Pacifimusotima kosrena Ko & Solis, 2024

Ko, Jae-Ho, Solis, M. Alma, Lees, David C. & Albert, Austin, 2024, Pacifimusotima Ko & Solis, new genus and species of the Musotiminae (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) from the Federated States of Micronesia, including two newly combined species, Zootaxa 5497 (1), pp. 111-122 : 115

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Plazi (2024-08-30 13:43:14, last updated 2024-09-04 21:35:34)

scientific name

Pacifimusotima kosrena Ko & Solis

sp. nov.

Pacifimusotima kosrena Ko & Solis , sp. nov.

( Figs. 1 View FIGURES 1−8 , 9–14 View FIGURES 9–10 View FIGURES 11–13 View FIGURES 14−16 , 17, 19 View FIGURES 17−20 )

Type materials. Holotype: ♂, MICRONESIA, KOSRAE: Okat , 09.XI.2022, (Jung S. W., Kim Y. H., Ko J. H.), ( N5 ˚20'41.4″, E162 ˚58'15.5″ Alt.: 3 m), genitalia slide no. DIC-051.

Paratypes. (16 ♂, 3 ♀), MICRONESIA: 6 ♂, KOSRAE: Okat, 09.XI.2022, (Jung S. W., Kim Y. H., Ko J. H.), ( N 5˚20'41.4″, E 162˚58'15.5″ Alt.: 3 m); 1 ♀, Sipyen waterfall, 10.XI.2022, (Jung S. W., Kim Y. H., Ko J. H.), ( N 5˚17'02.9″, E 162˚57'25.5″Alt.: 17m), genitalia slide no. DIC-052; 2 ♂, Okat, 14.II.2023, (Jung S. W., Kim Y. H., Ko J. H.), ( N 5˚20'34.0″, E 162˚58'35.0″Alt.: 8 m), genitalia slide no. DIC-100; 1 ♂, Tafunsak, 15.II.2023, (Jung S. W., Kim Y. H., Ko J. H.), ( N 5˚22'06.0″, E 163˚00'02.0″Alt.: 5 m), genitalia slide no. DIC-101; 1 ♂, Tofol, 16.II.2023, (Jung S. W., Kim Y. H., Ko J. H.), ( N 5˚19'42.0″, E 163˚00'40.0″Alt.: 2 m), genitalia slide no. DIC-095; 2 ♂, Mutunlik, Alt.: 22 m, 8.II.1953, (Clarke, J. F. G.), light trap, USNMENT01894167, USNM genitalia slide no. 116386 (handwritten Munroe label “ Parthenodes ” sp. 1); 1 ♂, Mutunlik, Alt.: 22 m, 6.II.1953, (Clarke, J. F. G.), light trap, USNMENT01899030, USNM genitalia slide no. 105165 (originally CNC slide # ER 460); 1 ♂, Mutunlik, Alt.: 22 m, 8.II.1953, (Clarke, J. F. G.), light trap, USNMENT01552840; 1 ♂, Mutunlik, Alt.: 22 m, 16.II.1953, (Clarke, J. F. G.), light trap, USNMENT01894098, USNM genitalia slide no. 116387; 1 ♂, Mutunlik, Alt.: 22 m, 26. I.1953, (Clarke, J. F. G.), light trap, USNMENT01374377; 1 ♀, Mutunlik, Alt.: 22 m, 15.II.1953, (Clarke, J. F. G.), light trap, USNMENT01374376 (handwritten labels: “ Parthenodes ” sp., not in B. M., nearest to eugethes Tams , det. E. L. Martin, 1953; species group placed in Parthenodes by Hampson, but are not Nymphulinae, E.L. Martin, 1953 (handwritten Munroe label “ Parthenodes ” sp. 1); 1 ♀, Wakap, Alt.: 490 m, 7.IV.1953. (Clarke, J. F. G.), light trap, USNMENT01552841, USNM genitalia slide no. 105166 (originally CNC slide #461).

Diagnosis. Pacifimusotima kosrena sp. nov. is morphologically very similar to P. eugethes (Tams, 1936) , but can be distinguished by the following characteristics: a basal band is present in the basal area of the forewing; the discal reniform patch on the forewing is absent; basal and postmedial bands are present on the hindwing. In the male genitalia, the apex of the uncus is more pointed than that of P. eugethes ; the gnathos is slender and more pointed than that of P. eugethes . In the female genitalia, the ductus bursae and corpus bursae are narrower than those of P. eugethes .

