Poriptus Stål, 1861

Barcellos, Aline & Grazia, Jocelia, 2008, Revision of the genus Poriptus Stål (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae), Zootaxa 1821, pp. 25-36 : 26-27

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.1821.1.3



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scientific name

Poriptus Stål, 1861


Poriptus Stål, 1861

Type species: Poriptus luctans Stål , by monotypy.

Poriptus Stål, 1861: 143, 1867: 526 (key), 1872: 22; Lethierry & Severin 1893: 125 (cat.); Kirkaldy 1909: 62 (cat.)

Description. Medium size (9–13 mm). Elongate (fig. 1) to ovoid, pale greenish to light brown specimens. Dorsal surface with concolorous to dark castaneous punctures, a few groups of black ones scattered on ventral surface of thorax, around cicatrices, and laterally on venter. Calloused areas around cicatrices on pronotum, most of scutellum, and longitudinal stripes on corium.

Head triangular, as long as or longer than pronotum. Juga extending far beyond tylus, contiguous or surpassing each other at apex. Antennal segment II not surpassing apex of head. Eyes slightly prominent; interocular distance more than three times one eye width. Rostrum short, barely attaining mesocoxae. Bucculae elevate and truncate anteriorly, obliquely truncate apically; rostral segment I and base of II concealed between them.

Pronotum trapezoidal, slightly declivent on anterior half; anterolateral margins straight to slightly convex before humeri, slightly crenulated. Humeri spinose. Posterior margin rectilinear. Cicatrices well defined. Scutellum with large, medial, Y-like calloused area, and two calloused stripes along lateral margins. Corium reaching fifth-sixth intertergal suture. Frenum attaining apical fourth or more of scutellum. Membrane with 6– 8 longitudinal veins. Femora unarmed. Tibiae shallowly sulcate to flat dorsally. Pro- and mesosternum markedly sulcate. Ventral surface of thorax with concolorous to dark castaneous punctures regularly distributed, except on evaporatory area. Evaporatory area reduced, restricted to metepisternum. Ostiolar peritreme very short, fingerlike, about one-tenth the distance between ostiolum and outer margin of metapleura.

Venter moderately convex. Third sternite mutic. Connexivum concolorous with abdominal segments, without contrasting punctures. Spiracles concolorous with abdominal venter.

Male genitalia. Pygophore subquadrangular, wider than long, widely open dorsally. Parameres well developed, apices divergent, turned towards lateral border of pygophore. Proctiger elongated, attaining ventral rim or almost so. Dorsal rim sinuate in middle, lateral thirds in spoon-shaped processes whose concavities apposed to apical margin of parameres. Ventral rim sinuate, convex to almost rectilinear on median third, projecting dorsad. Posterolateral angles extending towards parameres. Aedeagus very similar among species, conjunctiva well developed into 1 + 1 lateral lobes. Vesica about as long as phallotheca (figs. 14–22).

Female genitalia. Gonocoxites 8 broad, posterior margins convex to subquadrangular; sutural margins parallel to divergent apically. Laterotergites 9 much shorter than laterotergites 8. Gonocoxites 9 about eight times wider than long. Thickening of vaginal intima long and conical. Chitinellipsen present. Medium wall of ductus receptaculi swollen proximally. Capsula seminalis spherical or slightly elliptical, bearing one or no process. Pars intermedialis about twice as long as capsula seminalis. Annular crests turned towards vesicular area.

Comments. Poriptus resembles Curatia Stål, 1861, Copeocoris Mayr, 1866, and Oebalus Stål, 1862 in general aspect; all these genera are included by Rider (2007) in Carpocorini. The long triangular head with juga much longer than tylus, and the very short peritreme, are also present in Curatia and Copeocoris. A similar facies and the calloused areas on pronotum and scutellum are found in Oebalus . However, the genitalia of both sexes in those genera are quite different. A cladistic analysis including all the species of these genera is needed in order to hypothesize their relationships.

We also examined the holotype of Bucerocoris excellens Mayr, 1866 . This specimen, a female, presents tubular, highly modified genitalia, as pointed out by Stål (1872): “ valvulis analibus feminae posticae appropinquatis, conjunctim processum acute triangularum formantibus, lateralibus sese invicem tangentibus et medias tegentibus. ” According to Stål (1872), Bucerocoris can be distinguished from Poriptus also by its less depressed body shape, thorax more declivous anteriorly, second antennal segment surpassing apex of head, first rostral segment only slightly surpassing bucculae, pro- and mesosterna less markedly sulcate, evaporatory area not transversely wrinkled, and female seventh sternite little produced and obtusely rounded. We agree with Stål that this genus is distinct from Poriptus. Bucerocoris, currently included in Carpocorini ( Rider 2007), certainly deserves further morphological studies, including dissections of genitalia, as well as cladistic analyses with other genera, in order to establish its taxonomic position within Pentatominae .

Distribution. Trinidad and Tobago , Colombia, Surinam, Brazil (states of Amazonas, Rio Grande do Norte, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, and Rio Grande do Sul), Bolivia, and Argentina.










Poriptus Stål, 1861

Barcellos, Aline & Grazia, Jocelia 2008

Poriptus Stål, 1861 : 143, 1867: 526
Lethierry & Severin 1893 : 125
Kirkaldy 1909 : 62
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