Slaterocoris pallipes (Knight)

Schwartz, Michael D., 2011, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The North American Genus Slaterocoris Wagner With New Synonymy, The Description Of Five New Species And A New Genus From Mexico, And A Review Of The Genus Scalponotatus Kelton (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011 (354), pp. 1-290 : 174-176

publication ID 10.1206/354.1


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Slaterocoris pallipes (Knight)


Slaterocoris pallipes (Knight) View in CoL

Figures 13 View Fig , 34 View Fig ; plate 2 View Plate 2 ; map 7 View Map 7

Strongylocoris pallipes Knight, 1926: 254 (orig. desc.).

Slaterocoris pallipes: Kelton, 1968: 1122 View in CoL , fig. 2 View Fig (disc.); Knight, 1970: 242, fig. 9, (disc.); Wheeler, 1981: 520 (biol.); Kraft and Denno, 1982: 156 (biol.); Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 450 (catalog); Schuh, 1995: 198 (catalog); Palmer, 1993: 640 (biol.); Wheeler 2001: 135, 153 (biol.).

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the entirely pale orange-yellow legs, including the coxae, except for the distal tarsomere (fig. 13); antennal segment II usually pale yellowish brown on basal half; and the large apical spines of the right paramere (fig. 34H, I). The right paramere of S. pallipes is most similar to S. stygicus , but the pale femora of the former species and dark brown to black femora of the latter species are diagnostic.

REDESCRIPTION: Male: Large, obovate; length 4.23–5.30, width 1.94–2.20 (pl. 2). COLORATION: Shining black; leg pale orange-yellow except for distal tarsomere; apical portion of femur slightly yellowish brown, apex of tibia dark (fig. 13); antennal segment II pale on basal half. VESTITURE: Sparsely distributed, short, suberect, brown setae. STRUCTURE: Frons punctate or weakly slightly striate; labium reaching base of middle coxa; costal margin slightly arcuate. GENITALIA: Tergal process: Long, apical points conspicuous (fig. 34G). Endosomal spicule: Ventral lobe narrow distally, marginal serration minimal, recurved angle flat, wide (fig. 34A–C); dorsal lobe with lateral ramus long, flat, attenuate apically, marginal serration variable, usually minimal; base of lateral ramus usually curved (fig. 34A, B), sometimes with narrow spine (fig. 34B, arrow); medial ramus short, marginally smooth (fig. 34A–C). Right paramere: Apical spines wide basally, long; basal lobe with serrate region reaching apex, not restricted to posterior surface, not constricted basally (fig. 34H, I). Left paramere: Long; apex truncate (fig. 34D–F).

Female: Large, ovate; length 4.60–5.00, width 2.19–2.40 (pl. 2). GENITALIA: As in species group except: First gonapophyses: Right greater than left at overlap. Second gonapophyses: Anterior medial surface slightly convex. Interramal sclerite: Posteromedial portion with flat plate abutting ovipositor bulb.

HOSTS: This species breeds almost exclusively on species of Baccharis (Asteraceae) . Based on the number of specimens and localities, and biological investigations ( Wheeler, 1981; Kraft and Denno, 1982; Palmer, 1993), B. halimifolia , a tree shrub, is the predominant host. The only other species-level records for Asteraceae species are B. braunii and Eupatorium capillifolium . Spartina sp. (Poaceae) is considered a sitting record. In caged experiments Palmer (1993) reported that S. pallipes mainly utilized B. halimifolia and Rooseveltweed, B. neglecta Britton ; the latter species is not within the known range of S. pallipes . Wheeler (1981) studied the biology of S. pallipes and documented injury to foliage. He concluded that it was univoltine, fed strictly on vegetative tissue, and completed mating and oviposition prior to flowering of its host. In Maryland, Kraft and Denno (1982) noted that S. pallipes was most abundant on B. halimifolia in April, being associated with the development of new leaves, with its feeding restricted to spring and early summer.

