Macromitrium orthostichum Nees ex Schwaegr.

Thouvenot, Louis, 2019, A review of the genus Macromitrium Brid. (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta) in New Caledonia, Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20 (16), pp. 167-217 : 197

publication ID 10.5252/cryptogamie-bryologie2019v40a16

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scientific name

Macromitrium orthostichum Nees ex Schwaegr.


Macromitrium orthostichum Nees ex Schwaegr. View in CoL

Species Muscorum Frondosorum, Suppl. 4: 316, table 316a, fig

1-10 (1842).

ILLUSTRATIONS AND DESCRIPTION. — Dozy & Molkenboer (1859); Vitt et al. (1995).

DISTRIBUTION IN NEW CALEDONIA. — M. orthostichum was rarely found in New Caledonia.

TOTAL RANGE. — Tropical Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Melanesia, Philippine Islands, Tahiti (see Wilbraham 2016, for more details).

SELECTED SPECIMEN. — New Caledonia. Province Nord, Mt Panié, ad radices, II.1909, Le Rat s.n. PC[PC0721082]! (Herbarium Thériot, comm. Brotherus).


Macromitrium orthostichum is close to M. pilosum with which it can easily be confused in sterile or immature conditions. Like this species, it is characterized by: 1) branches short, c. 5 mm long, funiculate, when dry, leaves erect appressed, incurved in upper part; 2) in wet conditions, branch leaves spreading squarrose recurved; 3) basal cells few, with many single papillae; 4) setae short, 2-4 mm long; and 5) peristome single. It can be separated from by: 1) vaginulae without conspicuous hairs; 2) setae verrucous; and 3) calyptrae shorter, covering half of the mature capsules, with many spreading hairs in basal part.

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