Lucanus gradivus, Sato & Zilioli, 2018

Sato, Jin & Zilioli, Michele, 2018, Lucanus gradivus n. sp. from Vietnam, with new records of L. fujitai Katsura & Giang from Vietnam and Laos (Coleoptera, Lucanidae), Natural History Sciences 5 (1), pp. 71-75 : 73-75

publication ID 10.4081/nhs.2018.382

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lucanus gradivus


Lucanus gradivus View in CoL n. Lucanus fujitai Katsp. ( Fig. 1 View Fig a-c) sura & Giang ( Fig. 1 View Fig d-f; Fig. 3)

Mandible moderately Mandibles more slender. robust. Surface weakly Surface matt with a distinct shining, distinctly mi- microsculpture, more dense crosculptured proximally proximally.

and sparsely punctate distally.

Inner mandibular mar- Inner mandibular margin with a proximal strong gin with a proximal strong serrated carina followed by unarmed carina followed by a diastema, a strong blunt a diastema, a strong blunt tooth, a serrated edge tipped tooth, 2-3 small separated by the median tooth, and denticles, the median tooth 2-3 distal small denticles. and 2-4 distal small denticles.

Frontal ridge bisinuate, Frontal ridge bisinuate, feebly raised and weakly strongly raised and more convex. convex medially.

Clypeal ridge strong, Clypeal ridge barely vismedially interrupted, later- ible, laterally forming just ally distinctly projecting as distinct angles.

two blunt teeth.

Posterolateral cephalic Posterolateral cephalic lobes strongly widened and lobes less widened and not protruding beyond the level protruding beyond the level of the eyes. of the eyes.

Aedeagus with short and Aedeagus with very apically widened flagellum; short and weakly apically median lobe slender, about widened flagellum; median half as long as the relatively lobe stouter, about ¾ as long parameres. long as the relatively short parameres.

New records of Lucanus fujitai Katsura & Giang ( Fig. 1 View Fig d-f)

Vietnam: 9 ♂♂, Mu Cang Chai Mt. 1700 m, Yen Bai prov., V-VI.2017, local collector leg .; 39 ♂♂, same locality, V.2016 ; 7 ♂♂, Mu Cang Chai Mt. H. Than Uyen district , Lai Chau prov., VI.2015 , local collector leg.; 8 ♂♂, Yen Bai province, IV.2015 , local collector leg.; 3 ♂♂, same locality, V.2014 ; 1 ♂, Van Chan Mt. Van Chan district , Yen Bai prov., IV.2013 , local collector leg.; all preserved in JSC.

Laos: Mt. Phu Pan Tin , 1950 m, VI.2015, S.Collard leg. ( MZC) .

In the above mentioned localities, L. fujitai is sympatric with L. gradivus n. sp. and Lucanus marazziorum Zilioli (2012) .













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