DISTRIBUTION: From Block Island, Rhode Island, south along the eastern coastal plain and piedmont to Gainesville, Florida, to the eastern border of Alabama ( map 7 View Map 7 ). A male, clearly of this species, was collected on B. braunii in Costa Rica and sent to the USNM for identification. Wheeler (1981) stated that the distribution of the host, B. halimifolia , which reaches along the Gulf Coast as far south as Mexico was greater than the known distribution of S. pallipes . With the collection of a Costa Rican specimen, with renewed efforts the range of S. pallipes might perhaps reach into coastal Mexico. Currently only S. stygicus occurs near the Gulf Coast (cf. map 8 View Map 8 ). Alternatively, the absence of S. pallipes records from the wide intervening stretch of potential habitat along the Gulf Coast may indicate that the apparent disjunct distribution is the result of a recent introduction of this specialist species to Costa Rica. Many examples of nonnative introductions of Miridae are discussed in Wheeler and Henry (1998).

COLLECTION SUMMARY: 168 specimens from 59 collection events spanning dates from April to August. The Costa Rican specimen was collected in September.

DISCUSSION: The long distal spines of the right paramere and ventral lobe of the endosomal spicule with a smooth, short apex and expanded subapical portion reveals a close relationship with S. stygicus . Variation was noted in the lateral ramus of the dorsal lobe in the endosomal spicule; the Costa Rican male has a narrow, elongate basal spine (fig. 34B). Late instars of S. pallipes are shining black, as are those of the other eastern species ( atritibialis , breviatus , and stygicus ), but can be distinguished in the same manner as the adult, by the yellowishorange legs ( Wheeler, 1981).

HOLOTYPE: Virginia: Accomack Co.: Battle Point [Baylys Neck, Metompkin Inlet, 37.71526 N 75.60166 W, 2 m], 22 Jun 1918, J.G. Sanders, 18 ( AMNH _ PBI 00134030 About AMNH ) ( USNM). GoogleMaps

