Leptogium chloromelum (Sw.) Nyl. (1858: 128)

Kitaura, Marcos J., Bernardo, Caique M., Koch, Natália M., Rodrigues, Andressa S., Torres, Jean-Marc, Barbosa, Thiago D., Canêz, Luciana Da S., Spielmann, Adriano A., Honda, Neli K., Fleig, Mariana & Lorenz, Aline P., 2019, Leptogium (Collemataceae, Peltigerales) from Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil: nine new records, three new taxa and a key for the species, Phytotaxa 399 (2), pp. 127-146 : 130

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Leptogium chloromelum (Sw.) Nyl. (1858: 128)


Leptogium chloromelum (Sw.) Nyl. (1858: 128) View in CoL . ( Figure 1B View FIGURE 1 )

≡Lichen chloromelos Sw. (1806: 1892).

Syntypes:— JAMAICA. Swartz s/n (H-NYL 41252! [poor material], UPS-L-001311).

Description: Kitaura (2012).

Notes: Leptogium chloromelum exhibits a ridged thallus, like species from the L. phyllocarpum group, with submarginal apothecia constituted by paraplectenchymatous proper exciple.

Sierk (1964) considered the type material of L. chloromelum as lost, and selected the specimen from Mexico, collected by Fr. Müller s/n (H-NYL 41247!), as the neotype. However, a gathering was found and must be investigated, invalidating the neotype of Sierk according to the ICN. The UPS-L-001311 specimen must be revised and a lectotype should be selected. Henssen, in 1968, indicated “ Kleptotypus ” in the label of the H-NYL 41252, but she has not published a discussion about this problem.

We collected many specimens of L. chloromelum in several municipalities, so this seems to be a common species in Mato Grosso do Sul.

Distribution in Brazil: Bandeirantes ( Kalb 2001) and Corumbá ( Malme 1924), in Mato Grosso do Sul; and also in Mato Grosso ( Malme 1924) and Rio Grande do Sul ( Spielmann 2006).

Examined material: BRAZIL. Mato Grosso do Sul: Alcinópolis, Parque Estadual Nascente do Rio Taquari, 18°09’36.7”S 53°24’20.7”W, 416 m elev., on small tree, 18 November 2015, A.A. Spielmann, A. Pott, V.J. Pott, G.A.Damasceno Júnior, F.M. Alves 12053 (CGMS 54269); 18°10’07.4”S, 53°24’20.7”W 415 m elev., 18 November 2015, G.P. Freitas, S. Torrecilha, J.L.C.S. Almeida, M.G.G. Carijo 90 (CGMS 59514); PENT, 25 October 2017, M.J. Kitaura 4316 (CGMS); Aquidauana, ± 30 Km of city entrance, on cortex, 07 February 1989, I. Riquelme 081 (No. EQL 0077, CGMS); 082 (No. EQL 0078, CGMS); 083 (No. EQL 0079, CGMS); 085 (No. EQL 0081, CGMS); Vila Palmeiras, on cortex, 17 November 1993, N.K. Honda, Devincenzi 046DH (No. EQL 0635, CGMS); 047DH (No. EQL 0636, CGMS); 052DH (No. EQL 0641, CGMS); 01 December 1993, N.K. Honda, Devincenzi 085DH (No. EQL 0656, CGMS); 086DH (No. EQL 0657, CGMS); 087DH (No. EQL 0658, CGMS); 098DH (No. EQL 0669, CGMS); 099DH (No. EQL 0670, CGMS); Campo Grande, vila da Base Aérea, 13 February 1991, I. Riquelme 275 (No. EQL 0446, CGMS); 276 (No. EQL 0447, CGMS); 19 June 1991, I. Riquelme 0287 (No. EQL 0456, CGMS); Corguinho, Taboco district, Fazenda Colina Dourada, Nascente do rio Negro, 19°43’20.38”S 55°07’36.85”W, 380 m elev., 2 October 2013, S.S. Moura, A.A. Spielmann, D. Gris, T. Kohagura 111 (CGMS 40291); Corumbá, Tromba dos macacos, on bocaiúva, 02 November 1993, s/c, s/n (COR 3136 - sterile); 02 November 1993, M.P Marcelli, O. Yano, G. Damasceno Júnior, s/n (COR 3152); s/n (COR 3176); s/d, M.P. Marcelli, O. Yano, I. Ishii, G. Damasceno Júnior, s/n (COR 3177); forte Coimbra, on calcareous substrate, s/d, I.H. Ishii, s/n (COR 6038 - sterile); Jaraguari, 20°09’00.5”S 54°34’28.2”W, 440 m elev., 01 March 2015, C.M. Bernardo, T.D. Barbosa 458 (CGMS); 565 (CGMS); Jardim, Balneário municipal, near the entrance, 21°25’18.40”S 56°23’36.50”W, 245 m elev., on cortex, 5 June 2010, A.A. Spielmann, L.S. Canêz, A.P. Lorenz-Lemke 8281 (CGMS 42214); Porto Murtinho, 2 km South from the urban center, 21°43’00.00”S, 57°53’55.60”W, 88 m elev., corticolous, 14 June 2017, J.M. Torres et al. 691 (CGMS); Fazenda Retiro Conceição, 21º40’57.00”S, 57º46’45.00”W, 80 m elev., corticolous (on Castela ), in a preserved area of wooded Chaco , 14 December 2010, A.A. Spielmann et al. 8980 (CGMS 42212); Fazenda Barbas, 21°41’06.50”S, 57°43’10.20”W, 105 m de alt., corticolous, in a shaded area, 12 June 2017, J.M. Torres et al. 581 (CGMS); 583 (CGMS); A.S. Rodrigues et al. 187 (CGMS); Terenos, Fazenda modelo Embrapa, 20°33’33.80”S 54°47’33.60”W, 500 m elev., on trunk, 13 April 2010, A.A. Spielmann, A. Pott, V.J. Pott, S.N. Moreira 8059 (CGMS42209).

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