Harpactea henriquesi Řezáč, 2023

Řezáč, Milan, Cardoso, Pedro & Řezáčová, Veronika, 2023, Review of Harpactea ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae: Dysderidae) of Portugal, Zootaxa 5263 (3), pp. 335-364 : 346-347

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5263.3.2

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scientific name

Harpactea henriquesi Řezáč

sp. nov.

Harpactea henriquesi Řezáč sp. nov.

( Figs 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 6B, 9)

Type material. Holotype. ♁, Torres Novas, Paul do Boquilobo, 39.39, -8.541, Quercus suber , 24 April 2002, leg. P. Cardoso, coll. Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki (http://id.luomus.fi/KN.23947).

Paratypes. Coimbra, Botanical Garden of Coimbra, 40.21, -8.42, woody vegetation, 1 ♁, 6 June 2005, leg. L. Crespo, coll. Crop Research Institute , Prague; Lisboa, Monsanto , 38.734, -9.19, woody vegetation, 2 ♁♁, 11 March 2006, leg. L. Crespo, coll. Crop Research Institute , Prague; Lisboa, 38.7418, -9.1606, wasteland, 1 ♁, 10 March 2022, leg. G. Ramos, coll. Crop Research Institute GoogleMaps , Prague; Golega, Golega , 39.412, -8.478, woody vegetation, 1 juv., 2 October 2007, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute GoogleMaps , Prague; Torres Novas, Paul do Boquilobo , 39.39, -8.541, Quercus suber , 9 ♁♁, 7 ♀♀, 24 April 2002, leg. P. Cardoso, Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki (http://id.luomus.fi/KN.23948); Torres Novas, Vale Garcia , 39.55, -8.588, Scrubland , 27 ♁♁, 18 ♀♀, 23 April 2002, leg. P. Cardoso, Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki (http://id.luomus.fi/KN.23949) ; Porto de Mos, Serro Ventoso , 39.556, -8.838, Quercus faginea wood, 2 ♁♁, 6 ♀♀, 16-17 April 2005, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute GoogleMaps , Prague.

Etymology. Named after the Portuguese arachnologist Sergio Henriques, our friend who helped us to collect material for this study.

Diagnosis. Harpactea henriquesi differs from the majority of Portuguese Harpactea species by the shape of copulatory organs, in particular by slender tegulum and thin embolus and conductor of approximately the same length ( Fig. 4C). Males are also characteristic by markedly slender and elongated abdomen and elongated prosoma ( Fig. 1C). It resembles H. gaditana and H. fageli in that the first leg is longer than the fourth. Concerning bulbus shape, it is most similar to H. gaditana , from which it differs by base of embolus covered by the base of conductor (in H. gaditana it is not covered). Embolus is uniformly curved ( Fig. 4C, in H. gaditana the distal part of embolus is less curved than the basal one). Concerning size and body proportions H. henriquesi sp. nov. is more similar to H. sciakyi Pesarini, 1988 from Spain, from which it differs by uniformly curved embolus (in H. sciakyi it is strongly bent in the middle), straight conductor with only slightly dilated apex (in H. sciakyi conductor is bent at base, its apex is strongly and suddenly spatulated), and femora I with a single, relatively weak subapical prolateral spine (in H. sciakyi femora I with a pair of strong prolateral spines).

The vulva is similar to that of H. fageli , but it is relatively smaller and less sclerotised, the anterior part is terminated by a globule, it does not carry any crest for attaching muscles. Also the members of Harpactea hombergii group possess similar vulva morphology. In the only representative of this group in Portugal, Harpactea hombergii , the lateral parts of the anterior arc are bent like in anchor ( Fig. 6B).

Description. Male (holotype). Carapace olive brown, matting, in comparison with other Harpactea species elongated ( Fig. 1C). Sternum ferruginous, matting. Chelicerae brown. Legs brown-yellow, anterior legs and pedipalps darker. Measurements and spination are shown in Table 1. Relative leg length: I>IV>II>III. Cymbium with only slightly elongated distal part ( Fig. 3C, like in H. gaditana ). Tegulum thin, much longer than wide ( Fig. 4C). Conductor straight, directing distally. Embolus dark, parallel to conductor, but regularly bent, of the same length as conductor, directing distally. Opisthosoma cylindrical, markedly elongated and slender ( Fig. 1C).

Female. In females the carapace is less elongated (especially the posterior part) than in males: the ratio length / maximum width of carapace in females is 1.36–1.40, in males 1.44–1.50. Opisthosoma less elongated than in males. The vulva is of the type fageli (see the chapter Diagnostic characters) ( Fig. 6B).

Variability. Male carapace length 1.17–2.07 mm (1.56±0.23 (mean± SD), N=39), female carapace length 1.18– 1.79 mm (1.50±0.16, N=32).

Ecology. Found in leaf litter in sparse Quercus forests.

Distribution. The species was found in several sites in central-western Portugal.













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