Polycytella Tillyard, 1922

Béthoux, Olivier & Anderson, John M., 2021, The Polycytellidae viewed as Gondwanan Glosselytrodea, Palaeoentomology 4 (6), pp. 550-558 : 552

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.6.5

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scientific name

Polycytella Tillyard, 1922


Genus Polycytella Tillyard, 1922 View in CoL View at ENA

Type species. Polycytella triassica Tillyard, 1922 View in CoL .

Other species. Polycytella rasnitsyni sp. nov.

Diagnosis. CuP reaching the posterior wing margin distal to wing mid-length; apex slightly deflected posteriorly (best known in Polycytella rasnitsyni , likely occurring in Polycytella triassica ); marginal band not particularly broad (opposite the 3 rd quarter of wing length, accounting for about a quarter of total wing width); large size (forewing length ranging from about 8.2 mm to 9.4 mm in known species).

Discussion. Despite the limited available data on Argentinoglosselytrina , it can be assessed that species herein assigned to the genus Polycytella share a termination of CuP located distal to the wing mid-length (it is located opposite to it in Argentinoglosselytrina ; condition unknown in Moltenojurina ),a putatively derived condition. Additionally, in both species the wing apex is slightly deflected posteriorly (a trait partly inferred for Polycytella triassica ), while it is not that pronounced in Argentinoglosselytrina and not the case in Moltenojurina . The marginal band is very broad in Moltenojurina , unlike in species herein assigned to Polycytella (and in Argentinoglosselytrina ). Finally, species herein assigned to Polycytella (and Argentinoglosselytrina ) share similar size range (forewing length 7.2–9.4 mm), in contrast to Moltenojurina , which type and only known species has forewings about half smaller.

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