Anisepyris eonwei Barbosa & Azevedo, 2018

Barbosa, Diego N. & Azevedo, Celso O., 2018, Revision of Anisepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), with description of 135 new species, Zootaxa 4416 (1), pp. 1-258 : 91

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4416.1.1

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scientific name

Anisepyris eonwei Barbosa & Azevedo

sp. nov.

Anisepyris eonwei Barbosa & Azevedo , sp. nov.

( Figs 12H View FIGURE12 ; 14J; 15D; 15K)

Description, male. Body length 3.92 mm. Head and mesosoma black; wings clear hyaline; metasoma dark castaneous. Head wide. Flagellomeres short, with dense and very short setae. Mandible narrow and with two upper teeth wider than others. Median clypeal lobe angulate, long; median clypeal carina higher than frons level. Frons coriaceous . Antennal scrobe ecarinate. Eye large. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle obtuse; ocelli large. Vertex convex. Pronotal disc shorter than wide, strongly coriaceous ; transverse pronotal carina complete; with posterior pronotal sulcus. Notaulus narrow. Mesoscutellar sulcus narrow; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus present. Metapectalpropodeal disc short; metapostnotal median carina complete; longitudinal ridges absent; metapostnotal-propodeal suture fused with first metapostnotal carina; paraspiracular carina present and conspicuous; metapleural carina present and conspicuous; metapectal-propodeal disc with short striae; propodeal declivity strigate. Mesopleuron with anterior fovea closed; mesopleural fovea closed; lower fovea divided; posterior fovea absent; mesopleural suture closed. Forewing with stigma developed; Rs&M vein not distinguished. Mesotibia not spinose. Claws trifid. Metasomal segments glabrous. Genitalia. Basiparamere longer than paramere; paramere wide, rounded, with ventral margin convex and dorsal margin straight, sparsely setose; basivolsella straight; cuspis with arms very short, dorsal arm wide; aedeagus with basal portion angled and wide, and apical portion as long as basal and swollen; apodeme slender.

Material examined. Holotype, ♂, BRAZIL, São Paulo, Descalvado, Faz[enda] Itaúnas, Cerrado, 21°54'S 47°37"W, 19.x.2006, arm[adilha] Malaise, N.W. Perioto & equipe col[etores] ( UFES 79130). Paratypes (15). NICARAGUA, Granada, 1 ♂, Volcan Mombacho, El Progreso 1, 16.iii.1998,—Mal[aise] trap, J.M. Maes col[ector] ( SEAN); 1 ♂, San Joaquim 3, 15.v.1998; 2 ♂, Bosque Seco,; BRAZIL, Pará, 1 ♂, Altamira, Rio Xingu, Ilha Grande, 06–10.xi.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col[etores] ( MPEG); Goiás, 1 ♂, Alto Paraíso, P[ar]q[ue] Nac[ional] Chapada do Veadeiros, 14°00'S 47°41'W, 15–25.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise, Aguiar & eq[uipe] col[etor] ( MZSP); Bahia, 1 ♂, Encruzilhada, 800m, 15°32'25"S 40°50'12"W, 10–12.xii.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, Rafael, Grossi & Parizzoto col[etores] ( INPA); Minas Gerais, 1 ♂, Marliéria, P[arque] E[stadual] Rio Doce, Mata do Gambá, 19°37'S 42°34'W, 25.x–1.xi.2001, arm[adilha] Malaise, JCR Fontenelle col[etor] ( UFES 102926); 2 male, Belo Horizonte, UFMG, Est[ação] Ecológica, 4.xii.1996 —arm[adilha] Malaise, J.C.R. Fontenelle col[etor] ( UFMG); Espírito Santo, 1 ♂, Santa Teresa, Est[ação] Biol[ógica] de S[an]ta Lúcia, 638m, 19°58'18.5"S 40°32'7.6"W, 9–12.iv.2001, [armadilha] Malaise, C.O. Azevedo & equipe col[etores] ( UFES 29761); 1 ♂, Santa Teresa, Estação Biológica de Santa Lúcia, 19°58'18.5"S 40°32'7.6"W, 13–17.x.2008 ( UFES 125676); São Paulo, 1 ♂, Descalvado, Faz[enda] Itaúnas, Cerrado, 47°37"W, 21°54'S 06.x.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise, N.W. Perioto & equipe col[etores] ( UFES 79920); 1 ♂, 1.xii.2005 ( UFES 79939); 1 ♂, 11.xi.2006 ( UFES 79110).

Distribution. Nicaragua; Brazil: Pará, Goáis, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, São Paulo.

Remarks. This new species differs from A. columbianus by having the antenna with erect setae; the mandible narrow with the two upper teeth wider than others; the clypeus with the apical margin angulate and the clypeal carina higher than frons level; the antennal scrobe ecarinate; the genitalia with the paramere narrow, with the basal margin acute, and without a dorsal apical tooth; and the apodeme not parallel, whereas A. columbianus has the antenna with dense and short setae; the mandible curved with the teeth equally wide; the clypeus median lobe quadrate with the clypeal carina lower than frons level; the antennal scrobe carinate; the genitalia with the paramere very wide, rounded, and with the ventral and dorsal margins straight with a short apical projection; and the apodeme parallel.


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais













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