Camelomecia Barden and Grimaldi

Phillip Barden & David A. Grimaldi, 2016, Adaptive Radiation in Socially Advanced Stem-Group Ants from the Cretaceous, Current Biology 26, pp. 515-521 : 536

publication ID 10.1016/j.cub.2015.12.060


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scientific name

Camelomecia Barden and Grimaldi

gen. nov.

Camelomecia Barden and Grimaldi , New Genus, Figs. S2A-C; S3A-E,H; S4G,I

Diagnosis (gyne): Based on alate specimens. A unique morphotype with unusual head and mandibular structure. Head broad posteriorly, narrowed sharply at anterior margin of eyes and antennal sockets. Antenna with 12 segments, scape short; flagellomeres narrow at base, most broadened apically with inner pointed lobe. Gena with Vshaped incision accomodating lateral articulation of mandible. Mandibles broad, cup-like (mesally concave), with anterior margin of inner surface with rows of dense, scale-like setae. Labrum a tongue-like sclerite between mandibles, its margin rimmed with fine setae. Eyes and ocelli well developed. Anterior margin of pronotum with unique collar of long, dense, fine pilosity. Petiole pedunculate, broadly attached to gaster.

Type Species: C. janovitzi , new species.

Etymology: Derived directly from camel, referring to the head in profile; and - mecia, a common suffix in ant generic names derived from Greek.

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