Description. Adult ( Figs. 1 View FIGURES 1−8 , 9–13 View FIGURES 9–10 View FIGURES 11–13 ). Length of forewing 11–13 mm in both sexes. Head covered with white scales; antennae prismatic, laterally compressed; ocellus and chaetosemata absent; labial palpus upturned, covered with white scales; maxillary palpus short, covered with white scales; proboscis well–developed. Patagium and tegula covered with white scales, except brown band at dorsal center. Ground color of forewing white; basal and antemedial area with brown bands; brown postmedial fascia W-shaped from terminal area; fringe white. Ground color of hindwing white; basal band brown; postmedial band brown, with dark brown line inner; fringe white. Abdomen white.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 14−16 ). Uncus elongated, strongly sclerotized, and weakly hooked at tip; gnathos elongated, almost same length as uncus and pointed at tip; tegumen almost same length as transtilla; valva nearly subspatulate, weakly curved at costa; juxta membranous, broad; saccus U-shaped; phallus cylindrical, sclerotized basally, with a hook-shaped cornutus.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17−20 ). Papillae anales ovate; posterior apophyses long, almost same length as anterior apophyses; antrum funnel-shaped, membranous; ductus seminalis from near anterior beginning of ductus bursae; ductus bursae membranous, about 1/2 length of corpus bursae; corpus bursae membranous, ovate, without signum.

Distribution. Micronesia (Kosrae), formerly known as Kusaie or Strong’s Island.

Host plants. Unknown.

Etymology. The specific name was derived from the type locality, Kosrae, Micronesia.

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FIGURES 1−8. Adults of Pacifimusotima and Parthenodes spp. 1a. Pacifimusotima kosrena Ko & Solis, sp. nov., holotype, male, Kosrae, Micronesia; 1b. Pacifimusotima kosrena Ko & Solis, sp. nov., paratype, female, Kosrae, Micronesia; 2. Pacifimusotima rectangulalis comb. nov., male, Chuuk, Micronesia, USNMENT01894106, USNM genitalia slide no. 116393; 3. Pacifimusotima eugethes, comb. nov., male, Apia, Samoa, USNMENT01894135; 4. Parthenodes hydrocampalis (co-type), NHMUK015666233; 5. Parthenodes parallelalis (= P. paralleloidalis), holotype, Chanchamayo, Peru, NHMUK015666232; 6. Parthenodes bisangulata, holotype, Sikkim, India, NHMUK013699575; 7. Pacifimusotima rectangulalis, comb. nov., syntype, Ekeikei, Papua New Guinea, NHMUK010919370; 8. Parthenodes nigriplaga, syntype, Khasia Hill, Meghalaya, India, NHMUK013699595.

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FIGURES 9–10. Head of Pacifimusotima kosrena Ko & Solis, sp. nov. 9. Dorsal view; 10. Lateral view.

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FIGURES 11–13. Palpi and wing venation of Pacifimusotima kosrena Ko & Solis, sp. nov. 11. Labial palpus; 12. Maxillary palpus; 13. Wing venation.

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FIGURES 14−16. Male genitalia of Pacifimusotima spp. 14a. P. kosrena Ko & Solis, sp. nov., holotype, DIC-051; 14b. P. kosrena Ko & Solis, sp. nov., paratype, DIC-101; 15. P. rectangulalis, comb. nov., USNMENT01994059, USNM genitalia slide no. 116394; 16. P. eugethes, comb. nov., USNMENT01894141, USNM genitalia slide no. 116391.

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FIGURES 17−20. Female genitalia and tympanal organs of Pacifimusotima spp. 17. P. kosrena Ko & Solis, sp. nov., female genitalia, paratype, DIC-052; 18. P. eugethes comb. nov., female genitalia, USNMENT01894129, USNM genitalia slide no. 116392; 19. P. kosrena Ko & Solis, sp. nov., tympanal organ, paratype, DIC-101; 20. P. eugethes, comb. nov., tympanal organ, USNMENT01894141, USNM genitalia slide no. 116391.


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Yale University


University of Helsinki


University of the Witwatersrand


Nanjing University


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch