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: COSTA RICA: San Jose: Route 4, km 17, 10.139086 N 83.924276 W, 1042 m, 09 Sep 1984, V. Krischik, Baccharis braunii , 18 (00070011) ( USNM). USA: Alabama: Barbour Co.: Eufaula Lake, Rt 431, nr Eufaula, 31.8696 N 85.16046 W, 61 m, 12 May 1982, T.J. Henry, Baccharis halimifolia , 58 (00122310–00122314), 8♀ (00122315, 00122317, 00133329–00133332, 00133334–00133335), Baccharis halimifolia , 2♀ (00122316, 00133333) ( USNM). Lee Co.: Auburn, Donald E. Davis Arboretum, Auburn University, 32.59546 N 85.483086 W, 201 m, 30 Jun 2001, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Baccharis halimifolia , 18 (00134066) ( USNM). Delaware: Kent Co.: 4 mi S of Dover at Saint Jones River , 39.10636 N 75.45776 W, 1 m, 24 Jun 1982, T.J. Henry and A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Spartina sp. (Poaceae) , 4♀ (00133347– 00133350) ( USNM). Florida: Alachua Co. : Gainesville, 29.635276 N 82.371116 W, 24 m, 20 May 1983, S. Passoa, Baccharis halimifolia , 18 (00070000) ( USNM). nr Gainesville, 29.60966 N 82.33896 W, 23 m, 30 Jun 1983, W.A. Palmer, Baccharis halimifolia , 18 ( USNM). Calhoun Co.: 3 mi N of Blountstown, 30.48936 N 85.04416 W, 20 m, 05 May 1982, T.J. Henry, Baccharis halimifolia , 38 (00133339–00133341), ( USNM). 3 mi N of Blountstown along Stafford Creek, 30.49846 N 85.04186 W, 15 m, 08 May 1981, T.J. Henry, Baccharis halimifolia , 68 (00133355– 00133360), 2♀ (00133361–00133362) ( USNM). 5 mi S of Blountstown, 30.37926 N 85.06856 W, 12 m, 06 May 1982, T.J. Henry, Baccharis sp. , 38 (00133352–00133354), Baccharis halimifolia , 18 (00133363) ( USNM). Rt 69, 4 mi N of Blountstown nr Stafford Creek, 30.49876 N 85.0436 W, 18 m, 30 Apr 1984, T.J. Henry and A.G. Wheeler, Jr, Baccharis sp. , 48 (00133364–00133367), 3♀ (00133368– 00133370) ( USNM). Jackson Co.: Rt 71 at I-10, SW of Marianna, 30.721336 N 85.18146 W, 29 m, 20 Apr 2001, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Baccharis halimifolia , 18 (00134065) ( USNM). Maryland: Anne Arundel Co.: Chalk Point, 38.836236 N 76.538576 W, 13 Jul 1926, H.S. Barber, 28 (00134476–00134477) ( USNM). Calvert Co.: Chesapeake Beach, 38.68546 N 76.53866 W, 6 m, 27 Jul 1913, Fredk. Knab, 1♀ (00070008) ( USNM); 25 Jun 1914, R.C. Shannon, 1♀ (00070007) ( USNM); 30 Jun 1924, W.L. Malloch, 18 (00070003) ( USNM); 02 Jul 1924, W.L. Malloch, 1♀ (00070009) ( USNM); 05 Jul 1924, W.L. Malloch, 18 (00070001) ( USNM). North Beach, 38.711326 N 76.530116 W, 27 Jun 1926, H.H. Knight, Baccharis halimifolia , paratypes, 28 (00242628– 00242629), 2♀ (00242630–00242631) ( CAS), Baccharis halimifolia , paratypes, 28 (00112071– 00112072), 6♀ (00112073–00112078) ( CNC), Baccharis halimifolia , paratype, 18 (00116182), 1♀ (00116183) ( CUIC), Baccharis halimifolia , paratypes, 38 (00118452, 00118607–00118608), 3♀ (00118453, 00118609–00118610) ( TAMU), Baccharis halimifolia , paratypes, 58 (00133390– 00133394), 5♀ (00133395–00133399) ( USNM). Plum Point, 38.614176 N 76.51256 W, 20 Jun 1914, W.L. McAtee, 18 (00070002) ( USNM); 05 Jul 1931, Mrs. Blake, 1♀ (00070010) ( USNM). Dorchester Co.: nr Lloyds, 38.589846 N 76.1836 W, 10 Jul 1907, H.S. Barber, 1♀ (00116192) ( CUIC). St. Mary’s Co.: 2.3 mi E of Piney Point, 38.158026 N 76.519256 W, 1 m, 12 Jul 1931, P.W. Oman, Baccharis sp. , 18 (00069999) ( USNM). Piney Point, 38.135356 N 76.529276 W, unknown, 18 ( USNM); 10 Jul 1954, R.I. Sailer, 18 (00134474), 1♀ (00134475) ( USNM). Unknown co.: ‘‘Md.’’, 260, 01 Apr 1888, unknown, 1♀ (00116184) ( CUIC). New Jersey: Cape May Co.: near Goshen, 39.13756 N 74.85546 W, 2 m, May 1979 – Jun 1979, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Baccharis halimifolia , 18 ( PDA). Ocean Co.: Island Beach [State Park], 39.852416 N 74.088736 W, 1 m, 11 Jul 1951, P.P. Burbutis, 18 (00134130) ( USNM). Mystic Island, Radio Road on Bay, 39.53946 N 74.38836 W, 1 m, 04 Jul 1977, T.J. Henry, Baccharis sp. , 2♀ (00133345–00133346) ( USNM). Seaside Park, 39.926796 N 74.077086 W, 01 Jul 1915, Weiss and West, 18 (00134478) ( USNM). New York: Kings Co.: Flatbush (Long Island), 40.651946 N 