Zercon C. L. Koch, 1836

Urhan, Raşit, Karaca, Mehmet & Kassen, Zhanerke, 2024, A new zerconid mite (Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) from Southwestern Türkiye: Zercon tripolisensis sp. nov., Acarological Studies 6 (1), pp. 52-59 : 52

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.47121/acarolstud.1382338

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scientific name

Zercon C. L. Koch, 1836


Genus Zercon C. L. Koch, 1836

Type species: Zercon triangularis C. L. Koch, 1836 Posterior part of peritremal shield ends with a blunt tip at the lower part of coxa IV. Peritremal shield with two setae: r1 is short and straight, and r3 is elongated, straight or finely barbed. There is a wide gap between peritremal shield and lateral edge of podonotum. Adgenital shield present with 2–5 opening valves. There are 7-8 pairs of marginal setae (S1 + R1–6 or S1 + R1–7 ) on lateral edges of opisthonotum. There are one or two pairs of setae on the anterior part of ventroanal shield (setae JV1 always present, seta ZV1 present or absent) .

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