Hydrochus obscurus Sharp, 1882

Perkins, Philip D., 2021, Taxonomy of water beetles in the genus Hydrochus Leach, 1817, from Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae), Zootaxa 4994 (1), pp. 1-93 : 48

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scientific name

Hydrochus obscurus Sharp


Hydrochus obscurus Sharp View in CoL

Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 , 63 View FIGURE 63

Hydrochus obscurus Sharp 1882: 90 View in CoL

Hydrochus vanbergehenegouweni Makhan 1992 View in CoL ; syn. Oliva (1996); Perkins (2019c).

Originally described from Guatemala. Records from several South American countries are in the literature; however, some of these records are invalid synonymies proposed by Oliva (1992), for H. corruscans Bruch ( Argentina) View in CoL (see Perkins 2019a), and H. elsjeae Makhan View in CoL (which see, herein). Locality data and deposition records have been published for Venezuela and Peru ( Perkins 2019c, 2020c, respectively), and there are many records for Central America ( Perkins, 2021). The locality data records for Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay are given below. H. obscurus View in CoL is the most commonly collected Neotropical Hydrochus View in CoL , has the greatest distribution range ( Paraguay to Mexico, Fig. 63 View FIGURE 63 ), but has not been collected in the high Andes. Habitus and male genitalia illustrations are given in Perkins (2019c, 2020a).