73.959446 W, 01 Aug 1891, J.L. Zabriskie, 1♀ (00169940) ( AMNH). Queens Co.: Bergen Island, Long Island, 40.659556 N 73.822266 W, 1 m, 20 Jul, J.L. Zabriskie, 18 (00133337), 1♀ (00133338) ( USNM). Suffolk Co.: East Quogue, Ice Pond Road, 40.836026 N 72.615466 W, 1 m, 18 Jul 1988, M.D. Schwartz, Baccharis halimifolia , 38 (00108310–00108312), 8♀ (00108313– 00108320) ( AMNH). Napeague, Long Island, 41.009556 N 72.068136 W, 2 m, 06 Sep 1946, Roy Latham, 1♀ (00116191) ( CUIC). Northwest, 41.01016 N 72.24566 W, 3 m, 12 Jun 1951, Roy Latham, 18 (00070004) ( USNM). Orient, Long Island, 41.138996 N 72.303426 W, 3 m, 01 Jun 1932, Roy Latham, 1♀ (00116186) ( CUIC); 06 Jun 1935, Roy Latham, 1♀ (00116188) ( CUIC); 02 Jul 1935, Roy Latham, 1♀ (00070005) ( USNM); 02 Apr 1939, Roy Latham, 1♀ (00116187) ( CUIC); 06 Apr 1939, Roy Latham, 18 (00116185) ( CUIC). Riverhead, 40.917046 N 72.662046 W, 3 m, 11 Jun 1934, Roy Latham, 1♀ (00116190) ( CUIC); 02 Aug 1934, R. Latham, 18 (00070006) ( USNM); 04 Aug 1934, Roy Latham, 1♀ (00116189) ( CUIC). North Carolina: Beaufort Co.: Hwy 306 at Free Aurora Ferry, 35.376766 N 76.749066 W, 23 May 2000, L.L. Deitz, 18 (00242845), 1♀ (00242846) ( NCSU). Brunswick Co.: Calabash, 33.886896 N 78.573976 W, 11 m, 07 Jun 1939, C.S. Brimley, 1♀ (00242864) ( NCSU). Carteret Co.: Beaufort, 34.718226 N 76.663826 W, 2 m, 09 Jun 1903, F. Sherman, 1♀ (00119859) ( UCR). Mecklenburg Co.: Pineville, 35.083066 N 80.89256 W, 26 May 1980, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Baccharis halimifolia , 18 ( PDA). New Hanover Co.: Fort Fisher, 33.955556 N 77.9256 W, 14 May 2001 – 18 May 2001, J. Lento, 1♀ (00329760) ( DEBU). Onslow Co.: Ashe Island, 34.478196 N 77.466276 W, 04 May 1975, J.C. Dukes, Eupatorium capillifolium , 18 (00242843), 1♀ (00242844) ( NCSU). Sampson Co.: Hwy 242 and SR 1634, 35.053956 N 78.495446 W, 55 m, 27 May 2004, R.L. Blinn, 18 (00242841), 1♀ (00242842) ( NCSU). Union Co.: Monroe, 34.985286 N 80.549726 W, 10 May 1987, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Baccharis halimifolia , 18 ( PDA). Rhode Island: Washington Co.: Crescent Beach, Block Island, 41.19266 N 71.56736 W, 12 m, 24 Jun 2001, E.G. Riley, 28 (00118224, 00119027) ( TAMU). South Carolina: Allendale Co.: Allendale, 33.007936 N 81.308446 W, 56 m, 15 Apr 1990, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Baccharis halimifolia , 18 (00122309) ( USNM). Dillon Co.: Dillon, 34.416556 N 79.371166 W, 34 m, 22 May 1984, S.W. Scott, Baccharis halimifolia , 38 (00133342–00133344) ( USNM). Dorchester Co.: Saint George, 33.1866 N 80.575656 W, 32 m, 27 May 1950, O.L. Cartwright, 18 (00133336) ( USNM). Georgetown Co.: Georgetown, 33.376836 N 79.29456 W, 4 m, 25 Apr 1988, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Baccharis halimifolia , 1♀ (00133351) ( USNM). Lancaster Co.: Wateree Reservoir, Great Falls Stumpy Pond Boat Access Area, 34.60766 N 80.88196 W, 131 m, 18 May 1979, Wygodzinsky, Schuh, and Schmidt, 58 (00108296– 00108300), 9♀ (00108301–00108309) ( AMNH). Newberry Co.: Newberry, 34.274446 N 81.618896 W, 15 May 1988, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Baccharis halimifolia , 28 (00133373– 00133374) ( USNM). Richland Co.: S of Columbia , 33.91556 N 81.06536 W, 46 m, 03 May 1988, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Baccharis halimifolia , 38 (00133375–00133377), 8♀ (00133378–00133385) ( USNM). York Co.: Southland Park, Rock Hill, 34.894036 N 81.021196 W, 174 m, 02 Jul 1988, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Baccharis sp. , 2♀ (00133371– 00133372) ( USNM).


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Slaterocoris pallipes (Knight)

Schwartz, Michael D. 2011

Slaterocoris pallipes: Kelton, 1968: 1122

Wheeler, A. G., Jr. 2001: 135
Schuh, R. T. 1995: 198
Palmer, W. A. 1993: 640
Henry, T. J. & A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988: 450
Kraft, S. K. & R. F. Denno 1982: 156
Wheeler, A. G., Jr. 1981: 520
Knight, H. H. 1970: 242
Kelton, L. A. 1968: 1122

Strongylocoris pallipes

Knight, H. H. 1926: 254
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF