Camelomecia Barden and Grimaldi

Phillip Barden & David A. Grimaldi, 2016, Adaptive Radiation in Socially Advanced Stem-Group Ants from the Cretaceous, Current Biology 26, pp. 515-521 : 518

publication ID 10.1016/j.cub.2015.12.060


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scientific name

Camelomecia Barden and Grimaldi


Camelomecia Barden and Grimaldi , New Genus, Figures S2–S4

Diagnosis (Brief). Head and mandibular structure unique. Gena with V-shaped incision accommodating lateral articula- tion of mandible. Mandibles broad, cup- like (mesally concave), with anterior margin of inner surface with rows of dense, scale-like setae. Anterior margin of pronotum uniquely with collar of

dense, fine pilosity. Petiole pedunculate, broadly attached to gaster.

Species. C. janovitzi , new Species. See Supplemental Information for description.

Etymology. Derived directly from English ‘‘camel,’’ referring to the head in profile, and - mecia, a common suffix in ant generic names derived from Greek.

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