Thraulodes panamensis, Kluge, Nikita J., 2020

Kluge, Nikita J., 2020, Systematic position of Thraulodes Ulmer 1920 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) and descriptions of new and little-known species, Zootaxa 4756 (1), pp. 1-142 : 44-50

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4756.1.1

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Thraulodes panamensis

sp. nov.

4. Thraulodes panamensis sp. n.

( Figs 122–150 View FIGURES 122–132 View FIGURES 133–142 View FIGURES 143–148 View FIGURES 149–150 )

Etymology. At present this species is known only from Panama.

Material examined. Holotype: L-S-I ♂ {specimen [ XVI] (7) 2018}, PANAMA, Provincia Bocas del Toro, Punta de Peña, Rio Guabo (8°55’N, 82°11’W), 30.I.2018, coll. N. Kluge & L. Sheyko. GoogleMaps Paratypes: the same locality and collectors, 29–31.I.2018: 1 L-S-I ♂, 2 L /S ♂, 1 L-S-I ♀; GoogleMaps Provincia de Colon, Parque Nacional Soberania, Rio Fri- joles, camina del oleoducto, 10.II.2018, coll. N. Kluge & L. Sheyko: 2 L-S-I ♀, 3 S-I ♂, 1 S-I ♀, 39 larvae; Provincia Chiriqui, E. of Caldera, 19.XII.1977, coll., R. W. Flowers: 2 I ♂, 2 I ♀.

Descriptions. Larva. CUTICULAR COLORATION ( Figs 122–127 View FIGURES 122–132 ). Dorsal side of head, thorax and abdomen mostly brown with few blanks: pronotum bordered by light laterally, with or without other blanks; fore protoptera with convex and concave longitudinal veins lighter than background; abdominal terga with blanks on lateral parts, area mediad of tergalii attachments nearly unicolor brown. Femora mostly brown, with blanks; tibiae and tarsi uniformly light brown.

HYPODERMAL COLORATION ( Fig. 128 View FIGURES 122–132 ). Abdominal terga, besides cuticular coloration (see above) often with paired transverse or round blackish spots corresponding to midway gray spots of imago. Tergalii brown or gray, tracheae black ( Fig. 129 View FIGURES 122–132 ).

SHAPE AND SETATION. Clypeus widened distally; labrum 1.3–1.4 times wider than clypeus ( Fig. 123 View FIGURES 122–132 ). Labrum widest at 1/3 of length from base; initial fore margin (turned ventrally) without median emargination, with all 5 denticles wide; anterior transverse setal row regular, as wide as 3 denticles (as in Fig. 88 View FIGURES 86–93 ). Maxilla with 16–17 pectinate setae in apical-ventral row.

Femora: Stout setae on anterior surface widened distally, apically rounded ( Fig. 130 View FIGURES 122–132 ). Irregular row of hairs near inner margin absent on fore femur, present on middle and hind femora.

Fore tibia ( Fig. 131 View FIGURES 122–132 ): outer hairs form two irregular rows; inner-anterior row of recurved hairs absent; inneranterior row of stout setae absent; inner field of stout pointed setae moderately dense (setae lengths subequal to distances between them), its setae subequal in lengths, forming 2 rows (setae of anterior row partly dentate, setae of posterior row smooth).

Hind tibia ( Fig. 132 View FIGURES 122–132 ): outer-anterior row of stout setae consists of two clearly different types of stout setae: numerous very short truncated ones and several long spoon-like ones; outer-posterior row of stout setae consists of blunt stout setae of various lengths; posterior hairs located between these rows, numerous and form more than one row (besides row of hairs posteriad of outer-posterior row of stout setae); stout setae of inner-anterior row short, widened distally and blunt.

Claws with 6–9 denticles on rigid portion, with or without minute denticles on articulatory portion.

Tergalii ( Fig. 129 View FIGURES 122–132 ): each lamella slender, tracheae without side branches.

Male genitalia in last larval instar ( Fig. 147 View FIGURES 143–148 ): protogonostyli short and separated one from another by shallow emargination. Each protopenis lobe with small, sharply projected gonopore-bearing process bent laterally; gonopores opened caudally-laterally.

Subimago ( Figs 137–138 View FIGURES 133–142 , 146 View FIGURES 143–148 ). CUTICULAR COLORATION. Cuticle mostly colorless, with brown areas. Flagellum of antenna brown. Pronotum colorless. Mesonotum mostly colorless, with contrasting dark brown antelateroparapsidal and lateroparapsidal sutures, brown anteronotal transverse impression and chromozone of medioscutum; chromozone of submedioscutum either nearly colorless ( Fig. 137 View FIGURES 133–142 ), or light brownish, contrastingly lighter than chromozone of medioscutum ( Fig. 138 View FIGURES 133–142 ). Thoracic pleura and sterna colorless. On each leg femur entirely colorless, tibia and tarsus brown. Cuticle of wings colorless, microtrichia light brownish. Abdominal terga, sterna and gonostyli colorless, caudalii brown.

TEXTURE. On tarsi of all legs, 1st tarsomere with microtrichia (as tibia), 2nd–5th tarsomeres coved by blunt microlepides; pointed microlepides present near apical margins of 2nd–4th tarsomeres of middle and hind legs (as in Fig. 473 View FIGURES 464–473 ).

