Steinovelia virgata ( White, 1879a ), 1993

Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Rodrigues, Higor D. D. & Sites, Robert W., 2020, Revision of the American genus Steinovelia Polhemus & Polhemus, 1993 (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Veliidae), Zootaxa 4729 (1), pp. 77-91 : 85-88

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4729.1.5

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scientific name

Steinovelia virgata ( White, 1879a )


Steinovelia virgata ( White, 1879a) View in CoL

( Figs. 4–5 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 , 7 View FIGURE 7 )

Velia virgata White, 1879a: 486 (original description);

Velia placida Drake, 1951a: 338–339 View in CoL (new synonym);

Paravelia virgata: Polhemus 1976: 513 (new combination);

Steinovelia virgata: Polhemus & Polhemus 1993: 397 View in CoL (new combination).

Macropterous male holotype of S. placida View in CoL ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A–B, 5E). BL 4.38; HL 0.53; HW 0.62; ANT I 0.85, ANT II 0.66, ANT III 0.66, ANT IV 0.55; EYE 0.19; PL 1.23; PW 1.15; FORELEG: FEM 1.09, TIB 0.91, TAR I 0.09, TAR II 0.08, TAR III 0.23; MIDLEG: FEM 1.70, TIB 1.51, TAR I 0.09, TAR II 0.21, TAR III 0.28; HINDLEG: FEM 1.70, TIB 1.55, TAR I lost, TAR II lost, TAR III lost.

Head light brown, with long brown setae on frons, adjacent to mesal eye margin, and on posterolateral areas. Antenna yellow, darker on apex of antennomere II and on IV. Eyes shining, dark red. Jugum without silvery setae. Labium pale yellow; distal portion of article III and entire IV brown. Anterior lobe of pronotum brown, lighter on anterior 1/3, with silvery pubescence on posterolateral areas; posterior lobe brown to dark brown anteriorly, then pale yellow ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ); ventral surface of humeri brown. Thoracic pleura brown; patches of silvery setae posterodorsally on pro-, meso-, and metapleura; lateral surfaces of acetabula yellowish ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Thoracic sterna dark brown. Wings opaque, pale, with veins yellow and lateral area mostly brown; white maculae absent. Coxae and trochanters pale yellow. Femora yellow on basal halves, then brown to dark brown with a preapical yellow macula or band. Tibiae brown to dark brown with a subbasal and a median yellow band ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A–B). Fore and middle tarsi yellow with brown apices. Exposed portion of abdominal laterotergites yellow with brown posterior margins. Side of abdomen with patches of silvery setae located more dorsally and a stripe of silvery setae more ventrally; stripe wider on sterna II–V, fainter on VI–VII ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Abdominal sterna dark brown.

Posterior margin of eye touching anterior margin of pronotum or distant from it up to about 20% of dorsal eye length ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ). Antennomere I thickest, curved laterally; II–III cylindrical; II slightly broader than III; IV fusiform, as broad as III. Buccula lacking punctations. Labium reaching middle of mesosternum. Pronotum not flat, distinctly constricted anterior to humeri, with large, shallow punctations; humeri elevated, rounded, projecting ( Figs. 5A, 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Propleura with a single punctation anterodorsally and two rows of punctations posteriorly; mesopleura with a row of punctations anteriorly and a single punctation posteriorly; meso- and metacetabula lacking punctations. Metasternum with a pair (1 + 1) of inconspicuous tubercles laterally beneath middle coxae. Wings reaching base of terminalia, with long setae on lateral margin; these also present on abdominal laterotergites. Legs covered by long brown setae. Posterior surface of the fore tibia, middle femur, and hind femur and tibia with several black spinules. Hind femur not incrassate, about as wide as the middle femur ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A–B). Hind tibia slightly curved. Posterior margin of abdominal mediotergite VIII rounded with a weak concavity centrally. Abdominal sternum VII with posterior margin centrally notched and posterolateral angles strongly projecting ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Paramere long and narrow; lateral margins parallel in proximal 1/2, converging in distal 1/2; apex rounded.

Non-type specimens identified as S. virgata . Macropterous male ( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 A–E, 4G) (n = 2; 5 for BL). BL 4.10– 5.24; HL 0.60–0.72; HW 0.66–0.68; ANT I 0.89–0.94, ANT II 0.70–0.75, ANT III 0.70, ANT IV 0.60; EYE 0.19; PL 1.42; PW 1.17–1.30; FORELEG: FEM 1.13, TIB 0.98, TAR I 0.06–0.09, TAR II 0.08–0.09, TAR III 0.26–0.28; MIDLEG: FEM 1.75–1.79, TIB 1.60–1.75, TAR I 0.08, TAR II 0.25, TAR III 0.32; HINDLEG: FEM 1.90–1.95, TIB 1.67–1.79, TAR I 0.08, TAR II 0.23–0.28, TAR III 0.30–0.36.

Non-type specimens identified as S. virgata . Macropterous female ( Fig. 4F View FIGURE 4 ) (n = 2; 5 for BL). BL 4.20–5.48; HL 0.64–0.68; HW 0.68–0.72; ANT I 0.94–1.02, ANT II 0.75–0.89, ANT III 0.72–0.83, ANT IV 0.66–0.68; EYE 0.19; PL 1.55–1.62; PW 1.43–1.45; FORELEG: FEM 1.23, TIB 1.02, TAR I 0.08, TAR II 0.11, TAR III 0.26; MIDLEG: FEM 1.77–1.94, TIB 1.72–1.84, TAR I 0.08, TAR II 0.28–0.36, TAR III 0.34; HINDLEG: FEM 2.05–2.17, TIB 1.79–1.90, TAR I 0.09–0.11, TAR II 0.30–0.32, TAR III 0.34–0.38.

