Hygrobates (s. str.) trigonicus Koenike, 1895

Gerecke, Reinhard, 2021, The water mites of the family Hygrobatidae (Acari, Hydrachnidia) in Italy, Zootaxa 5009 (1), pp. 1-85 : 48-49

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Hygrobates (s. str.) trigonicus Koenike, 1895


Hygrobates (s. str.) trigonicus Koenike, 1895

(Figs 24 H-I)

Previously published records from Italy: Lombardia ( Nocentini 1963, Benfatti et al. 1993, Gerecke & Di Sabatino 2013); Piemonte ( Ramazzotti 1947, Nocentini 1963).

Habitat: Rhithrobiont. Preferably in larger streams, in the northern part of its area also in standing waters. Distribution: Western Palaearctic.

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