Nepeta sect. Cataria sensu Bentham

Sultan, Amir, Khan, Amjad, Shah, Sayed Afzal, Naz, Saeeda & Jamzad, Ziba, 2024, NEPETA MARGALLAICA (MENTHEAE: NEPETOIDEAE: LAMIACEAE): A NEW SPECIES FROM THE MARGALLA HILLS, PAKISTAN, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 81 (1991), pp. 1-13 : 8-9

publication ID 10.24823/EJB.2024.1991

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scientific name

Nepeta sect. Cataria sensu Bentham


Key to species of Nepeta sect. Cataria sensu Bentham found in Pakistan

(modified from Hedge, 1990)

1a. Annual ____________________________________________________________________________ 2

1b. Perennial _________________________________________________________________________ 3

2a. Calyx c. 4.5 mm, nutlets clearly depressed-tuberculate, peduncles filiform __ N. graciliflora View in CoL

2b. Calyx 3.5–4 mm, nutlets inconspicuously depressed-tuberculate, peduncles not filiform N. hindostana View in CoL

3a. Inflorescence of loose pedunculate cymes with clearly pedicellate flowers __________ 4 3b. Inflorescence of ± condensed pedunculate cymes, of distant verticillasters, ovoid heads or spikes ___________________________________________________________________ 7

4a. Nutlets with a prominent U- or V-shaped areole extending c.2/3 of nutlet length _____ 5

4b. Nutlets with an areole extending c.1/3 or less of nutlet length ______________________ 6

5a. Leaves c.7–10 × 7–10 mm, margin serrulate; peduncles up to 20 mm [northwestern Pakistan: Chitral] _____________________________________________________ N. brachyantha

5b. Leaves up to 25 × 25 mm, margin crenate-dentate; peduncles up to c. 10 mm [ West Pakistan] _________________________________________________ Nepeta sp. aff. hindostana

6a. Calyx c. 4.5 mm, nutlets clearly depressed-tuberculate, peduncles filiform __ N. graciliflora View in CoL

6b. Calyx 3.5–4 mm, nutlets inconspicuously depressed-tuberculate, peduncles not filiform N. hindostana View in CoL

7a. Verticillasters ± clearly separated from each other or uppermost loosely congested __ 8 7b. Verticillasters forming ± continuous spikes or ovoid heads, sometimes lowermost verticillasters distant ______________________________________________________________ 9

8a. Inflorescence paniculate, calyx green ______________________________________ N. cataria View in CoL

8b. Inflorescence unbranched or lower verticillasters shortly pedunculate, not paniculate, calyx often purplish _______________________________________________________ N. rugosa View in CoL

9a. Rootstock with a distinct tuber, nutlets not tuberculate ________________ N. margallaica

9b. Rootstock not tuberous, nutlets tuberculate _______________________________________ 10

10a. Calyx 9–10 mm, leaf apices obtuse ______________________________________ N. schmidii View in CoL

10b. Calyx 6.5–8 mm, leaf apices ± acute ______________________________________________ 11

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