Male imago ( Figs 133–136, 140–142 View FIGURES 133–142 , 143–145, 148 View FIGURES 143–148 ). Head brown. Antenna with scapus ocher, pedicellus brown, flagellum ocher. Dorsal eyes contiguous medially, dull orange.

Prothorax whitish with pair of dark brown spots above coxa. Mesoscutum ocher with brown, scutellum whitish. Metanotum and lateral sides of pterothorax ocher with brown. Ventral side of pterothorax with mesothoracic episterna, furcasternal protuberances and furcasternal median impression dark brown, basisternum and other areas whitish ( Fig. 135 View FIGURES 133–142 ).

Cuticle of legs mostly colorless; on fore leg apex of femur and base of tibia with cuticle light brownish. Legs with following hypodermal pigmentation on whitish background: Fore femur with triangular brown spot on anterior side at 1/4 from base and with multicolored apical band occupying distal 0.4 of femur; apical band orange, proximally and apically narrowly bordered by blackish-brown, on inner and outer sides with blackish-brown longitudinal stripes. Fore tibia with dark brown spots on base and on apex. Middle and hind femora with multicolored pre-apical band within apical 0.4 of femur; pre-apical band mainly orange-brown, proximally bordered by blackish-brown, on inner and outer sides with blackish-brown longitudinal stripes; apical 0.1 of femur non-pigmented. In holotype, relation of fore femur to fore wing length 60:270; proportions femur/tibia/tarsomeres on fore leg 60:90:2:21:14:9:6; on middle leg 60:68:2:4:3:2:6; on hind leg 71:77:2:4:3:2:6.

Fore and hind wings with dark brown macula on costal brace and bases of Sc and R; longitudinal and cross veins colorless (proximal coloration of fore and hind wings appears during larval development and present both in subimago and imago). Costal cross veins proximad of bulla few, colorless and very thin, so that visible only under high magnification ( Fig. 142 View FIGURES 133–142 ). Pterostigmatic cross veins moderately dense, oblique, arched, non-branched ( Fig. 133 View FIGURES 133–142 ). Hind wing with prominent or blunt costal projection ( Fig. 148 View FIGURES 143–148 ).

Abdominal hypodermal coloration: Tergum I brown. Terga II–VI whitish, translucent; terga III–VI with pair of small gray midway spots; pleura with blackish stigmatic dots. Tergum VII orange, tergum VIII anteriorly-medially orange and posteriorly-laterally white, terga XI–X orange. Sterna I–IX whitish. Caudalii with segments alternated as following: black; white; white with base black; white.

Genitalia ( Figs 140–141 View FIGURES 133–142 , 143–146 View FIGURES 143–148 ): Styliger and gonostyli whitish. Dorsal extension of styliger narrow and prominent. Penis lobes relatively long, moderately widened and divergent apically, with narrow lateral pouches. Apico-lateral area forming ear, projected laterally-caudally. Telopenes in form of spear-like rolls, attached on dorsal side and directed medially-dorsally, nearly straight, with groove opened dorsally-laterally ( Fig. 144 View FIGURES 143–148 ).

Female imago ( Fig. 139 View FIGURES 133–142 ). Pronotum medially brown with ocher, laterally whitish; abdominal terga II–VI brownish with ocher; in other respects coloration similar to that of male.

Eggs ( Figs 149–150 View FIGURES 149–150 ). Mostly barrel-shaped. Each KTC surrounded by thick ring-like cove. Other chorion with evenly dispersed protuberances.

Dimension. Fore wing length (and approximate body length) 6.5–7 mm.

Comparison. Male imago of Th. panamensis sp. n. has genital structure, coloration of thorax, wings and abdomen the same as in Th. bolivianus Dominguez 1986 described from Bolivia and Th. insular Domínguez et al. 2015 described by Zúñiga et al. (2015) from Gorgona Island in Colombia.

Th. panamensis sp. n. differs from Th. bolivianus by the coloration of the fore femur: proximad of the multicolored apical band, Th. panamensis sp. n. has a small spot ( Fig. 134 View FIGURES 133–142 ), while Th. bolivianus has a wide band reaching the multicolored apical band: «una banda amplia, que ocupa el 1/3 medio y que toca la banda apical, también grisnegruzca» ( Domínguez 1986: 150).

Th. panamensis sp. n. differs from Th. insular by the absence of a black spot on proximal part of middle and hind femora ( Th. panamensis sp. n. has such a spot on fore femur only) and by orange color of the dorsal eyes (while in Th. insular the dorsal eyes are gray).

Th. panamensis sp. n. is similar to Th. centralis Traver 1946 by structure of genitalia; it differs by the white background of legs in imago and subimago (instead of yellowish orange in subimago of Th. centralis ), by the abdominal tergum VII darker than VIII (instead of lighter in Th. centralis ) and by white abdominal sterna (while in Th. centralis sterna VII-IX are dark red-brown).

Imagines of Th. panamensis sp. n. differ from other examined species by white scutellum.

Egg structure of Th. panamensis is similar to that of Th. cochunaensis Domínguez 1987 ( Domínguez 1987: fig. 5.2), while these species have quite different structure of male imagines (genitalia of Th. cochunaensis resemble that of Th. niger sp. n.).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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