, 19.iv.2004, E. Zumbado, honey spray, 1600 m (CBFC, LACM).















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