Material examined (106): Bolivia: Beni, 7 km SW Trinidad , elev. 163 m (14°52’12’’S, 64°57’32’’W), 18.vii.1998, leg. K. B. Miller (3 SEMC) GoogleMaps ; Beni Stn., Palm Camp, NE. of San Borja, 6–9.viii.1988, leg. Robert W. Brooks (1 SEMC) ; Santa Cruz, 2.7 m S of San Jose , elev. 333 m (17°52’20’’S, 60°44’28’’W), 27.vi.1999, leg. K. B. Miller (5 SEMC) GoogleMaps ; Potrerillos del Guenda, Preserva Natural , elev. 370 m (17°40’S, 63°27’W), 1–4.x.2007, leg. Wappes & Morris (2 SEMC) GoogleMaps ; Prov. Sara , 2 km NW of Santa Rosa, 21.ii.1969, leg. A. Martinez & R.E. Woodruff (2 NMNH) . Brazil: Amazonas , 20 km SW Itapiranga, 9.xi.1969, leg. JM & BA Campbell (1 NMNH) ; Goias, Santa Isabel, Ilha do Bananal, Rio Araguaia , 15–22.vii.1957, leg. B. Malkin (1 CAS) ; Mato Grosso, Caceres , MT., (16°4’S, 57°41’W), 1–30.xii.1955, leg. M. Alvarenga (6 NMNH) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 2–4.xii.1955, leg. M. Alvarenga (9 CAS) GoogleMaps ; Corumba -., leg. F. Plaumann [no date] (2 NMNH, 4 NHM); same locality, 21–23.ii.1954, leg. Gans & Pereira (1 NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Jacaré, Parque Nacional do Xingu , (15°16’S, 57°42’W), 1–30.xi.1965, leg. M. Alvarenga & Bokermann (1 NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Para, Curua R., W. of Santarem, SPVEA—FAO ExpSta , 1.v.1963, leg. F. G. Werner (3 NMNH) ; Rio Xingu Camp, Altamira (ca. 60km S.), (3°39’S, 52°22’W), 1–7.x.1986, leg. P. Spangler & O. Flint (3 NMNH) GoogleMaps ;); Rio de Janeiro, Atafona , 1–29.iii.1964, leg. N. Menezes (1 NMNH) . Amazonas , 20 km SW Itapiranga, 9.xi.1969, leg. JM & BA Campbell (1 NMNH) ; Goias, Santa Isabel, Ilha do Bananal, Rio Araguaia , 15–22.vii.1957, leg. B. Malkin (1 CAS) ; Mato Grosso, Caceres , MT., (16°4’S, 57°41’W), 1–30.xii.1955, leg. M. Alvarenga (6 NMNH) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 2–4.xii.1955, leg. M. Alvarenga (9 CAS) GoogleMaps ; Corumba -., leg. F. Plaumann [no date] (2 NMNH, 4 NHM); same locality, 21–23.ii.1954, leg. Gans & Pereira (1 NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Jacaré, Parque Nacional do Xingu , (15°16’S, 57°42’W), 1–30.xi.1965, leg. M. Alvarenga & Bokermann (1 NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul, Corumbá , (c. 29 km SE) on BR-262 -19.3062 -57.60382, 25.vi.2018, Drying marsh with abundant vegetation and detritus, leg. Hamada and team, BR18-0625-02A (1 INPA) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul, Corumbá, Paraguay River (-18.95184 -57.66642), 101m, 25.vi.2018, Macrophytes along river margins and in floating island mats, leg. Hamada and team, BR18-0625-01A (1 INPA) GoogleMaps ; Brazil , Mato Grosso do Sul, Miranda (c. 9.5 km SW) on MS-339 (-20.32119 -56.42563), 131 m, 26.vi.2018, Marsh area along side stream, leg. Hamada and team, BR18-0626-03A (6 INPA, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; Para, Curua R., W. of Santarem, SPVEA—FAO ExpSta , 1.v.1963, leg. F. G. Werner (3 NMNH) ; Rio Xingu Camp, Altamira (ca. 60km S.), (3°39’S, 52°22’W), 1–7.x.1986, leg. P. Spangler & O. Flint (3 NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Rio de Janeiro, Atafona , 1–29.iii.1964, leg. N. Menezes (1 NMNH) ; Roraima, Amajari , c. 16 km W on RR-203, (3 36.874’N, 61 33.470’W), 125m, 13.i.2018, marsh, leg. Short, Benetti, Santana, BR 18-0113-04A (1 INPA) GoogleMaps ; Amajari, Uraricoera River at BR-174, (3 27.995’N, 60 54.660’W), 85m, 13.i.2018, large pond, leg. Short, Benetti, Santana, BR 18-0113-03A (9 INPA, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; Bonfim, Arraia River, nr. BR-401, c. 8 km SW. Bonfim , (3 21.061’N, 59 54.230’W), 80m, 12.i.2018, Gravel margins of river, leg. Short, BR 18-0112-01A -. (2 SEMC) GoogleMaps ; Bonfim , BR-401, c. 13 km SW of Bonfim, (3 19.109’N, 59 56.326’W), 100m, 12.i.2018, marsh area with complex of habitats from deep pools to shallow vegetated margins, leg. Short, BR 18-0112-04A (5 SEMC) GoogleMaps ; Caroebe, Reservoir by Usina de Jatapú , (0.872953° -59.282170°), 185m, 17.i.2018, small pool on side of stream, leg. Short, BR 18-0117-01C (1 INPA) ; Caroebe, Rio Caroebe , ca. 13 km NE of Caroebe, (00 54.786’N, 59 34.397’W), 150m, 17.i.2018, margins of sandy river, leg. Short & Benetti, BR 18-0117-04A -. (9 INPA, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; Caroebe, Rio Jatapú, near Usina de Jatapú , (00 50.939’N, 59 18.262’W), 145m, 17.i.2018, marginal pools of river, leg. Short, BR 18-0117-02A (13 INPA, SEMC) GoogleMaps . Paraguay: Dep. Boqueron, Mistolar , (23°13’S, 61°41’W), 3–12.x.1997, leg. Drechsel (12 NMW) GoogleMaps ; Dep. Central , Asuncion, 2.x.1992, leg. U. Drechsel (1 NMW) .


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Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien














Hydrochus obscurus Sharp

Perkins, Philip D. 2021

Hydrochus obscurus Sharp 1882: 90

Sharp, D. 1882: 90
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF