Nezumia spinosa (Gilbert and Hubbs, 1916)

Iwamoto, Tomio, Nakayama, Naohide, Shao, Kwang-Tsao & Table, Hsuan-Ching Ho, 2015, Synopsis of the Grenadier Fishes (Gadiformes; Teleostei) of Taiwan, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (3), pp. 31-126 : 94-95

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11512126

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scientific name

Nezumia spinosa (Gilbert and Hubbs, 1916)


Nezumia spinosa (Gilbert and Hubbs, 1916) View in CoL

Figures 20A–B View FIGURE .

Lionurus spinosus Gilbert and Hubbs, 1916:199–200, pl. 10, fig.2 (holotype, USNM 76868, East China Sea off Japan, 427 fm [781 m]).— Gilbert and Hubbs 1920:554 (4 spec., off Luzon, Philippines).— Okamura, 1970:94 (in part; in synonymy of Nezumia proximus) .

Nezumia spinosa View in CoL : Okamura in Masuda et al., 1984:95, pl. 345–A (compiled).— Iwamoto, 1990:254, fig. 582 (in key).— Iwamoto and Anderson, 1994:18–19 (22 spec., 26.3–44.2 HL; 117–255 mm TL, s. Africa and Mozambique, 560–1000 m).— Iwamoto and Merrett, 1997:542–545, fig. 29b (8 spec., 20–54.2 HL, 133–319 TL; sw. Pacific, Japan, South China Sea, 660–900 m).— Iwamoto and Williams, 1999: 202–204, fig. 43b (8 spec., 33.3–51.1 HL, 140–260+ TL, Western Australia, 420–853 m).— Merrett and Iwamoto, 2000:772–773 (1 spec., 45 HL, 250+ TL; Norfolk Ridge [sw. Pacific], 640–740 m).— Shao et al., 2008: table 2 (3 spec., Taiwan [ SWT, SCS], 316–720 m; first record from Taiwan).

MATERIAL EXAMINED (6 spec.).— SWT: ASIZP 65545 View Materials (1, 170 TL), CD 137, 316– 477 m ; ASIZP 67586 View Materials (2, 105+-160+TL), CP 338, 569 m ; ASIZP 67591 View Materials (1, 34 HL, 159+ TL); CP 338, 569 m. SCS: ASIZP 66747 View Materials (1, 216+ TL), CD 320, 731 m ; ASIZP 66817 View Materials (1, 127+ TL), CP 315, 509 m.

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES.— 1D II,9–10 (rarely 8 or 12); P i18–i22; V 8–9; inner GR-I 9–12 total; scale rows below midbase 1D 6.5–9, below 2D 7.5–11; lateral line scales over distance equal to predorsal length 35–42; pyl. caeca 15–16 (13–14 fide Iwamoto and Anderson 1994:18). Snout

length 28–32% HL; preoral length 18–29%; interorbital 18–24%; orbit 29–31%; orbit to preopercle 34–40%; suborbital 12–14%; upper jaw 27–33%; barbel 9–18%. Body relatively slender, compressed; head about 5–6 in TL; snout conical, protruding well beyond mouth, with stout tubercles at tip and lateral angles; suborbital ridge sharp and beset with stout modified scales; underside of head almost completely naked, with large pores; body scales densely covered with long, needle-like spinules in parallel to convergent rows. Long spinous ray of 1D 96–156% HL, serrations widely spaced. Anterior dermal window of light organ prominent, situated between V-fin bases. Color overall light brown, blackish over abdomen; gill cover, gill membranes dark; mouth and gill cavities black; 1D blackish proximally, pale to whitish distally, V black, P and A dusky. Attains about 320 mm TL.

DISTRIBUTION.— A widespread Indo-Pacific species; s. Japan through Philippines, Indonesia, s. to New Caledonia region, w. coast of Australia, and s. Africa, in 316–1000 m . Our Taiwan specimens were taken in 316–731 m.

REMARKS.— Shao et al. (2008) first recorded the species from Taiwan based on the current specimens.


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