Dzhungarodorcadion maceki, Holzschuh, 1995: 41

Özdikmen, Hüseyin, 2016, Dorcadionini of Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Journal of Natural History 50, pp. 2399-2475 : 2429-2432

publication ID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Dzhungarodorcadion maceki


* D. maceki Holzschuh, 1995: 41

Type information: Holotype ♂, collection J. Macek [type locality ‘ Abant ’ ( Turkey: Bolu)] Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: BO ( Breuning 1943, 1962a; Holzschuh 1995; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: TR

D. margheritae Breuning, 1964b: 32

Type information: Holotype ♂, collection Dr. Franco Tassi, Rome [type locality ‘ Epire ( Ioánnina ): Pinde Mts. ’ ( Greece)]

katarense Breuning, 1969: 42 ( D. margheritae m.) [ Greece: Katara]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: CA; TR-E ( Adlbauer 1988; Althoff and Danilevsky 1997; Özdikmen 2010; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: E: GR TR A: TR

* D. martini Bernhauer, 1988: 100

Type information: Holotype ♂, collection Dieter Bernhauer, Bad Schwalbach [type locality ‘ Nallıhan ’ ( Turkey: Ankara)]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: AN ( Bernhauer 1988; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: TR

* D. menradi Holzschuh, 1989: 172

Type information: Holotype ♂, collection Carolus Holzschuh, Villach [type locality ‘ Afşin ’ ( Turkey: Kahramanmaraş)]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: KA MA ( Holzschuh 1989; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Pesarini and Sabbadini 2013; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: TR

* D. merkli Ganglbauer, 1884: 506

Type information: Syntypes ♂ and ♀, ex collection L. Ganglbauer, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien [type locality ‘ nordwestlichen Kleinasien: Akdağ (?Simav) ’ ( Turkey:? Kütahya)]

humerointerruptum Breuning, 1946: 109 ( D. merkli m.) [ Turkey:? Kütahya:?Simav:

Akdağ] Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: KU ( Ganglbauer 1884; Breuning 1946, 1962a; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Danilevsky 2015a) Range: A: TR

D. mesopotamicum Breuning, 1944: 12

Type information: Holotype ♂, ex collection S. Breuning, Muséum d ’ Histoire Naturelle de Genève [type locality ‘ Mesopotamia: Ras Al-Ain ’ ( Iraq)]

submardinense Breuning, 1946: 109 ( D. mesopotamicum m.) [ Iraq: Mesopotamia: Ras


Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: MR SU ( Breuning 1962a; Braun 1978a; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: IQ TR

* D. micans J. Thomson, 1867: 61

* D. micans micans J. Thomson, 1867: 61

Type information: Holotype ♂, ex collection J. Thomson> R. Oberthür, Muséum National

d ’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris [type locality ‘ Armenien ’ undoubtedly mislabeled, should be

Turkey] macropus Kraatz, 1873: 99 [ Turkey: Amasya] sericatulum Kraatz, 1873: 98 [?Caucasus, Turkey: Ankara, Bursa] obscurans Pic, 1892a: 91 ( D. macropus var.) [ Turkey: Amasya] amasinum Pic, 1898: 58 [ Turkey: Amasya] atripes Reitter, 1900: 88 ( D. sericatum var.) [ Turkey: Amasya] tokatense Pic, 1901: 12 ( D. impressicolle var.) [ Turkey: Tokat] corallicorne Pic, 1904: 4 ( D. sericatum var.) [ Turkey: Ankara] subreductum Pic, 1942a: 2 ( D. sericatum var.) [ Turkey] subobesum Pic, 1942a: 2 [ Turkey: Amasya]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: AM AN BS CA CO IZ TO YO ( Kraatz 1873; Pic 1892a, 1898, 1901, 1904, 1942a; Reitter 1900; Breuning 1962a; Demelt 1963; Perissinotto and Luchini 1966; Breuning and Villiers 1967; Fuchs and Breuning 1971; Gül-Zümreoğlu 1975; Holzschuh 1980; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010; Danilevsky 2015a; Özdikmen and Kaya 2015d)

Range: A: TR * D. micans susheriense Breuning, 1970: 97 ( D. sinopense ssp.)

