Cephalispa xanthogaster ( Shinonaga, 2003 )

Yoshizawa, Satoshi & Tachi, Takuji, 2016, Taxonomic study of the genus Cephalispa Malloch of Japan (Diptera: Muscidae), Zootaxa 4132 (4), pp. 540-550 : 546-549

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Cephalispa xanthogaster ( Shinonaga, 2003 )

comb. nov.

Cephalispa xanthogaster ( Shinonaga, 2003) View in CoL comb. nov.

( Figs 19‒24 View FIGURES 19 – 24 , 27 View FIGURES 25 ‒ 27 , 30 View FIGURE 30 )

Caricea xanthogaster Shinonaga, 2003: 281 View in CoL . Holotype male (NSMT, examined), Lake Yamanaka, Yamanakako Vil., Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi pref., Japan, 20. Oct. 1970, S. Shinonaga.

Lispocephala xanthogaster ( Shinonaga, 2003) : Shinonaga (2014): 804.

Redescription. Male and female.

Head. Face, parafacial, gena, vertex and occiput black with gray pruinosity; fronto-orbital plate black with yellowish gray pruinosity; frontal vitta, scape, pedicel, prementum and labella cream yellow. First flagellomere and palpus cream. Vertex approximately 0.2 times as wide as head width; gena 0.06‒0.07 of eye height; ocellar triangle not reaching lunula; 2 frontal setae; 2 reclinate orbital setae; several setulae present on fronto-orbital plate; ocellar seta fine; compound eye bare. Antenna with first flagellomere 1.7‒2.0 times as long as pedicel; arista plumose.

Thorax. Dorsum black in ground color with yellowish gray pruinosity; postpronotum and pleura black in ground color with cream yellow pruinosity; anterior and posterior spiracles cream. Two postpronotal setae; acrostichal seta fine; 2 presutural and 3 postsutural dorsocentral setae; 1 presutural and 1 postsutural intra-alar setae; 0 presutural and 1 postsutural supra-alar setae; 2 notopleural setae; 2 postalar setae; basal scutellar seta as long as apical one; 2‒3 proepisternal setae; 1‒2 proepimeral setae; 5 anepisternal setae; 3 katepisternal setae, forming equilateral triangle; anepimeron, katepimeron, meron, katatergite and anatergite bare; prosternum bare.

Wing. Brownish hyaline; tegula, basicosta and all veins brown; upper and lower calypters brownish cream; halter cream yellow. Vein M not bending anteriorly at apical part; distance of M between crossveins r-m and dm-cu narrower than that between crossvein dm-cu and wing margin; crossvein dm-cu straight, slightly shorter than ultimate section of vein CuA1.

Legs. Coxae, trochanters, femora, tibiae and tarsi cream yellow; pulvilli and claws brown. Fore tibia with 2 preapical dorsal and 2 apical ventral setae; mid tibia with 2 posterodorsal, 2 preapical dorsal and 3 apical ventral setae; hind tibia with 2 anterodorsal, 2 preapical dorsal and 2 apical ventral setae.

Abdomen. Cream yellow in ground color with gray pruinosity medially; syntergite 1+2 with 0‒2 black spots; 3rd to 5th tergites with 2 black spots. Fifth tergite with several discal and marginal setae; male 5th sternite ( Figs 19‒20 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ) broad and bifurcated posteriorly in ventral view, round and curved dorsally at posterior apex in lateral view.

Male terminalia ( Figs 21‒24 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ). Sixth tergite strongly reduced; 6th sternite slender and symmetric; epandrium semicircular with many setae in dorsal view; surstylus fused with epandrium at base, curved dorsally at apical 1/ 5 in lateral view, slightly curved inward at middle with strong setae apically in dorsal view; bacilliform sclerite slender in lateral view; cerci slender with some setae in dorsal view; hypandrial arms fused and nearly semicircular in lateral view; pregonite strongly reduced; postgonite bifurcated at middle, ventral part nearly triangular, dorsal part nearly straight and truncated at apex; phallus long, curved ventrally at middle with large membranous areas laterally and apically in lateral view, round apically in dorsal view.

Female terminalia ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 25 ‒ 27 ). Sixth to eighth tergites with several setae on posterior margin; 6th tergite narrowed at middle; 8th sternite strongly reduced.

Body length. 4.8‒6.3 mm (n = 5).

Type material examined. Holotype: Male, Lake Yamanaka, Yamanakako Vil., Minami-tsuru-gun, Yamanashi pref., Japan, 20. Oct. 1970, S. Shinonaga ( NSMT). Paratype: JAPAN: One female, Ueda city, Nagano pref., 23. IX. 1974, S. Shinonaga (EUM).

Other material examined. JAPAN: One female, Yumoto, Nasushiobara city, Tochigi pref., 7. IX. 1999 ( BLKU); 1 female, Gassan, Tachikawa town, Higashi-tagawa-gun, Yamagata pref., 12. VIII. 1996 ( FFPRI); 1 female, Hirabuse, Kawauchi Vil., Futaba-gun, Fukushima pref., 24. IX. 2001 ( FFPRI); 1 female, Mt. Sefuri, Fukuoka city, Fukuoka pref., 9. VII. 2000 ( BLKU); 1 male, Shinokawa, Amami city, Amami-ōshima Is., Kagoshima pref., 11. V. 1953 ( NIAES).

Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Kyushu, Amami-ōshima Is.).

Bionomics. Unknown.

Remarks. This species was originally described as a species of Caricea Robineau-Desvoidy by Shinonaga (2003) and is placed in Lispocephala at the present ( Shinonaga, 2014). However, we transfer this species to Cephalispa by having the greatly reduced ocellar seta.


National Science Museum (Natural History)


National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences














Cephalispa xanthogaster ( Shinonaga, 2003 )

Yoshizawa, Satoshi & Tachi, Takuji 2016

Lispocephala xanthogaster (

Shinonaga 2014: 804

Caricea xanthogaster

Shinonaga 2003: 281
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