Discussion. Steinovelia virgata exhibits a high degree of variation in body length, humeral projection, and dorsal color pattern throughout its range. Drake (1951a) mentioned the following differences of S. placida in relation S. virgata : (1) the smaller body length, (2) large punctations on the posterior lobe of pronotum, and (3) slight difference in the paramere shape. After examining the holotype of S. placida , a photograph of a syntype of S. virgata , and many additional specimens of S. virgata from South America, it became evident that all characters mentioned by Drake (1951a) to separate both species are intraspecific variations of S. virgata . Therefore, we propose here the synonymy of these two species.

Steinovelia virgata can be distinguished easily from S. vinnula and S. permista by its narrower hind femur, which is about as wide as the middle femur ( Figs. 4E View FIGURE 4 , 5B, 5D View FIGURE 5 ). Distinguishing S. virgata from S. stagnalis is more complicated, because both are similar in general color and structure. Males of S. stagnalis can be distinguished by the weakly projecting posterolateral angles of abdominal sternum VII ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ), whereas in S. virgata the posterolateral angles are more strongly projecting ( Figs. 4E View FIGURE 4 , 5B View FIGURE 5 ). In addition, their distributions are disjunct, with S. stagnalis occurring in southeastern Canada, eastern United States, and Cuba; and S. virgata occurring in Trinidad & Tobago and South America ( Figs. 6 View FIGURE 6 , 7 View FIGURE 7 ).

Distribution ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ). Trinidad & Tobago ( Drake 1951a, Nieser & Alkins-Koo 1991); Colombia: Meta ( Floriano et al. 2017); Brazil: Amazonas ( White 1879a, White 1879b, Moreira et al. 2011, Moreira & Campos 2012, present study), Pará ( Moreira & Campos 2012), Mato Grosso ( Fernandes & Wanzeler 2010), Mato Grosso do Sul ( Floriano et al. 2013), Minas Gerais ( Nieser & Melo 1997), Santa Catarina ( Polhemus & Polhemus 1993, present study), Rio Grande do Sul (present study); Peru: Madre de Dios ( Peralta-Argomeda 2011); Paraguai ( Drake 1951a); Argentina ( Drake 1951a): Formosa ( Administración de Parques Nacionales 2006), Corrientes ( López-Ruf et al. 2003, Estévez et al. 2003), Entre Ríos ( Torres et al. 2007), Buenos Aires ( Bachmann 1998).

Type material examined. Digital photograph of a macropterous ♀ syntype of S. virgata ( BMNH), Syntype, Type, Type Velia virgata B.W., TYPE, Pres. by Perth Museum, B.M.1953-629, Velia virgata BW, BMNH (E) #1005941. Macropterous ♂ holotype of S. placida ( NMNH), Trinidad, B. W. I., Oct. 27–29, 1938, Carl J. Drake, Holotype, Velia placida Drake, C J Drake Coll. 1956 . Macropterous ♀ allotype of S. placida ( NMNH), same data as holotype.

Additional material examined. 5♂, 2♀ macropterous ( MZUSP), Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus , VIII.1962, K. Lenko col. 1♀ macropterous ( INPA), Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, ZF-2, Km 34, Campina , armadilha luminosa, 02º35’37”S, 60º12’39”W, 11. VII.2008, J.A. Rafael & F.F. Xavier-Filho col. GoogleMaps 1♀ macropterous ( INPA), Brazil, Ama- zonas, [Manaus], Est [rada] do Aleixo, Km 9, 28. VI.1976, A.B. Anderson col. 1♂ macropterous ( MZUSP), Brazil, Amazonas, Iranduba, várzea do Rio Solimões , Lago da Marchantaria , 27. VI.2011, H. Rodrigues col. 3♂ macrop- terous ( MZUSP), Brazil, Amazonas, Careiro da Várzea, Vila do Careiro , 1.9 Km Leste , 03º11’27”S, 59º50’56”W, luminosa, 05–06.X.2013, N.G. Cipola col. GoogleMaps 1♂, 1♀ macropterous ( MZUSP), Brazil, Amazonas, Barcelos, Igarapé Maniwaú , left tributary of Rio Demeni , #16, 00º03’14.29”N, 62º47’27.31”W, 08. VIII.2009, N. Hamada et al. col GoogleMaps . 1♀ macropterous ( INPA), Brazil, Amazonas, [Manaquiri], Yanauaca-Castanho , 05.[19]77, E. Castellón col. 3♂, 2♀ macropterous ( NMNH), ‘ Brazilien \ Nova Teutonia \ 27º11’S, 52º23’L \ Fritz \ Plaumann’ ‘ C J Drake \ Coll 1956 ’. 3♂, 4♀ macropterous ( NMNH), ‘ Nova Teutonia \ III 58 Bras. \ F. Plaumann’ . 1♀ macropterous ( MZUSP), Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia , 27º11’S, 52º23’L, VIII.1957, 300– 500m, F. Plaumann col. 1♂, 1♀ macropterous ( MZUSP), same data, except X.1956 . 2♀ macropterous ( MZUSP), same data, except III.1958 . 1♂, 1♀ macropter- ous ( MZUSP), same data, except X.1960 . 3♂, 4♀ macropterous ( MZUSP), Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Bossoroca, Barra do Angico, Rio Piratini , 112 m alt, A.M. Pes col.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute
















Steinovelia virgata ( White, 1879a )

Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Rodrigues, Higor D. D. & Sites, Robert W. 2020

Steinovelia virgata: Polhemus & Polhemus 1993: 397

Polhemus, J. T. & Polhemus, D. A. 1993: 397

Paravelia virgata:

Polhemus, J. T. 1976: 513

Velia placida

Drake, C. J. 1951: 338

Velia virgata

White, F. B. 1879: 486
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