
Calvo, Joel & Freire, Efraín, 2016, A nomenclator of Senecio group Lasiocephalus (Compositae, Senecioneae): nomenclatural and taxonomic notes and new typifications, Phytotaxa 260 (2), pp. 116-130 : 127

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Excluded Species from Senecio group Lasiocephalus

Senecio stylotrichus Cabrera (1950: 107) View in CoL . Lasiocephalus stylotrichus (Cabrera) Cuatrecasas (1994: 404) View in CoL . Type:— BOLIVIA. Santa Cruz, cerro Hosanna, 11 Aug 1917, J. Steinbach 3363 (lectotype: LIL-65961, designated as “ holotype ” by Freire & Iharlegui (2000: 352); isolectotypes: A-00012205 digital image!, LIL-65962, US-00123468 digital image!)

Cabrera (1950) noticed in the protologue the singularity of this species among the Bolivian and Peruvian species of Senecio View in CoL : “Esta planta es muy diferente de todas las especies de Senecio View in CoL conocidas para Bolivia y Perú ” [This plant is really different from all other Senecio species known in Bolivia and Peru]. Cuatrecasas (1994) transferred it into Lasiocephalus View in CoL , but several characters point out that this species should be placed in another group: leaves amplexicaul, capitula ± erect, low number of involucral bracts (8–10), sagittate anthers, and style branches with trichomes extending below the apex. Moreover, S. stylotrichus Cabrera (1950: 107) View in CoL does not occur in the same habitat that the species of the Lasiocephalus View in CoL group, which grow in the montane forests and páramos of the Andes. It has been collected at low altitudes (800–1300 m) in the eastern Andean foothills of Bolivia. Further studies are needed to properly establish the taxonomic position of this species.

Senecio superparamensis Sklená ř (2012: 396). Type:— ECUADOR. Napo, north-eastern side of Antisana   GoogleMaps , 0º27’24’’S 78º08’50’’W, 1 Nov 2007, P. Sklenář & E. Rejzková 10701 (holotype: PRC-455288 digital image!; isotypes: QCA, QCNE)

Senecio superparamensis Sklená View in CoL ř (2012: 396) was described as a species morphologically close to S. gargantanus View in CoL . On the other hand, molecular and karyological data suggested a putative hybrid origin between S. superandinus View in CoL and S. nivalis (Kunth 1818: 134) Cuatrecasas (1950: 44) View in CoL (Sklená ř 2012). Since this species does not display penicillate style branches (or very minute), we do not include it within the group concerned.



Calvo, Joel & Freire, Efraín 2016

Senecio stylotrichus

Freire, S. E. & Iharlegui, L. 2000: 352
Cuatrecasas, J. 1994: )
Cabrera, A. L. 1950: )
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