Iranodendrothrips kamalii, Alavi, Jalil, Minaei, Kambiz & Fekrat, Lida, 2014

Alavi, Jalil, Minaei, Kambiz & Fekrat, Lida, 2014, The Iranian Dendrothripinae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) with description of a new genus and species, Zootaxa 3860 (5), pp. 479-486 : 483-484

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3860.5.6

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scientific name

Iranodendrothrips kamalii

sp. nov.

Iranodendrothrips kamalii View in CoL sp. n.

Female macroptera. Body generally yellow, fore wing shaded, slightly paler in basal fourth, metapleura light brown, legs yellow; antennal segment I–III white yellow, IV yellow slightly shaded in apical fourth, V shaded in apical third, VI–VIII pale brown, VI slightly paler on half base ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12 – 19 ); head transverse, with normal interantennal projection; ocellar region not reticulate, with 2 pairs of minute ocellar setae ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 12 – 19 ), interocellar setae each placed in front of the hind ocellus just on outside margin of ocellar triangle, anteocellar setae each closer to fore ocellus than to eye margin; postocular setae absent; ventral interocular setae long, straight and stout ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12 – 19 ); maxillary palps 2-segmented. Antennae 8-segmented, III and IV each with a small forked sense cone, VI rarely divided ventrally, with a long sensorium on inner margin, extending nearly to apex of VIII. Pronotum with few, poorly defined, lines of sculpture; with no long setae, with three pairs of minute discal setae, and three pairs of small setae at anterior margin ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 12 – 19 ). Mesonotum without campaniform sensilla, median setae arising posterior to lateral pair. Metanotum with poorly defined reticulation medially and laterally ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 12 – 19 ). Mesothoracic furca with weak spinula. Fore wing with apex bluntly rounded, uniformly covered with microtrichia, except in a short band just front base of first vein; with 7–8+19–20 costal setae, of which the first 18 to 25 are increasingly long but the remainder decreasing in length ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 12 – 19 ); first vein of fore wing with 3+3 setae; clavus with one to two veinal setae and one discal seta. Tarsi 1-segmented, hind tibia and tarsus each with two slender setae at apex. Abdomen yellow, without markings, tergites II–VIII with transverse lines of sculpture extending to S2 setae, microtrichia observed only on sculpture lines around S2 setae, without polygonal reticulations ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 12 – 19 ); median pair of setae on tergites I–VIII increasingly long on each tergite; tergites II–VIII with 5 pairs of setae; tergite VIII with complete marginal comb of short microtrichia, tergites IX and X each with one pair campaniform sensilla ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 12 – 19 ); tergite IX with 4–5 rows of microtrichia on posterior half, median pair of setae slightly longer than lateral pair; tergite X with numerous microtrichia on posterior half medially. Sternite II with two pairs of posteromarginal setae, III–VII with three pairs; median setae on posterior margin of VII more widely separated than from the next lateral setae.

Measurements (holotype female, in microns). Body length 960. Head, length (width across cheeks) 60 (137); compound eye dorsal length (width) 50 (35), distance between posterior ocelli 48, distance between posterior ocelli and posterior margin of head 10, distance between ocellar setae III 45, and II 32. Antenna length 188, length of ventral surface of head 38–45. Pronotum median length (width) 92 (165). Fore wing length 680, length of apical setae 28. Tergum X median length 52, S1 setae length 50, S2 setae length 45, S3 setae length 27. Hind tibia length 130, hind tarsus length 50. Ovipositor length 150. Antennal segments I–VIII length (width): 10 (22), 27 (28), 27 (19), 23 (19), 26 (18), 35 (15), 10 (5) and 10 (4).

Male macroptera. Similar to female, but smaller. Abdominal tergites I–IX with increasingly long median setae on each tergite; tergite VIII with complete posteromarginal comb of fine microtrichia; tergites IX and X each with one pair campaniform sensilla ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 12 – 19 ); posterior half of IX–X covered with 2–3 rows of microtrichia.

Measurements (paratype male, in microns). Body length 830. Head length (width across cheeks) 45 (125), compound eye dorsal length (width) 45 (35), distance between posterior ocelli 37, distance between ocellar setae III 32. Pronotal median length (width) 58 (145). Fore wings length 530. Antennal segments I–VIII as follows: 10 (20), 25 (25), 27 (17), 24 (16), 22 (17), 32 (15), 9 (5), 10 (4).

Material studied. Holotype female: IRAN, Khorasan-e Shomali province, Bojnourd, Beshghardash, on Populus nigra ,, J. Alavi.

Paratypes: 9 females and 2 males same data as holotype; Khorasan-e Shomali province, Bojnourd, Malkesh village, 1 female and 1 male, on Populus nigra , 25.vii.1993, J. Alavi.

Etymology. This species is named in honor of Dr. Karim Kamali, retired prominent Iranian professor of Entomology and Acarology. During his work in Departments of Plant Protection of Shahid-Chamran as well as Tarbiat-Modares Universities, he trained a large number of students and delivered many Entomologists and Acarologists to the scientific community. Not only scientifically but also ethically, he is exemplary for students.















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