Anisepyris haldiri Barbosa & Azevedo, 2018
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Anisepyris haldiri Barbosa & Azevedo |
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Anisepyris haldiri Barbosa & Azevedo , sp. nov.
( Figs 24F View FIGURE 24 ; 25E; 25F; 25I)
Description, male. Body length 4 mm. Head and mesosoma black; wings clear hyaline; metasoma dark castaneous. Head long. Flagellomeres short, with sparse and short setae. Mandible narrow, slightly angled, and with lower tooth longer than others. Median clypeal lobe angulate, long; median clypeal carina higher than frons level. Frons strongly coriaceous . Antennal scrobe ecarinate. Eye large. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle acute; ocelli large. Vertex convex. Pronotal disc as long as wide, strongly coriaceous ; transverse pronotal carina complete; with posterior pronotal sulcus. Notaulus narrow. Mesoscutellar sulcus narrow. Metapectal-propodeal disc short; metapostnotal median carina complete; longitudinal ridges absent; metapostnotal-propodeal suture straight; paraspiracular carina present and conspicuous; metapleural carina present and conspicuous; metapectal-propodeal disc with short striae; propodeal declivity strigate. Mesopleuron with anterior fovea closed; mesopleural fovea closed; lower fovea closed; posterior fovea absent; mesopleural suture opened. Forewing with stigma not developed; Rs&M vein distinguished. Mesotibia not spinose. Claws bifid. Metasomal segments sparsely setose. Genitalia. Basiparamere longer than paramere; paramere slender, rounded, and with ventral margin convex and dorsal straight, sparsely setose; basivolsella straight; cuspis with arms very short, dorsal arm wide; aedeagus with basal portion angled and wide, and apical portion as long as basal and wide; apodeme slender.
Material examined. Holotype, ♂, BRAZIL, Espírito Santo, João Neiva, Alto Bérgamo , mata, 478m, 19°44'46”S 40°26'43"W, 27.x–31.xi.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, CO Azevedo & equipe col[etores] ( UFES 22767 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes (33). TRINIDAD, Arima, 1 ♂, 8 Km N Arima, Simila Res [erve] Sta [tion], trop[ical] for[est], 260m, 6–, FIT, S . & J. Peck, (CNCI); Curepe , 1 ♂, 9.xi–29.xii.1979, P[itfal]T[rap] ( CNCI) ; GUYANA, Region 8, 1 ♂, Iwokrama Forest Res[erve], 100–200m, 04°40'19"N 58°41'04"W, v–vi.2001, FIT, R GoogleMaps . Brooks & Z. Falin [collectors] (CNCI); SURINAME, Raleigh , 1 ♂, Vallen-Voltzberg Res [erve], Foengoe, 26.i–15.ii.1982, J. Carpenter & D. Trail col[lectors] ( AMNH) ; BRAZIL, Pará, 1 ♂, Juruti, Propriedade Barroso, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col[etores] ( MPEG) ; 2 ♂, Altamira, Rio Xingu , Ilha Grande, 06–10.xi.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col[etores] ( MPEG) ; Rondôndia, 1 ♂, Candeias do Jamarí, Batalhão de Polícia Ambiental , BR 364 Km 2, 102m, 08°47'S 63°42'W, 28.i–4.ii.2006, arm[adilha] Malaise, D.F. Mugrabi col[etor] ( UFES 30262 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Bahia, 1 ♂, Sapiranga, Reserva de Sapiranga, arm[adilha] Malaise—trilha 6, 12°33'38.5"S 38°02'57.2"W, 19–22.vii.2001, MT Tavares e eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 29775 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Coaraci, Faz[enda] São José , 14°38'S 39°32'W, 14.xii.2003, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC) GoogleMaps ; Espírito Santo, 1 ♂, Pancas, Faz[enda] Juliberto Stür , 19°12'54.8"S 40°47'52.5"W, 24–31.i.2003, armadilha Malaise, M.T. Tavares, C.O. Azevedo e eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 09851 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂, 31.i–07.ii.2003 (UFES 09861; 29695); 4 ♂, João Neiva, Alto Bérgamo, mata, 478m, 19°44'46"S 40°26'43"W, 27.x–31.xi.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, CO Azevedo & equipe col[etores] (UFES 22939; 22973; 22980; 22989); 1 ♂, Santa Teresa, Estação Biológica Santa Lúcia, 19°58'18.5"S 40°32'07.6"W, 13–17.x.2008 ( UFES 125577 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 5 ♂, Santa Maria de Jetibá, Faz [enda] Clarindo Krüger , 20°04'27.9"S 40°44'51.3"W, 29.xi–06.xii.2002, armadilha Malaise, Mtavares, Cazevedo e eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 09717 View Materials ; 09718; 09727; 09730; 29705) GoogleMaps ; 6 ♂, Santa Leopoldina , Suiça, mata, 361m, 20°04'54.6"S 40°35'38.9"W, 5–12.xi.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, C.O. Azevedo & eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 09079 View Materials ; 09083; 09094; 09095; 09096; 09102) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Domingos Martins, Pico do Eldorado , 20°22'17"S 40°39'29"W, 26.xi–03.xii.2004, [armadilha] Malaise, Tavares e eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 09834 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂, 03–10.xii.2004 (UFES 09792; 09801); 1 ♂, Itapemirim, Fazenda Usina Paineiras, 20°56'29"S 41°03'06"W, 19–26.xi.2010, [armadilha] Malaise, M.T. Tavares & equipe col[etores] (UFES 125453).
Distribution. Trinidad & Tobago; Guyana; Suriname; Brazil: Pará, Rondônia, Bahia, Espírito Santo.
Remarks. This new species differs from A. penai by having the head longer than wide; the mandible with the lower tooth longer than the others; the clypeal carina higher than frons level; the antennal scrobe ecarinate; the frons distinctly strongly coriaceous ; the frontal angle of the ocellar triangle forming a right angle; the mesopleuron with the lower fovea not divided; the paramere shorter than the basiparamere; the basivolsella straight; the digitus without a basal projection overlapping the basal portion of the aedeagus; and the aedeagus with the basal portion wide and the apical portion long, whereas A. penai has the head wider than long; the mandible with the teeth equally wide; the clypeal carina lower than frons level; the antennal scrobe carinate, but weak; the frons coriaceous ; the frontal angle of the ocellar triangle acute; the mesopleuron with the lower fovea divided; the paramere longer than the basiparamere; the basivolsela with an apical excavation at inner margin; the digitus with the basal projection overlapping the basal portion of the aedeagus; and the aedeagus with the basal portion slender and the apical portion short.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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