Type information: Holotype ♂, Muséum National d ’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris [type locality

‘ Suşehri ’ ( Turkey: Sivas)]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: SV ( Breuning 1970; Löbl and Smetana 2010;

Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Danilevsky 2015a; Özdikmen and Kaya 2015d)

Range: A: TR D. mniszechi Kraatz, 1873: 39 D. mniszechi mniszechi Kraatz, 1873: 39

Type information: Syntypes ♂ and ♀, ex Musaeo Mniszech> R . Oberthür, Muséum National d ’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris [type locality ‘ Caucasus ’]

rugulosum Breuning, 1946: 96 ( D. mniszechi m.) [ Turkey: Iğdır: Kazkoparan]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: AG EZ IG KAR SV ( Breuning 1946; Plavilstshikov 1958; Özdikmen and Hasbenli 2004a; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010; Lazarev 2014; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: AR TR

D. mniszechi cavernosum Lazarev, 2014: 701

Type information: Holotype ♂, ex collection M. L. Danilevsky, Collection of Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersbourg [type locality Arteni ( Armenia)] Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: ART IG KAR ( Breuning 1946; Lazarev 2014; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: AR TR

Other known subspecies: D. mniszechi georgianum Lazarev, 2014: 701 A: GG

* D. muchei Breuning, 1962b: 38

Type information: Holotype ♂, collection H. Muche [type locality ‘ Çankırı ’ ( Turkey)] plurivittipenne Breuning, 1962b: 39 ( D. muchei m.) [ Turkey: Çankırı]

parescherichi Breuning, 1966b: 146 [ Turkey: Çorum: Boğazkale]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: CN CO KS KY YO ( Breuning 1962a, 1962b, 1966b; Perissinotto and Luchini 1966; Demelt 1967; Braun 1978a, 1979; Holzschuh 1980; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Özdikmen and Kaya 2015a)

Range: A: TR

* D. multimaculatum Pic, 1932: 22

Type information: Holotype, ex collection Leo Heyrovský, Musée National de Prague [type locality ‘ Ödemiş ’ ( Turkey: İzmir)]

postbiplagiatum Breuning, 1946: 107 ( D. multimaculatum m.) [ Turkey: İzmir: Ödemiş] Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: IZ ( Pic 1932; Breuning 1946, 1962a; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: TR

* D. murzini Danilevsky, 2015a: 221

Type information: Holotype ♂, ex collection M. L. Danilevsky, Collection of Zoological Museum, University of Moscow [type locality ‘ İspir: Yukarıözbağ ’ ( Turkey: Erzurum)] Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: EZ ( Danilevsky, 2015b)

Range: A: TR

* D. musense Bernhauer and Peks, 2014a: 109

Type information: Holotype ♂, collection Dieter Bernhauer, Bad Schwalbach [type locality ‘ S Bulanık ’ ( Turkey: Muş)]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: MU ( Bernhauer and Peks 2014a; Danilevsky 2015a) Range: A: TR

* D. narlianum Özdikmen, Mercan and Cihan, 2012b: 550

Type information: Holotype ♂, collection H. Özdikmen, Zoological Museum of Gazi University , Ankara [type locality ‘ Narlı ’ ( Turkey: Kahramanmaraş)]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: KA (Özdikmen 2012; Özdikmen et al. 2012b, 2012c; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: TR

* D. nigrostriatum Adlbauer, 1982: 104

Type information: Holotype ♂, collection Karl Adlbauer , Graz [type locality ‘ N Tunceli ’ ( Turkey)]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: TU ( Adlbauer 1982, 1988; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Sama et al. 2012; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: TR

* D. nihalae Rapuzzi and Sama, 2012: 671

Type information: Holotype ♂, collection Gianfranco Sama, Cesena [type locality ‘ Zara ’ ( Turkey: Sivas)]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: SV (Özdikmen 2012; Rapuzzi and Sama 2012; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: TR

* D. niksarense Bernhauer and Peks, 2013b: 327

Type information: Holotype ♂, collection Dieter Bernhauer, Bad Schwalbach [type locality ‘ Niksar ’ ( Turkey: Tokat)]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: TO ( Bernhauer and Peks 2013b; Danilevsky 2015a) Range: A: TR

