Macromitrium undetermined

Thouvenot, Louis, 2019, A review of the genus Macromitrium Brid. (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta) in New Caledonia, Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20 (16), pp. 167-217 : 176-177

publication ID 10.5252/cryptogamie-bryologie2019v40a16

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scientific name

Macromitrium undetermined



1. Branch leaves long aristate, aristae ≥ 0.1 mm long ....................................................................................... 2

— Branch leaves muticous, apiculate or mucronate, if aristate, aristae <0.1 mm long ...................................... 7

2. Small species, most branches less than 10 mm long (with respect to the most developed, mainly fertile branches) ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

— Larger species, most branches more than 10 mm long (condition as above) ................................................. 4

3. When dry, branches fusiform, leaves carinate, tightly spirally coiled ................................. M. panduraefolium

— When dry, branches shaggy, leaves soft, unevenly erect-patent .............................................. M. humboldtense View in CoL

4. Leaves smooth thorough, lanceolate, long narrowed into asymmetrical acumina ......................... M. larrainii View in CoL

— Leaves papillose, lanceolate to ligulate, acute to obtuse-rounded .................................................................. 5

5. Aristae reddish, at least some over 0.5 mm long, leaves ligulate with obtuse to rounded apices ....................... ................................................................................................................................................... M. rufipilum View in CoL

— Aristae variously coloured, less than 0.3 mm long, leaves lanceolate with acute to narrowly obtuse apices ...... .................................................................................................................................................................... 6

6. Leaves narrowly lanceolate to sub-triangulate, narrowed from shortly above the bases into long narrow acumina ......................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... M. cardotii View in CoL

— Leaves lanceolate, widest above ¹⁄₅ leaf length above the base, with wider acumina, abruptly acute ................. ............................................................................................................... M. pulchrum var. pulchrum View in CoL pro parte

7. Plants small, branches ≤ 12 mm long (with respect to the most developed, mainly fertile branches) ............ 8

— Plant medium to large, branches> 12 mm long (condition as above) ........................................................ 20

8. Upper part of leaves multi-layered, at least in patches or in the apices, superficial cells rounded and pluripapillose ............................................................................................................................................... M. tongense View in CoL

— Leaves single-layered thorough .................................................................................................................... 9

9. Leaves tongue-like, apices rounded to truncate, fusiform gemmae present on leaves, calyptrae naked, branches ≤ 3mm long .............................................................................................................................. M. brevicaule View in CoL

— Leaves oblong, lanceolate to ligulate, apices acute to obtuse, gemmae absent, calyptrae hairy, sometimes rarely so, branches> 3 mm ................................................................................................................................. 10

10. Setae shorter <1.5(-2) mm long ................................................................................................................ 11

— Setae longer> 2 mm long .......................................................................................................................... 13

11. Leaves ligulate, basal cells short, c. 2 × longer than wide, smooth, vaginulae naked, branches ≤ 5 mm long; rare plant from lowest altitudes .................................................................................................. M. brachypodium View in CoL

— Leaves oblong to lanceolate, a few basal cells longer, at least 3 x longer than wide, someone papillose, vaginulae long hairy, normal branches 5-7 mm long; plants frequent at all altitudes ................................................. 12

12. When dry, branches curly, twisted leaves loosely erect with incurved to circinate apices directed to the side, in wet condition leaves erect-patent .................................................................................................... M. francii View in CoL

— When dry, branches funiculate, leaves erect to appressed, incurved apices adaxially directed, the upper ones somewhat twisted, in wet condition leaves spreading recurved ..................................................... M. pilosum View in CoL

13. Branches funiculate when dry, with leaves spirally coiled, apices straight or slightly incurved .................... 14

— Branches not funiculate when dry, with leaves unevenly erect-patent, individually twisted, apices incurved to circinate .................................................................................................................................................... 15

14. Branches thin, regularly rope-like, leaves twisted together, arranged in bands spirally coiled around the branches, upper cells smooth, setae long, 5-30 mm long, calyptrae naked, plants frequent at all altitudes ...................... ............................................................................................................................................. M. microstomum View in CoL

— Branches short, not so thin, leaves individually coiled around the branches, upper cells papillose, setae short, <5 mm long, calyptrae hairy, rare lowland species ............................................. M. aurescens var. caledonicum View in CoL

15. Upper cells smooth, arranged in continuous longitudinal rows, setae long up to 25 mm long ................... 16

— Upper cells papillose or, if smooth, not in continuous longitudinal rows, setae shorter ≤ 7 mm long ......... 17

16. Calyptrae and vaginulae hairy, lower cells smooth or with a few single low papillae .................... M. renauldii View in CoL

— Calyptrae and vaginulae naked, lower cells with numerous single high papillae ............................. M. taoense View in CoL

17. Leaves long ligulate, obtuse apiculate, 1.2-1.8 mm long, elongate basal cells few with single papillae scarce, branches short, 2-4(-5) mm long .......................................................................................... M. ligulaefolium View in CoL

— Leaves not long ligulate, elongate basal cells few or not, with many single papillae, branches short to medium, 3-6(-10) mm long ..................................................................................................................................... 18

18. Setae longer, ≥ 15 mm ............................................................................ M. pulchrum var. pulchrum View in CoL pro parte

— Setae shorter, <10 mm .............................................................................................................................. 19

19. Calyptrae very hairy, basal hairs wide spreading, leaves ≤ 1.3 mm long, broadly ligulate to short lanceolate, basal cells with wide straight lumina .............................................................................................. M. orthostichum View in CoL

— Calyptrae with scarce erect hairs, leaves 1.4-2.4 mm long, leaf lower half wide oblong, upper half ligulate to lanceolate, basal cells very thick walled with sinuous or straight narrow lumina .............................................. ......................................................................................................................... M. hemitrichodes var. sarasinii View in CoL

20. Lower cells short rectangular or with a few ranks of longer cells at base ..................................................... 21

— Long lower cells occupying a conspicuous 1/3 leaf length .......................................................................... 22

21. Capsule with erect rim, peristome present, branches medium sized up to 10-15 mm long ............................. ........................................................................................................... M. involutifolium subsp. involutifolium View in CoL

— Capsule with collapse rim, peristome absent, branches longer, up to 30 mm long .......................................... ........................................................................................................ M. involutifolium subsp. ptychomitrioides

22. Lower cells smooth .................................................................................................................................... 23

— Lower cells papillose .................................................................................................................................. 25

23. Leaves medium, ≤ 1.7 mm long, upper laminae shortly narrowed in obtuse to acute apices ..... M. laevigatum View in CoL

— Leaves longer,> 1.7 mm long, upper laminae progressively narrowed in a very long and narrow acumen .. 24

24. Calyptrae naked, apices of vegetative leaves partly bi-layered, frequent species ................................. M. leratii View in CoL

— Calyptrae sparsely hairy, apices of vegetative leaves single layered thorough, rare plant ............. M. salakanum View in CoL

25. Leaves narrowly lanceolate to sub-triangular, progressively narrowed from shortly above the base, acumina very narrow ........................................................................................................................................... M. cardotii View in CoL

— Leaves lanceolate to lanceolate-ligulate, widest at ¹⁄₅ leaf length or more above the base ............................. 26

26 – Leaves erect-patent in moist condition, leaf apices narrowly obtuse to acuminate, short aristate to muticous, branches simple or rarely furcate ............................................................ M. pulchrum var. pulchrum View in CoL pro parte

— Leaves spreading-recurved when moist, leaf apices obtuse to rounded, mucronate or not, branches with fastigiated branchlets ............................................................................................ M. pulchrum var. neocaledonicum View in CoL

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