
Su, Si, Hong, Mei, Cui, Meng-Yu, Gui, Zheng, Ma, Shi-Fa, Wu, Lin, Xing, Li-Li, Mu, Lan, Yu, Jing-Feng, Fu, Shao-Yin, Gao, Rui-Juan & Qi, Dong-Dong, 2023, Microbial diversity of ticks and a novel typhus group Rickettsia species (Rickettsiales bacterium Ac 37 b) in Inner Mongolia, China, Parasite (Paris, France) 30 (58), pp. 1-13 : 5

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1051/parasite/2023057

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Phylogenetic analysis of Rickettsiales View in CoL bacterium Ac37b

The Rickettsiales bacterium Ac37b (OP286853 and

OP286855) sequences were randomly selected to build a phylogenetic tree, named after regions and displayed on the phylogenetic tree with squares and triangles ( Fig. 9a View Figure 9 ). The phylogenetic tree of the 16S rRNA gene showed that Rickettsiales bacterium Ac37b found in Inner Mongolia is in the same branch as the Rickettsiales bacterium Ac37b (CP009217) found in Amblyomma cajennense from Brazil, and their homology is 100% according to sequence alignment analysis using MEGA 7.0 software.

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