D. nitidum Motschulsky, 1838: 185

Type information: Holotype, ex collection V. I. Motschulsky, Zoological Museum, University of Moscow [type locality ‘ Armenia ’]

suturatum Ferrari, 1864: 481 [ Georgia: Achalzik]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: ART EZ KAR YO ( Plavilstshikov 1958; Breuning 1962a; Özbek 1978; Adlbauer 1988; Önalp 1991; Özdikmen and Hasbenli 2004a; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: AB AR GG TR

* D. nobile Hampe, 1852: 313

Type information: Syntypes, ex collection Moritz Wagner, Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [type locality ‘ W Persien ’, undoubtedly mislabeled, should be ‘ Erzurum env. ’ ( Turkey)]

maculatum Breuning, 1946: 119 ( D. nobile m.) [ Turkey: Kurdistan]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: BT EZ VA ( Breuning 1946, 1962a; Plavilstshikov 1958; Villiers 1967; Braun 1978a; Sama 1982; Önalp 1991; Özdikmen and Hasbenli 2004a; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Pesarini and Sabbadini 2011; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: A: TR

D. nodicorne Tournier, 1872: 287

Type information: Syntypes 2♂♂ and ♀, ex collection H. Tournier> M. Pic, Muséum National d ’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris [type locality ‘ Taurus ’ ( Turkey)]

maculereductum Breuning, 1962a: 532 ( D. quadrimaculatum m.) [ Greece: Lesbos Is.] subnodicorne Breuning, 1962a: 532 ( D. quadrimaculatum m.) [ Greece: Lesbos Is.] Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A: CA IZ Taurus Mts.; TR-E ( Breuning 1962a; Krätschmer 1985; Önalp 1990; Althoff and Danilevsky 1997; Löbl and Smetana 2010; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Danilevsky 2015a)

Range: E: GR TR A: TR

D. obsoletum Kraatz, 1873: 78 ( D. graecum var.)

Type information: Holotype ♂, ex collection G. Kraatz, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde [type locality ‘ Bursa ’ ( Turkey), but not Bursa, according to Kraatz with İstanbul ( Turkey) and Greece]

obsoletoides Breuning, 1946: 111 ( D. obsoletum m.) [ Greece: Thrace: Ferre]

Provincial distribution in Turkey: TR-A:?BS IS; TR-E: ED IS KK TE ( Kraatz 1873; Bodemeyer 1906; Fuchs and Breuning 1971; Braun 1978a; Althoff and Danilevsky 1997; Özdikmen 2010, 2012; Danilevsky 2015a; Özdikmen and Kaya 2015c)

Range: E: BU GR TR A: TR


Chicago Academy of Sciences


Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas


Stanford University


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Australian Museum


Instituto de Zoologia


Institute of Geology


Wellcome Collection of Bacteria, Burroughs Wellcome Research Laboratories


Midwestern University


Tulane University, Museum of Natural History


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium
















Dzhungarodorcadion maceki

Özdikmen, Hüseyin 2016

D. murzini

Danilevsky ML 2015: 221

D. mniszechi cavernosum

Lazarev MA 2014: 701

D. musense

Bernhauer D & Peks H 2014: 109

D. niksarense

Bernhauer D & Peks H 2013: 327

D. narlianum Özdikmen, Mercan and Cihan, 2012b: 550

Ozdikmen H & Mercan N & Cihan N 2012: 550

D. nihalae

Rapuzzi P & Sama G 2012: 671

D. maceki

Holzschuh C 1995: 41

D. menradi

Holzschuh C 1989: 172

D. martini

Bernhauer D 1988: 100

D. nigrostriatum

Adlbauer K 1982: 104

D. margheritae

Breuning S 1964: 32

D. muchei

Breuning S 1962: 38

D. mesopotamicum

Breuning S 1944: 12

D. multimaculatum

Pic M 1932: 22

D. merkli

Ganglbauer L 1884: 506

D. obsoletum

Kraatz G 1873: 78

D. nodicorne

Tournier H 1872: 287

D. micans J. Thomson, 1867: 61

Thomson J 1867: 61

D. micans micans J. Thomson, 1867: 61

Thomson J 1867: 61

D. nobile

Hampe C 1852: 313

D. nitidum

Motschulsky VI 1838: 185
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