
Phillip Barden & David A. Grimaldi, 2016, Adaptive Radiation in Socially Advanced Stem-Group Ants from the Cretaceous, Current Biology 26, pp. 515-521 : 537

publication ID 10.1016/j.cub.2015.12.060


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Description (male)? Camelomecia sp.: JZC Bu1818

(Figs. S3H; S4G,H,J)

A rather large, gracile ant preserved in a large piece of transparent yellow amber 45 x 22 x 20 mm (untrimmed); the piece also containing two beetle larvae (one minute, early instar; the other larger and distinctive, resembling Brachypsectridae ), plus 21 oblong frass pellets that are fairly uniform in size. Body length of the ant approximately 8.5; mesosoma distorted as preserved. Pronotum extended into long, slender neck; propodeum long, gradually sloping; petiole not well preserved, but apparently long, slender, not well developed; gaster relatively short. Head: Eye large, oval; ocelli present, large, barely separated (by distances less than their diameter); antenna with 11 antennomeres (9 flagellomeres). Lengths: scape 0.27; pedicel 0.58, flagellomere I 0.57, II 0.55, III 0.46, IV + V unclear, VI 0.32, VII 0.27, VIII 0.25, IX 0.35. Clypeus apparently without pegs but with fringe of stiff, fine setae. Mandibles distinctive, very similar to those of alate Camelomecia: short, scoop-shaped, with two short, subapical teeth; fringe of stiff, spicule-like setae on ventral margin and mesal surface. Legs relatively short compared to body length. Protibia with pectinate calcar, calcar notched in middle of the surface facing tibia. Mesotibia with one large ventroapical spur; metatibia with pair of ventroapical spurs, approximately equal in length. Pretarsal claws with small, subapical tooth, arolium well developed. Male genitalia slender, conical, parameres adjoining.

Wing and Venation: Relatively short and slender, forewing length 4.96, width 1.56; hind wing length 3.96, width 0.77. Hind wing with row of 13 thicker hamuli distal to Rs, one fine hamulus anterior to midline of R + Rs. Wing venation distinct, divergent from Sphecomyrma and Gerontoformica : Forewing with SMC1 complete, undivided; cell DC very large, forming parallelogram (vs. pentagonal); large DC2 cell present (i.e. vein 2m-cu present) (vs. absent); cell SMC2-3 absent (vs. present). Hind wing with long row of hamuli posterior to Rs (vs. shorter, ≤ 6); venation reduced: vein M absent (vs. present, apically evanescent). Venation very similar to that of alate female (AMNH Bu-TJ003) This specimen is placed in Camelomecia on the basis of the distinctive mandibles, oral setae, and similar wing venation.

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